
Yesterday's Cicatrix

Everyone has their wounds of the past, whether it's profound or shallow, they're all the same. The damage that this affects us, built us into who we are today. However, not all wounds are healed by time. Some are always there, hidden with different emotions, with distinct techniques. Some may be healed that leaves a scar but there's a part of it that needs to be unfolded again to rejuvenate completely. Because of the harsh cell of the yore, these people at the present are stuck, suffering from unhealed backstories. How can you move on when until now, past things are hunting you? Will you let your past define who you are? Until when can you neglect the real voice knocking some sense on you? ========================================================================================== DISCLAIMER: This story is pure fiction. Any names, places, organizations, events, etc. are all parts of the author's imagination. Any resemblance or similarities to someone, something, or actual events are purely coincidental. I DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER, CREDIT GOES TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER. IF THE OWNER WANTS, I'LL TAKE IT DOWN. * * * I hope you'll like this novel! Please support this story by dropping your comments, votes, and kindly add to your libraries! Thank you ;)

annederxee · 現実
39 Chs

His New Acquaintance

Sweaty neck and forehead, groans, and sleep-talking in a cold room. He seemed asleep but you can visibly feel the anxiousness and guilt in him, struggling alone in a time where he's supposed to be resting.

"How... can.. you do this? I-I trusted you.... you're a family to us..." He said as he slowly closes his eyes.

Tears were streaming down his face. He's between confusion and rage. His knees were trembling and his chest is pounding.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered and cried his heart out having his palms in his face.


The alarm clock saved him from his nightmares as it rings, reverberating inside the whole room.

Zylant suddenly jumped in shocked at the sound. He wiped his whole face in frustration with his palms. He also discovered that he is sweating making him checking his air conditioner.

"The aircon is fine, why the heck am I sweating? This is so gross." Zylant muttered in disgust. He went to check his phone and there he saw two messages.

From: Frost Prince Voltaire

Hey creepy rat, today's period is dismissed. School got some weird ongoing preparation. Event unstated.

Zylant's eyes widened in joy and surprise. He jumps in his bed happily while clapping like a penguin. Due to too much excitement, his phone accidentally slips into his hand.

"Holy cow!! No!!", He let out as he dives out of the bed to save his phone. Luckily, the mission is complete.

"That was a close one... Hmm, what's this?",

He opened Volt's another message and he doesn't know if he should be happy or scared.

From: Frost Prince Voltaire

Sorry dude I ran some errands and left something. Kindly get the reports about the latest project of the company to Keisha. Give it to me in the cafe near the park. Gonna be there at 10 AM.

"Am I some sort of slave to him? He keeps on ordering stuff then being mean to me. Hmp! I wanna spank him! Grrr!" He exclaimed as he went inside the bathroom and do his morning ritual.

He packed his bag filled with his needs in his training later and went down to the ground floor. Zylant was astonished when he saw his mother eating breakfast with his younger sister.

"Mom, your home?" He asked.

"Yes, I am. Where are you heading to? To your stupid swimming training?" His mother sarcastically asked.

"No, actually yes, but no... gonna do something important," Zylant said as he pats his 5-year-old sister's head before walking out.

Zaira, her sister, went out of her sit and chased her big brother. She was crying while holding her unfinished peanut butter sandwich.

"Big bro! Are you leaving Zaizai again? Huhu why does everyone hate Zaizai!" she said out loud while crying.

Zylant is surprised by her sister's reaction and felt worried about her. In this mansion that he's dwelling in, only his sister is his greatest treasure.

He sat at her level and kissed her head. He cupped her face and looked at her swollen eyes.

"Baby Zaizai, don't cry or else big bro will feel sad too.", Zylant dramatically fake cried which made her sister smile a little.

"...And no, I will never leave you because you're my tiny princess and a princess...."

Zylant neatly combs his sister's long brown hair using his fingers. He also wiped her wet face using the handkerchief that he always brings.

"...deserves more than the world and big bro will always give his world to her. Always remember that.", Zylant smiled at his sister who is now silently listening to him. He kissed her head once again and stands up.

"Promise me, big bro, you'll never leave baby princess." Zaira pouted as she glared at her brother.

The pout faded when her brother agreed to promise her. She smiled widely and ran inside the mansion, finishing her breakfast.

Zylant pinned his eyes on the road while and turns on his music to at least avoid boredom. He was jamming to the song when someone caught his attention.

A lady, whom he assumed to be the same age as him, is carrying loads of boxes and vases. What fascinated him is that, even though she's a girl and carrying loads, a smile is drawn on her face.

Zylant decided to pull over and offer the girl some help.

"Hi, miss! That appears heavy." he greeted as he approached the girl. The latter looked confused but since the guy seems nice, she smiled at him.

"It sure is heavy, why did you ask tho?" The girl asked. Zylant reached for the largest box and hold it for her. He smiled at her.

"Holy cow! What kind of strength does she have?! This weighs heavier than my sister!" Zylant said in his mind as he lifts the box.

"Well, since your smile drew my attention, might as well offer some help? Besides I like the positivity I saw in you." Zylant responds and smiled warmly, an assuring one.

The girl contemplates in her mind whether to trust him or not. She looks at him in the eye and saw an honest and pure intention in him.

"Okay, okay but won't I disturb you? You seemed busy." Said the girl.

"Pfft! Of course not! Hop on!" Zylant announced as he placed the boxes in the compartment of his car.

The first five minutes of the drive is a little quiet but Zylant decided to break the silence.

"So, maybe let's start to where you are heading." Zylant started.

"Oh, at the orphanage. The directress ordered me to get these boxes and vases. Tch! She told me that help is on the way but I received none!" the girl exclaimed and frustration is written all over her cute small face.

"Haha, I see. You seemed strong tho. Help isn't necessary for you since you managed to lift THOSE boxes all at once!" Zylant jokingly said that made the girl frown.

"Wah! You have no idea how hard that is! But.. since I'm used to heavy tasks it's not that big deal!" the girl proudly said.

"Anyway, my name is Zylant Cohen. A pleasure to meet you, miss!"

"Hey Zylant, mine's Jelena Sullivan. Hmm but my surname is not my real one" she replied.

"Eh? Why is it?" Zylant asked.

"It's because I'm an orphan. I only know my first name but not my last since I don't remember my parents much.", Jelena bit her lower lip.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask such a thing." Zylant apologized but Jelena lightly punched his arm like their close friends. Zylant is amused with the enthusiasm that this girl has.

"Psh. That's nothing! I'm used to it but hey... Have I ever told you that this is our first meet?" said Jelena.

"I'm well aware Jelena. Maybe you're a natural feeling close to strangers.", The girl laughed loudly which slightly confused Zylant.

"Yeah you're not wrong, there's even a time that I asked some random woman at the grocery about why do dogs bark and why can't a fish close its eyes. She freaked out at my question when I was just being so weird that time!" Jelena told making them laugh.

"But seriously, I easily get comfortable with you. Maybe we're friends in our past lives." Jelena responded with a bright smile.

"Hm. If that's the case, nice to see you again old friend!" Zylant joked that made the two of them laughed.

"Or maybe...", Jelena smirked at him making Zylant confused.

"You're a playboy and is good at playing words with girls," Jelena accuse making Zylant's eyes grew wide.

"Hell no! This man is a good one, you know? I don't play with a woman's feelings. That's just foul," He defended making Jelena laugh hysterically.

Time flies so fast especially when you're enjoying yourself. The two later arrived at the orphanage where Jelena lives in. Three guys came to help the girl with the boxes.

"Thank you so much, Zylant. I felt relieved with your help." Jelena said as she unbuckles her seatbelt.

"Haha, glad to help. Hoping that this is not our last meet," said Zylant.

"Yeah, you'll make a really nice friend. Looking forward to our next encounter! Bye for now and thank you again." Jelena responded as she waves at Zylant and smiled widely.

Zylant continues his drive to Volt's company and to do the task that he has to. He went straight to the entrance smiling at everyone he'll encounter.

He headed inside an elevator together with a lady in her thirties. The lady stared at him before asking questions.

"You're the CEO's friend right?" she bluntly asked. Zylant looked at her in astonishment and scratched the back of his ears.

"Why did you asked? Yeah, I am."

"Really? When's his birthday then?" She asked again that made Zylant a little creeped out.

"Why do you need to know that?" Zylant retorted.

"You don't know? You're his friend yet you have no idea? Tss, and you call yourself a 'FRIEND'." The woman said that made Zylant a little irritated.

"Yeah, and you're his employee yet you're asking questions an employee doesn't need to know. Do your job accordingly, stop gossiping." Zylant sarcastically replied as the door opened. He turned to the woman and sarcastically wave. The woman's jaw drops.

"Tch. Gossip freak.... oh wait I'm also one hehe." He said in the back of his thoughts and scratched his nape.

Zylant went to Keisha's, the secretary, room. He knocked five times but no one is answering so he slightly opened it.

"Keisha?.." His eyes widened in shock as he opened the door. He roamed around the room and spotted something peculiar in her desk. Zylant went inside to confirm his hunch, he touched this and his hands start to tremble.

"What's this? Holy cow!! I've never seen anything like this in my entire life!" Zylant thought and distanced himself.

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