
Yesterday's Cicatrix

Everyone has their wounds of the past, whether it's profound or shallow, they're all the same. The damage that this affects us, built us into who we are today. However, not all wounds are healed by time. Some are always there, hidden with different emotions, with distinct techniques. Some may be healed that leaves a scar but there's a part of it that needs to be unfolded again to rejuvenate completely. Because of the harsh cell of the yore, these people at the present are stuck, suffering from unhealed backstories. How can you move on when until now, past things are hunting you? Will you let your past define who you are? Until when can you neglect the real voice knocking some sense on you? ========================================================================================== DISCLAIMER: This story is pure fiction. Any names, places, organizations, events, etc. are all parts of the author's imagination. Any resemblance or similarities to someone, something, or actual events are purely coincidental. I DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER, CREDIT GOES TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER. IF THE OWNER WANTS, I'LL TAKE IT DOWN. * * * I hope you'll like this novel! Please support this story by dropping your comments, votes, and kindly add to your libraries! Thank you ;)

annederxee · 現実
39 Chs

Must not Show

The sweet aroma of different deserts surfacing in the atmosphere yet at a table beside the window, there's a bitter guy busy scrolling his phone in annoyance.

"Tch! Is accepting a friend request even hard?" He mumbled then rolled his eyes as he glares at his phone.

"Mr. Volt?" The lady in the cashier announced.

Volt turned around to see what's going on. He lazily stood up and wear his intimidating poker face as he approached the cashier.

The lady seems to be starstruck by this tall good-looking man. She bravely meets his eyes for a few seconds before feeling her knees weakened. Volt arched his brow.

"Where's my order?" He impatiently asked, but the girl did not respond instead, she puts her hair behind her ears as she seductively smiled at Volt. She slowly grabbed the paper bag and handed it to him.

Volt frowned in disgust as he gave the cash. The girl purposely touched his hand making him more disgusted.

"Here's your change, sir." She said in a flirtatious tone. Volt glares at her.

"Miss, you honestly look disgusting. Stop that or I'll make sure you'll lose your job." Volt threatened in the coldest way possible.

The lady who seemed fresh and hot earlier suddenly become pale and sweaty. She gulped hard and stared at him nervously as she reached for him to give his change.

"Keep the change, I had enough germs contacted on my skin.", He took out his alcohol and sanitize in front of her.

"I-I'm s-sor-ry about that, s-sir..." The girl apologizes and bowed 45° but Volt snubbed her and left the place.

While walking his way back to the hospital, some random thoughts pass through in his mind. His intimidating aura suddenly faded.

"What if that day never came, is everything still the same?" It's the thought that bothers him every night.

A small tear escaped his eyes. He wiped it instantly and looked around, then tightened his cap, continued walking.

No. He won't show weakness. He's well aware that eyes are watching his every move waiting for him to make a mistake. He'll make sure to give the justice his late father deserves.

"That dang old man just won't stop." He mumbled in the back of his head as he noticed a camera taking his photo. He wears his bold aura once again and looked directly into the camera, smirking.

Finally, he reached Ashlyn's room. He's calculating the right timing when to open the door to avoid ruining the atmosphere.

After all, the room is soundproof. Who knows if she's crying her heart out.

Volt was about to open the door when someone opened it first. She looks much better compared earlier, looking like a complete crazy woman. Her hair is in ponytails and she has no make-up right now. She looks surprised seeing Voltaire up close.

"Oh! Voltaire! How long have you been there?" Heaven asked.

Ashlyn's best friend definitely suits her name, Heaven, because of her sweet and angelic face. She has an average height of 5'7, has long brown hair and lively eyes. Nose is pointy, lips are small and skin is fair.

However, looks really can be deceiving. She's a wild type of girl. Hot, feisty, and seductive.

"Just arrived, I brought some food." He told in a monotone as he enters the room. He placed the food on the coffee table and took his seat on the couch.

Both of the girls are glancing at Volt in confusion. He's decently seating at the couch legs crossed and holding his phone.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" He asked Ashlyn. Ashlyn looked away as she slowly shakes her head. Volt frowned at her and looks at Heaven who's also looking away.

Volt stands up and grabs the food. He sat next to the hospital bed, parallel to Ashlyn's position that made the girl flustered. He opened the box and grab a spoonful amount of rice dipped it into the sauce.

"Say ah." He ordered as he aligned the spoon to her mouth.

Ashlyn looked at Volt in puzzlement. He's wearing his poker face but his cold aura is disabled. Volt arches his brow being impatient with the girl.

Ashlyn opened her mouth and ate what Volt is giving her. She blushed as she saw Volt looking at her lips then her eyes.

"Why is he looking at my lips? Does he want a taste of it? Well, I guess it won't hurt giving him a smack right?..." Ashlyn muttered in her head as she continues chewing her food. She blushed at the idea.

"Why does she eat like a goat? Such a pretty face yet disgusting in eating." Volt mumbled in his thoughts.

Volt continued feeding Ashlyn while she's resting in the bed. Heaven, on the other hand, looking so disgusted on the two. She's standing in the corner having a nauseated face while watching them.

Even tho she's a little envious, she felt happy for her friend spending time with the guy her friend likes. She knows how delighted her friend is right now, and for Heaven, that's more than enough.

"At least something nice happened to her today. If only she can share her pain, I'd be willing to volunteer to have it. She's been through so much now." Heaven said to herself.

Volt noticed the childish way of Ashlyn eating. There is some leftover rice in her cheeks making Volt furrow his brows. He cleaned her face that made Ashlyn stiffened in her position.

Heaven dramatically fainted on the floor making the lovebirds shift their attention to her. She stood up once again, frowning at the two.

"Just tell me if you need privacy, I can pack my stuff right away and leave the both of you. Gosh! Respect us singles!" Heaven protest.

Ashlyn burst out laughing while Volt just had his poker face, definitely not getting Heaven's joke. He stood up and clean Ashlyn's mess.

"What's wrong with you Heve? I'm just eating, nothing special." Ashlyn replied having a half-grin on her face.

"Yeah, you're just eating while calling me single in different languages. What a nice view!" Heaven sarcastically exclaimed that made Ashlyn laugh even more.

Meanwhile, Volt stands up and went straight to the door. He checked his phone as he saw a notification, it was Zylant.

From Zylant:

Dude, exams tomorrow lmao. Goodluck XD

Volt looks back to the two girls who are both looking at him. He needs to leave to have his review for tomorrow's exam.

"Need to go. Bye."Volt announced then stormed out of the room without waiting for their answers.


It's the middle of the night as you can hear howling dogs. The surrounding is so quiet not until you hear engines approaching. Two tall and muscular bald guy is holding a man tied up with many ropes as they went outside the van.

The smell of rusting metals, the creeks of the old doors, and the dim lights of the lights made him more intimidating.

Two men are beside the poor man, kneeling in front of this guy, having some blood on his left eye and lips.

"You have only one job, and that is to keep an eye on him yet you can't even do it right." He sternly said.

The poor guy pleads as he kisses the shoes of the man standing in his business outfit. He bowed in his knees, almost kissing the dirty floor.

"I'll do better next time sir, I promise you that." The poor guy promised while he's on his knees, still begging for a second chance.

The guy in business attire laughed loudly. It wasn't the laughter of happiness but a loud, creepy, and disturbing laugh. He grabs a gun and pointed it at the man's head. The guy in attire smiled creepily before muttering words.

"You know what this means right? You gave me your word to do a nice job watching Voltaire's actions." The man reminded.

The poor guy is trembling in fear but he's persistent on insisting sparing him.

"Sir, no, please. I have a pregnant wife waiting for me at home. P-please sir, spare me. I'll do better." The poor guy begged.

As soon as the poor man finished his words, the gun mercilessly finished his life as the man in attire pulled the trigger.

"I gave you a chance sadly, you squandered it." The man muttered then he smiled creepily at the remaining alive people in the room.

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