
Yeongyeol' And The After Life

this is a magical fantasy that is about bringing 2 worlds together. but you can just read the prologue. Now I have school so I have to work around a tight schedule so I will try to release content as soon as I can. If you stick with me you'll really love what I'm aiming for so stay tuned folks, for the adventures of yeongyeol. But he dies and js reincarnated as a turtle and becomes a badass to survive the new world he lives in

Jinx_ · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 6 The Duel

hey yeongyeol did you know we got 1,000 views.

wow really I can't believe it, thanks for reading guys. Now what were we up to oh yeah so...

THE NAMELESS GEODAEHAN. I am here to judge the duel that will occur on this land. I shall bless the fighters with protection so that you wont die. Cast spell, protection of the fairies the gods and spirits grant these souls a second chance in battle, Life Protection.

Okay you ready mieshi, let's duel. (Thoughts) ok so wait for her to make the first move. use skill silent whisper, this will allow me to cast spells without saying them. I see her right arm starting to tense she'pull a right jab and her magicul veins are bulging in her eye. shes going to jab and follow it up with a magic blast. She will lose one of her eyes if she releases the magic, Damn that will hurt, oh well. wait for it, duck to the left then take fire bullet and shoot her magicul vein in her right wrist this will stop her from using magic till its healed. Now dodge, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...