
Yesterday's Cicatrix

Everyone has their wounds of the past, whether it's profound or shallow, they're all the same. The damage that this affects us, built us into who we are today. However, not all wounds are healed by time. Some are always there, hidden with different emotions, with distinct techniques. Some may be healed that leaves a scar but there's a part of it that needs to be unfolded again to rejuvenate completely. Because of the harsh cell of the yore, these people at the present are stuck, suffering from unhealed backstories. How can you move on when until now, past things are hunting you? Will you let your past define who you are? Until when can you neglect the real voice knocking some sense on you? ========================================================================================== DISCLAIMER: This story is pure fiction. Any names, places, organizations, events, etc. are all parts of the author's imagination. Any resemblance or similarities to someone, something, or actual events are purely coincidental. I DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER, CREDIT GOES TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER. IF THE OWNER WANTS, I'LL TAKE IT DOWN. * * * I hope you'll like this novel! Please support this story by dropping your comments, votes, and kindly add to your libraries! Thank you ;)

annederxee · 現実
39 Chs

Hidden Feelings

The skies are gloomy and the cold breeze is caressing her face. Moments earlier, the sun is shining brightly that led her to conclude that today's weather is great but she was wrong.

It's not, definitely not.

Just like the weather, her emotions are the same. She woke up feeling happy since dad contacted her to help Volt with his issues in their company. For her, through this is a way of getting close again to Voltaire.

Ever since that day happened, he started to grow distant from her. No matter how much she tried reaching him, he's getting worse. He started on not talking to her then giving her the coldest treatment she can receive and now, rudeness behavior.

Ashlyn shrugged her thoughts and decided to be positive. She doesn't want her day to be ruined. Ashlyn then picked her today's OOTD and put on light makeup.

"Good morning, Keisha. Is Volt inside?" Ashlyn asked the secretary. The secretary looked at her and smiled.

"He's in a bad mood Ash, are you gonna be fine?" Keisha, the secretary, asked.

Keisha is well aware of how Voltaire treats her. She thinks that Voltaire doesn't deserve anything that he's getting now.

Ashlyn's love and loyalty, the company, and the privileges.

"I'm fine I guess, and besides, somehow getting used to it." Ashlyn responded. Keisha worriedly smiles at her but Ashlyn returned a sweet one.

"Ashlyn, you're too precious for the world to handle. I hope one day, you'll find someone who sees your true worth." Keisha said in the back of her thoughts.


There she was, sitting across from the guy whom she always got high hopes on. Hearing small cold words from his lips. Battling the urge to surrender to her raging tears.

But no, she won't cry. She's aware of what Voltaire sees her, a crybaby, and she'll prove him wrong.

Ashlyn bites her cheeks from the inside. Clenched her fist as she welcomed Volt's icy words. There she heard it, he shooed her away. For the nth time!

As she walked out of the room Keisha, the secretary, asked her while wearing her worried face.

"Ash, you okay?" asked Keisha.

Ashlyn had no idea how she managed to convince Keisha with her assuring smile although she's tearing apart inside. She's surprised that she didn't manage to shed a single tear when she was asked how she is, which is pretty unusual since she has the softest heart.

"Why am I weak? Why am I so useless! It's so frustrating!" She screamed at the back of her head.

"What is wrong with me?! Do I even deserve to live this life?! I've never done anything right!" she added in her thoughts.

Ashlyn maintains her elegant posture as she walks the hallway wearing her signature smile.

Yes, she's smiling but her knees are feeling weak. All of a sudden, she felt sick. Her vision starts to get blurry and she started to feel a headache. She stopped at the entrance of the company and holds the rail for support.

"Ma'am Ashlyn, are you okay?" His driver asked as he approached her. Ashlyn slowly shrugged as she controls herself from not fainting.

"Uhm, assist me to the car please." she pleads to her driver and he did it until she sat on the back of the car.

Ashlyn composed herself as she closed her eyes and laid back. She also told her driver to buy her some medicine for her headache.

Minutes have passed and she felt a slight relief. Her driver hands her the medicine and she quickly drinks it. Ashlyn retouched her makeup as she went out of the car.

Although vision is a little blurry, Ashlyn managed to greet her stepfather. Her father arched his brow as he throws a glimpse at Ashlyn then goes back to his reading.

"So...how did it go, Ashlyn?" Mr. Hubert, her step-father, asked without bothering on gazing at her.

Ashlyn remains on standing up five meters in front of his busy father. She's thinking of white lies to cover her truth.

"Voltaire said that he'll think about my suggestions." She lied, looking away.

Mr. Hubert closed the book and sips on his coffee. He tightened his necktie and stood up, passing to Ashlyn.

"I knew you couldn't do it." He muttered as he grabs his keys and went out of the mansion.

Ashlyn looks up at the chandelier to prevent her tears from falling. She did so much hiding with her real feelings, slowly mastering it as a skill now.

In the middle of walking up the stairs, her dizziness came back and her vision starts to blur again making her suddenly grabbing the rail. As she grabs, she accidentally pulled the hair of her younger step-sister which made her mad.

"Ouch! What's wrong with you Ashlyn!?" Her sister violently hissed as she slaps Ashlyn's hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry... Natasha didn't notice you..." Ashlyn apologized before she suddenly faints making her fall down the stairs. Natasha was so shocked that she witnessed how Ashlyn rolls down the stairs. She's standing still, eyes wide open and hands were shaking.

"Oh my gosh!! Anyone help! A-ashlyn!!" Natasha cried. As she regains her strength, she went down to help her.

Ashlyn is lying on the floor, still unconscious and her head is bleeding. A little moment passed when the guards arrives and carried Ashlyn to rush her to the hospital.


As soon as she slowly opened her eyes, blinding lights welcomed her. She flinched and there she felt the pain in her head.

"Ouch.." Ashlyn whispered as she slowly sat on the bed. Everyone in the room turned to her as they heard her. Mrs. Dixon hanged up the call and calmly approached her.

"Ashlyn, Natasha told me everything. Why must you hurt your sister?" said her mother.

Ashlyn is bewildered by her mom's question.

"W-what? hurt her?" she asked.

"Don't deny it. She told me that you pulled her hair that's why she defended herself from you causing your fall on the stairs. I never realized that you can be this low Ashlyn. I'm so disappointed." Mrs. Dixon muttered.

Ashlyn's jaw drops as she heard Natasha's story. She has never done something to her sister and yet she's to blame! She clenched her fists and looked away. Mrs. Dixon sighed as she grabs her bag and walks towards the door.

"I called Heaven to take care of you. I hope you'll think about what you've done. I'm starting to doubt if you're the prim and proper daughter that I raised." Mrs. Dixon's last words before she left.

Ashlyn is left dumbfounded. She's feeling the urge to scream her lungs out and cry until there's nothing left but she can't. The pain is so strong that she can't do anything about it but to accept it.

"Hello nurse, may you please go out? I want to be alone." Ashlyn politely requested while smiling sweetly. The nurse nodded and left the room.

"Ugh, this is insane! Why must they blame me?! Am I that bad to be punished like this?" she whispered as small tears streamed down her face. Ashlyn turned off her phone to avoid people contacting her.

She inhaled deeply before shouting.

"Argh!!! What wrong have I done to be punished like this?!?! Why?! why?!.... why??.." she cried as she buries her face in her hands. Words and tears didn't seem to be enough to express her pain. It's too much. Everything is just too much.


Then she continued crying hard until she gets tired.

Half an hour passed and she's calmer now. Her face looks pale and her eyes were a bit swollen from all the crying. At least she shed some tears, even tho it wasn't enough.

"Can I just vanished like a bubble?" she asked herself.

Ashlyn turned her head at the door as someone went straight inside her room. He's wearing casual clothes and a cap and of course, his usual poker face look.

"No, you can't." He replied as he checked her vitals.

Ashlyn's heart starts to pound faster and faster as she saw someone's concern. She blushed a little when she stared at Volt's face-looking so fine as always.

Volt noticed her red face and starts to get confused. He put his palm on her forehead to check her temperature.

"Your temperature is fine, are you feeling alright? " Volt formally said with a hint of worry.

"No Volt, I am not okay. I'm slowly dying inside." Ashlyn muttered in her thoughts.

Ashlyn smiled sweetly as she slowly detached Volt's hand from her forehead. She looks at him in the eye and said.

"I'm alright, don't need to worry about me. I just missed meals that's why I collapse. I'm feeling great now especially you're here. " she assured him with a smile.

Volt stood up and distance himself from the bed. He's saying nothing and just stared at her before he shook his head.

Both of them were in shock when a crazy woman suddenly barged into the room. She's crying while holding her bag, wearing baggy clothes. Her hair is messed up and her makeup is ruined.

She runs towards Ashlyn's bed that made the lady scream.


Don't forget to give me a heads up on what you think for this chapter! Votes are also highly appreciated ;)

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