
Yesterday's Cicatrix

Everyone has their wounds of the past, whether it's profound or shallow, they're all the same. The damage that this affects us, built us into who we are today. However, not all wounds are healed by time. Some are always there, hidden with different emotions, with distinct techniques. Some may be healed that leaves a scar but there's a part of it that needs to be unfolded again to rejuvenate completely. Because of the harsh cell of the yore, these people at the present are stuck, suffering from unhealed backstories. How can you move on when until now, past things are hunting you? Will you let your past define who you are? Until when can you neglect the real voice knocking some sense on you? ========================================================================================== DISCLAIMER: This story is pure fiction. Any names, places, organizations, events, etc. are all parts of the author's imagination. Any resemblance or similarities to someone, something, or actual events are purely coincidental. I DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER, CREDIT GOES TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER. IF THE OWNER WANTS, I'LL TAKE IT DOWN. * * * I hope you'll like this novel! Please support this story by dropping your comments, votes, and kindly add to your libraries! Thank you ;)

annederxee · 現実
39 Chs

Ice-cold Heart

The room is now filled with immeasurable tension. The department heads are exchanging random glimpse with each other, probably battling on the first to reach out to their in charged CEO.

He's the definition of complete terror and the epitome of a snob. Always throwing cold gazes and blatant words. He doesn't care about someone's feelings... well she's an exemption.

The CEO is quietly sitting in his place, massaging his temples in annoyance and controlling his temper. He looked once again to the reports submitted and began to crumple them. He stared at the department heads.

"So this is the best job you can offer? How did you come up with your positions again? Inform me." He coldly said to them.

Small whispers surfaced the room as the heads felt insulted. He smirked as he saw reactions-- amused with egos and pride being stepped on. He knew that this company has messed up board members, corrupt and horrible department heads.

"Sir Voltaire, we are assuring you that we are doing our best works. Maybe we are having just bad days? After all, our company has the greatest employees and employers in the industry." Mr. Clifford, the chief finance officer, muttered.

Volt sarcastically laughed as he laid back in his seat, staring blankly at the man who has the guts to boast.

" I see Mr. Clifford, but give me answers on where did the charity funds that I requested went? We all agreed to donate 30% of the proceeds of our latest products but I see no reports? Hand it over in my hands right now." Volt interrogated.

The man who seems to be boastful earlier became suddenly quiet. He seems pale and sweaty. Volt looked directly into his eyes to analyze him only to find out the guilt and anxiousness in him.

He sighed as he composed himself once again. He put both of his hands all together on his desk and looked at each faces present in the room.

"I'm looking forward to more improvements. I won't deny the fact that in my first month being in charge, disappointments welcomed me. I'm anticipating a lot from all of you since you mentioned that you belong to a company with BEST assets in the industry. Dismiss."

After Volt announced, he stood up in his sit and grab his phone. His secretary followed him until he reached his office. He loosened his tie and threw himself on the couch.

"Sir Voltaire, I would like to inform you that Mr. Hubert contacted you for dinner tonight at their mansion, 8 P.M. Aside from that, you have no more schedules for today, sir." His secretary reported. He nodded at the secretary and gestured her to go out.

"Ugh dad, why am I being problematic with your messed up company? Now I'm starting to doubt how you reached the top." He muttered to himself as he grabbed his phone to scroll for news reports about the company online.

Minutes later, someone hastily knocked on the door and barged in. Volt rolled his eyes as he saw his friend wearing an annoying smile.

"What's up, Mr. CEO? Haha! What a busy day it is e?" Zylant, his best friend, teased.

"Go away you annoying rat."

"Chill dude, what happened?" Zylant asked as he took the seat beside his friend.

"Poor strategy skills, missing funds, incompetent heads, messed up contracts, lack of concepts for advertising, and many more." Volt straightly answered. Zylant just formed an 'oh' look. Probably not getting the idea.

"Do you need help?" Zylant suggested.

"Can you even give me?" Volt replied.

"We both know that I have no idea how the business industry works. I'll just stick to swimming!" Zylant laughed out loud after joking. Volt expected his answer so he just let out a small laugh.

"Oh before I forgot, we're going to have exams next week. Do your reviews mister CEO. Remember, this is our last year, let's pass it!" Zylant enthusiastically said.

"Of course I'm gonna graduate, I'll make sure to inherit the company." Zylant patted his friend's shoulder.

"Still battling the position with your bro?"

Volt sighed as he remembered his late father.

Zylant bit his lips as he saw his friend's response. He knew it was a bit sensitive for Volt.

"I'm buying time dude, need to do some changes here in the company in the name of my father."

Silence surfaced the room for a minute. Zylant spared a glance at his friend Volt whom is spacing out. That's when Zylant had an idea of challenging him in a game.

"Dude, let's play. Release those unheard emotions in the game." Then Zylant got his phone out in his pocket and open his gaming app. Volt agreed with him and did the same.

Minutes have passed and the game started to get real. Their opponents started to get stronger while allies started to become feed. Only Volt and Zylant are strong enough to carry their team.

"Double Kill!"

"Triple Kill!"


"You have been slained."

Volt slammed his phone on the coffee table and aggressively messed his hair. He groaned in frustration as he witnessed the death of his character.

"Dang it! That was so close! Argh!" He rolled up his sleeves and stared at his phone watching his hero resurrect.

"Sir Voltaire, Ms. Ashlyn Dixon is here. I'll let her in, sir." The secretary said as she opened the door to Volt's office.

A lady entered the office. She looks elegant wearing a baby pink skater dress partnered with white kitten heels. Her hazel brown waist-length hair is styled in soft curls.

However, the charms of the lady didn't seem to bother Volt as he is paying too much attention in his game. The lady quietly sat across Volt's place.

Volt's character resurrected and he began playing again, totally ignoring the lady's presence.

Meanwhile, Zylant seems to notice the lady's presence so he decided to welcome her. He smiled warmly at her and she did the same.

"Hey, Ashlyn, what's up?"

"The ceiling? Haha kidding. I'm good how 'bout?" She softly answer.

Volt coldly turned his gaze to Ashlyn, arching his brow in confusion. The woman sweetly smiled at him but he just gave her the usual cold stares. Her chest aches as she met those eyes.

"Why are you here?" asked Volt.

"I heard that the company is having troubles so dad sent me here to help." Ashlyn replied.

"Go home, I don't need any of your help." Ashlyn gave him a bitter smile but Volt didn't notice.

"Oh come on Volt, I came to help. Maybe you're just feeling stressed. Come on let's eat outside. The weather sure looks great today!" Ashlyn enthusiastically suggested but Volt declined before she knew it. He focused his attention on playing.

Zylant seemed to notice Volt's rude behavior. He just gave the woman an apologetic smile then he taps his friend's elbow.

"Uh, she's right. Maybe you're too stressed, Volt. You should—"

"Shut up, Zylant. We're losing now, concentrate." Volt instructed in annoyance. Zylant glared at him for being insensitive to the situation. His friend rolled his eyes in response.

"Ah, Volt? Let's go?" Ashlyn calmly said.

"Defeat!" Volt tossed his phone on the couch and walked to his desk. He turned his back, darkly stared at the window as he keeps his hands in his pockets.

Zylant, on the other hand, stands up and stretched his back. He looked at his wristwatch to checked the time.

"Oh.. I've got swimming training. Need to go guys, bye Ashlyn. Dude, see you around." Zylant patted Volt's shoulders and left the office.

The two are now left alone. Deafening silence is now surfacing the entire office so Ashlyn decided to break it.

"Dad told me about the prob—"

"I told you, Ashlyn, I don't need your help. Go to your dad and whine all you want. You're good at that. " Vold coldly responded.

Ashlyn is surprised by his rough comment. Her face turns red and her eyes were watery. She's obviously hurt by his words. She then looked away to avoid bursting in front of the guy she liked for years.

"We both know that this setup is against our will but why do you blame me for it?" Ashlyn's voice shaking.

"Tch. You're being delusional again, Ash. Go out. I've got loads to do." said Volt.

The lady bitterly smiled at him. Even though he's very rude to her, she always understands where he's coming from and that eagers her to be by his side always.

Ashlyn stood up and walked to the door. Before leaving, she looked back once again to the guy she always admired. Their eyes met.

Volt saw the pain in her eyes and felt the slightest guilt about it. He gazed away and gasped hard. As he heard the door shut he grabbed his phone on the couch.

He saw the leader board in the match earlier and someone caught his attention. The strongest among all opponents in the game.


"Interesting. I'll destroy you next time." He muttered to himself.


Shattered glasses, vases, and figurines are all over the place. Gripping to a glass with bloody hands and bruised lips. He laughed wickedly.

"How dare you take away everything from me..." The man whispered as he is staring at a blank space. His grip tightens and stared darkly at the glass window.

"I'll make you compensate for every damage you did into my life... Voltaire." He said as he laughed in a malicious tone.

"Everything you have now will be taken by me because I..." Tears slowly streamed down his face as he recalls the pain and misery he's enduring.

"I don't deserve this suffering. Am I not allowed to be happy?"

Reviews and votes are highly appreciated especially this is my first novel and your words will help me with much better writing in the future! Thank you and I hope you'll enjoy<3

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