
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · その他
121 Chs

Chapter 29: The Calm Breeze Before The Approach Storm

<One in a lifetime opportunity!!! Would you exchange your lifespan for powerful abilities?>

"What the heck?"

Ray asks himself after waking up the next day when Xenovia and Irina left. He woke up and saw a different screen than his system screen. It looks definitely like a scam or perhaps another joke that the creator or that guy added.

He immediately rejected it. Clearly from the track record of anything the creator ever gave him personally was nothing good at all. He stretched his arm and released satisfying cracks from his joints. Then he immediately took a cold shower to freshen up.

The fallen trio and Asia still not yet returned. They sure take a long time to complete their paperworks.

He makes himself a simple marmalade jam on toast and warm black coffee to enjoy the morning. It feels like he returned to his bachelor life of having nothing to do for the whole day during holidays.

Then he felt something furry swiped his leg. Looking down Ray saw the kitten that probably just woke up from her sleep.

"Want food?" Ray asks the kitten that he lifted to the table.

The cat sniffed his unfinished toast before mewled to him as a yes. Without thinking twice, Ray opens the Marketplace and buys canned food for the cat. He opened the can and let the kitten dig in.

For a cat that is just 2 days old, she sure can eat solid food well. Probably attributed to being a magical creature. She is a spiritual cat hatched through eggs after all. It would be weirder if the cat is similar to a normal house cat.

Ray observed the cat having her breakfast and tried to caress the cat's silky smooth fur but the cat growled at him. Definitely don't like distractions when eating.

*Ding dong*

Someone rang his doorbell early in the morning. Ray put down his mug and went to check on the door. He saw it was Issei in his front door and Kiba that looked like he didn't want to be here but dragged along by Issei.

"Mornin Issei, Kiba. What brought you two here this early in the morning?" Ray said after opening the door.

"Morning, Uncle Ray." Issei replied instantly but quickly looked at Kiba.

"Cmon, Kiba… we can talk about this with Uncle Ray." Issei nudged Kiba a little before he also greeted Ray but with a little hint of hostility.

When they went inside, Ray made them their beverage of choice before they sat around the table. The kitten was still busy eating and didn't care about the two visitors.

"Um… Uncle Ray… last night. Xenovia came to ORC and told us that you kept the three Excalibur fragments… is that true?"

'That bitch!' Ray cursed in his mind. Knowing that she couldn't do anything toward him, she went to tell Kiba. Knowing he will definitely bring Ray problems.

"Yes." Ray replied while observing Kiba's expression instantly changed to that with hostility. Not to Ray but the Excalibur fragments.


"No, I will not." Ray replied with finality.

"Why!" Kiba shouted and almost slammed the table but Issei stopped him.

"Why, you ask? Well it's simple. Your way of revenge is stupid. Destroying a lifeless object that didn't make any decisions to inflict suffering on you, Kiba. I know about the Holy Sword project and I am aware of what was done to you and your friends. But to pursue the weapons instead of the people behind the project. What change will it make?" Ray said with a neutral expression.

"I will put a stop to the project, once and for all. I will prevent the chance of the project being done again in the future!" Kiba replied with the exact hot-blooded answer Ray expected.

"*Sigh*… really? Did you think of once they cannot replace the Excalibur fragments for another sword. As long as the people behind it exist, they can change to another sword. The holy sword project isn't the only one out there just like Siegfried clones exist from the project to create the demonic sword Gram wielder. There are plenty of other holy swords exist out there, Kiba. Just simply destroying Excalibur will not fix the root of the problem."

Kiba looks less aggressive right now and is giving my words a thought. Like for real, why has no one given him advice about this before or corrected his line of thought?

Now that I think about it, maybe Rias purposely did this to prevent Kiba from going on a warpath against the church members that were involved in the Holy Sword project. Leaving his line of thought at that probably way better for his safety and Rias always wanted to protect her family/peerage.

"Think about this for a moment, Kiba. If I killed your king, Rias. Based on your mentally, you will chase after the weapon I use to kill her and not me. I can just keep changing the weapon until I kill all of the people around you and you will get nowhere in avenging her. You will just chase after the discarded weapon while the killer is plotting another kill."

"Can you at least understand this logic I explained to you?" Ray asks.

Kiba looked conflicted and confused even. He is smart to understand my explanation but probably denies it because of his long obsession. His heart already long cultivated the mindset of must destroy all Excalibur fragments.

"Then I ask you a question. If you are given two options between killing Valper Galilei and the people behind the project or destroying the Excalibur fragments. Which will you choose?"

"That bastard Valper Galilei of course!" Kiba replied without much hesitation. This confirmed to me that his mind is okay but his heart is the problem.

Kiba can see the bigger picture and know that killing the church members behind the project is hard and near impossible which is why Kiba shifted his hate from the church members to the Excalibur fragments. A way for him to cope perhaps or to keep his sanity after surviving the project? A dedication that keeps him alive and to strive for a combination of all… Ray is not a psychological expert here, this is just his speculation.

"Well, there you have it. The real answer to your vengeance. Kill the mastermind and the people involved, not the inanimate objects that have no decision which lead to the project and your friends' death." Ray said before taking a sip to hydrate his dried throat.

Ray almost instinctively takes out a cigarette to dull his overworked brain from the headache it created.

Meanwhile Issei just silently watches as Ray tries to resolve the problem with Kiba. This solution is clearly better than having Kiba go rogue again and attempt to fight Ray over the Excalibur fragments. He also played with the kitten that had already finished her meal and was grooming her fur while waiting for her owner to wake up.

After waiting for a while, Kiba still is brooding over his thoughts. Ray knew Kiba needed time to think over his problems and cannot fix them instantly. Mental problems aren't as easily resolved as physical one.

"No need to give me your answer now, Kiba. You can take your time to think over it. However, if you need help or ears to listen to your problem. Don't hesitate to find me or Issei if you are more comfortable with him."

"There is one thing I can promise you. I will not repeat anything like the Holy Sword project. The reason I took the Excalibur fragments is to protect my loved one." I told Kiba.

The Excalibur fragments are Ray's preparation if one day he becomes hostile toward Sirzech. A small chance of it happening but still could happen and he wouldn't bet on his chance. Last time he thought that JSDF or Japan wouldn't dare to outright kill him but they did and Ray wouldn't want history to repeat again.

"I… I will take your suggestion then…" Kiba nodded and agreed to take some time and think over it. He also thanked Issei for helping him, to which Issei replied, "That is what friends are for, Kiba. Next time I will rely on you too if I have my problem."

After that, both left Ray's apartment with a definite improvement in mood, especially Kiba. He felt the truth in the words that Ray told him. He starts to doubt his mindset of seeking to destroy the holy sword rather than the people behind the project.

When Kiba and Issei left, the time was almost 7 am and Cheshire was going to wake up soon. She usually always wakes up on time. So, Ray made a glass of warm milk and toast with mayo tuna spread. She liked every food with fish in it.

Just on time, when it's 7am. The sleepy girl walks out of the bedroom in her ruffled pajamas and yawns.

"Come on Cheshire, let's brush teeth first." Ray carries Cheshire by her shoulder and helps her get started in the morning.

"So, Kokabiel died and became a magicless human? That has to be the funniest joke I ever heard, White Empress." An asian boy wearing a dark blue Japan school uniform laughed at the story she told about the battle in Kuoh.

"Suit yourself if you believe it or not. This man also can use Excalibur fragments without welding it and instead fused it with his gun. Even Azazel and everyone else is interested with his seemingly mortal weapon but strong enough to injure even an ultimate class like Kokabiel." The girl said with an uninterested expression before leaving the boy to his own device since she already did her part as the spy for Khaos Brigade.

"What do you think about this Georg? A human without magic is able to defeat Kokabiel." The boy asked his trusted right-hand man.

Greorg was analysing the information that the White Dragon Empress, Valina, just gave them. Georg is initially in disbelief when she tells him and Cao Cao but after reviewing the recording that she gave them. His doubt vanished and was replaced with interest with the weapons that Ray and his operators wield.

They definitely have resemblance with modern human weapons but vastly different and futuristic, almost in their appearance. The armors too in several parts look very futuristic. The most obvious one is the suit that Ray wears under his armors.

"This is a real deal Cao Cao. However what intrigued me more than his weapon is that he can use magic-like ability to enhance his body immensely but without magic power if what Valina said is true." Georg explained while still looking at the footage to dig out any hidden information.

"Then we will recruit him. A human that can defeat an ultimate class is a very valuable asset to us. Imagine what he can achieve if we groom him a little to get more powerful." Cao Cao said before he stood up from his chair followed by Georg.

"I am very apologetic to tell you that you are excommunicated, Xenovia Quarta. I have no choice but to do this in order to preserve the faith of Christianity. We cannot afford another disaster caused by Father's death." A very angelic man with golden wings and brilliant armor that exude holy aura.

"I understand, Lord Michael… Unlike Irina, her faith remained strong even after Kokabiel told us that God had died during the Great War. I unfortunately cannot hold my faith and it crumbled instantly."

"No, it's not your fault. I was the one at fault for hiding this information from the masses in my selfish wish to preserve my Father's legacy. This isn't your fault. You became a strong exorcist that was almost like Vasco Strada, the previous wielder of Durandal but you were lied to and built your faith entirely upon serving my Father. It is understandable you will lose your faith that the one you spent your whole effort on was a lie all this long." Michael said with a gentle face but hiding his pain and shame underneath.

What happened to Xenovia is indeed his fault. A selfish wish of Michael and the Heaven to preserve the Christianity faith from crumbling like it did when the news of God's death was released to the Church's higher-ups. Pandemonium ensued and many were purged in order to contain the chaos it caused. Many devout believers descend into anguish and madness that the faith as whole is affected and crumbling like a sandcastle.

"Now… the Excalibur fragments. We have to pay that man a visit… I could hardly believe what that man did to the Excalibur fragments." Michael sighed like an overworked office worker.

"I am the same too, Lord Michael. To fuse them into a gun and use them without necessary light attributes… it is hardly believable unless he is a natural born wielder of Excalibur." Sister Griselda said while looking between Xenovia and Michael.

"Let's go to Japan for now." Michael says before looking at Xenovia. "You should come along too, Xenovia. We would need you as our guide."

"Yes, Lord Michael." Xenovia replied immediately. Even if she is banished from the Church, she still respects Michael.
