
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · その他
121 Chs

Chapter 23: Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quarta

Again I spent my day with a repeated routine again today. I spent the morning with Cheshire and Mittelt at the wet market buying ingredients to stock up the fridge.

I later found that I can just buy gold or gemstones in the Marketplace before selling them for money. I wonder why I didn't think about this at all but the convenience store does generate me enough income for the food and bills.



The shouting contests raging on between the sellers, trying to attract customers to their shop and stalls.

I walk into the street filled with stalls with Cheshire on my left arm and Mittelt on my right. Cheshire wears just a simple sundress that emphasizes her adorableness and a small floppy hat made of woven straw. Mittelt favoured her usual style of black dress with frills, black ribbons that also have frills and a white garter belt connected to a white silk stockings. Meanwhile I wear a plain white short sleeve T-shirt and camo print cargo shorts. I prefer plain and simple clothes.

Cheshire immediately points at any fish she can see and asks me to buy them. The stall owners laughed and offered me some discounts for having two cute daughters. They didn't seem to notice our hair difference or maybe just anime world logic.

"Papa papa, Cheshire wanna eat that… that too… and that too…" Cheshire points at any food that interests her.

"Yes, Cheshire, please slow down a little."

Not that I mind since till now, she is passively regenerating her damaged rigging by eating food. This explains her big appetite after arriving in the DxD world. I think this is the system's way of compensating her recovery because normally they will need to send the actual ship that materialized from the rigging to be repaired in dock.

I just buy everything that she asked before finding a place to sit down along with Mittelt and feeding this gluttonous kitten that ravenously consumes food enough for 10 adults while still looking adorable. Again, the people find it nothing out of the ordinary that a child eats that much food alone. They only smile and keep tempting Cheshire with more delicious food to make me buy them.

(Note: They smile like the axis cult recruiting Kazuma in Konosuba.)

When we spent almost 1 hours here, I went into place with no prying eyes before storing the stuff I bought into my inventory before walking back home.

On my way home, I found two people in robes and obviously a sword wrapped in clothes. They were begging on the street for money. I feel a bit pity for them even if I don't know them. Cheshire got ahead of me and offered them the remaining skewer she was munching on.

"Sister want some food?" Cheshire holds it out in offering a gesture to the one in brown hair.

I felt like she was about to do something but didn't feel any malicious intent from her.

"Kyaaa, she is too cute!!!" The brown haired one exclaimed after hugging and rubbing her cheek on Cheshire's.

"How could there be someone so cute like you… Ah, this must be a blessing from god!" The girl clasped her hands and prayed before gratefully accepted the half eaten skewer offered by Cheshire

"Papa… Cheshire, want more food please." Cheshire then looks at me expecting me to magically take out food which I can but not in public.

This rascal gave away her food then immediately came asking for more. If she is still hungry then don't give it away… I massage my brow a little.

"Ok, let's go to the family diner there." I point at the diner a few dozen meters away. Cheshire instantly nodded and jumped to my lowered arm.

"If you two want, I can treat you to a meal." I asked the two people in robes if they wanted to. I didn't notice that Mittelt was hiding behind me from the two robed people. My excuse is I was too focused on Cheshire.

"No thanks, we are warrior of the ch *growl* -urch and didn't need the help of a non *growl* believer…" The other robed one tried her best to reject the offer but her stomach protested immediately.

"Isn't it fine Xenovia, they are offering us help. We mustn't reject help even if the person isn't from the same religion. Everything is the blessing of the god. Besides, aren't you the one who keeps complaining that you are dying from starvation?" The brown haired one convincing her partner.

"Fine… I am thankful for the offer, Mr…?"

"Ray or Raymond but I prefer Ray. Come, let's go before my daughter gets more out of hand."

They followed Ray but were too distracted by the thought of having food after 3 days of not eating. They still didn't notice Mittelt yet because she suppressed her energy signature and hid from their sight.

"Wow, thankfully I brought extra cash on hand or I might have trouble paying for the bill." I said after seeing 3 towers of plates on the table.

Both Xenovia and Irina introduced themselves to me while they were devouring food like a 1 year starved man. They both shyly rubbing their neck after they burped, feeling full from eating 20 person worth kf foods. I wonder how they are not bloated on the stomach after eating that much food.

"As members of the church, I extend my thanks to your generosity. May God bless you for your good deed even if you are not a religious person. Amen." Irina clasped her hand again and prayed

Then Xenovia, who was looking around while waiting for Irina to finish talking, suddenly noticed Mittelt's presence and her aura. The aura of a fallen angel! Xenovia instantly jumped from the seat and was ready to fight when she became confused instead. Irina also notices the cause of Xenovia's sudden action.

"Daddy…" Mittelt worm under my arm, seeking protection from them.

Mittelt has become more tame and daughter-like since what happened that night. She still retains her naughty and horny side but she becomes more coy and acts more like a daughter on any other time except battle. Her immediate response to danger is to hide behind me or in my arms.

"Papa, why does the sisters want to attack big sister Mittelt?" Cheshire asked, subtly asking if they are enemies.

"Irina, that fallen definitely bewitches these poor souls. We must free them from the fallen's clutches." Xenovia ordered and Irina already deployed a non supernatural repelling ward to prevent normal humans from detecting them.

Both of them unveiled their swords and aimed it at Mittelt. The swords are definitely part of the Excalibur fragments due how it looks. Very holy-like apperance and motifts of angels etc. A fallen angel will be hurt by the pure holy power because their holy light already tainted by sins. Although not as effective as towards devil but enough to have advantage over Mittelt.

"Please move aside Mr Ray, we will save you from the clutch of this evil creature!" Irina declared and Xenovia nodded.

I give Mittelt a headpat to calm her down before standing in front of her, between the two church members. Xenovia instantly gritted her teeth, thinking that I am beyond saving for shielding Mittelt.

"Will you two calm down? I already know that she is a fallen angel and will protect her willingly. I don't know what part of the church you are part of but this is a territory of Heiresses Sitri and Gremory. You cannot act as you like without their permission." I quickly declared my knowledge of the supernatural.

They might think Cheshire and I are normal humans because we lack any energies that define most supernatural races like demonic energy, holy energy, senjutsu or mana.

Their stance faltered after I reminded them about their positions. Irina is the first to lower her blade while Xenovia is still pointing at us.

"Wait, you know about the supernatural world? But, you feel like a normal human… Also, you are working with the devil heiress?" Irina asks

I explained that I'm not working with the devil but rather, a mutually beneficial cooperation.

"So, you are a heretic after all. Anyone that worked with the devil is a heretic no matter how you tried to sugarcoat your words." Xenovia said while her eyes narrowed down on me. She no doubt was about to strike me when Irina stopped her.

"Waiting Xenovia, Sister Griselda told us we mustn't antagonise or hurt the devils. We are told to seek their cooperation or at least permission to operate in their territory to complete our mission." When the name Griselda was spoken, Xenovia instantly complied with Irina's request.

"Yes, you are correct…" The two members of the church then wrap their weapon again and sit down.

I sighed that no battles were fought. We then sat down again and Irina dispelled the ward. Everyone around us returned back to normal and continued with their life as if nothing happened. Xenovia still stares at Mittelt and ready to attack at any hint of hostility.

"Ah, you said that you know the devil heiress. Can you help us arrange a meeting with one of them? We need to ask for their permission to track down Freed Sellzen in Kuoh town."

I nodded at Irina's request and made a call to Issei. When I called Issei's name, Irina's pupils dilated before she excitedly asked if the Issei I am talking to is Issei Hyoudou. I nodded to her question before she snatched my phone and talked to Issei. That leaves her partner to only awkwardly stare at us and try to intimidate Mittelt with her stare but Mittelt is too deep in the bliss of head patting and head rub from my right hand to care about the intimidating stare down.

When Irina returned my phone, she had already set up an appointment with Rias Gremory. The appointment is in the afternoon.

"Still, I didn't think Issei turned into a devil… My childhood friend turned into a devil, what a dilemma. I have to choose between our friendship or my vow as an exorcist." Irina muttered with a sigh. I could only pray for Issei's wellbeing after meeting Irina and hope that she chooses her friendship over duty or Issei is going to be in a pickle.

"Then, I will leave for now. Hope we can meet again in the future with less hostility between us." I said while looking at Xenovia who snorted at my words. This girl should be thankful I didn't change my mind and pay for the bill instead of leaving it on them.

Then Cheshire, Mittelt and I walked back home for another round of outing because the other girls, Raynare, Asia and Kalawarna wanted to buy new clothes. Except for Asia, the others didn't have more than 3 sets of clothes and one of them was the convenience store worker's uniform.

Later that evening, I was collecting the laundry because Raynare and Kalawarna left again somewhere. I think they went to the salon but it was too long since they left in the afternoon. Asia was doing her favourite pastime, visiting an orphanage home a few blocks away from my apartment too.

Asia usually buys bread at a discount in the evening and brings it to the orphanage to share the food. She still believes and loves God even after being exiled then branded as witch. She still practices the teaching of the church and regularly did so in the orphanage since the only church in Kuoh is abandoned.

I received a call from Issei saying that something is wrong with Kiba after Irina and Xenovia meet Rias. Kiba fought against Xenovia and said stuff about the holy sword project. Issei is very panicked and out of breath, probably from running around Kuoh to find Kiba that went rogue.

Yeah, Kiba did go rogue because he ignored his king's order and sought out holy swords or Excalibur fragments. He can be branded as a stray devil immediately but Rias is reluctant and wants to save her knight from becoming an outlaw.

"By the way Issei, did you inform the exorcists that Freed Sellzen had been killed?"

"I think Buchou did. Now they are in a dead end because Freed Sellzen is their only lead to the three stolen fragments and Freed didn't have it."

"Then the only suspect left is Kokabiel in that case since he is the Cadre that ordered the Raynare group that time. Please inform Rias Gremory about this piece of information." Ray shamelessly made Kokabiel into the scapegoat for his deed.

"I will. Goodbye, Uncle Ray." Issei gave his goodbye and ended the call.


(Note: It feels weird that I suddenly gravitate towards romance in the last few chapters. Do anyway one dislike it and prefer actions more?)