
Years of leveling

30 years of leveling and I am still F class adventurer, I think I am not suited for becoming an adventurer but I don't want to become a big muscle-ass farmer!!! I just don't want to be like my father who didn't return after planning to buy cocow milk. But I cannot believe that I will be going to encounter a much more big problem than my problem of leveling, is it to protect the goddess of misfortune and defeat the dark king dragon...wait an F-class adventurer ordered to kill a Dragon king??!!!? THE WORLD IS OUT OF MIND!!!!!!!!! —+—+—+— Also, the cover is now owned by me, if the artist wants to take it down, please contact me.

AshenToon · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Basic knowledge of becoming an adventurer

"Fine, I will explain the common sense of an adventurer then."

"Really?! How grateful I am to encounter a goddess!"

Woo becomes even more excited knowing that he will gonna learn the knowledge of adventurers. Rose to see the expression of Woo makes her laugh more.

"Then let's start about what skill is. The skill system will pop up in front of you after you level up or will appear if you activated a skill. Skills can be only used by adventurers who received the blessing of Starless Church, you need to complete the 3 tasks that the church was given to you to become a qualified adventurer, the first task may be easy because you just needed to touch the blessed identifier stone if it turns green means you have enough magic power in your body but if it turns to red means you have no enough magic power in your body, you may be fated if you passed the first task. The second one was a bit too harsh for you to handle but don't worry you just need to concentrate on the thing the church gave to you. And at last, the third task is about teamwork, I am sorry to give you a piece of very short information about the tasks but I believe in you that you can do it."

"I see I see, huh, magic power?"

"The magical energy that was inside of your body which inherited by your parents and also needed as energy to activate a magic skill. You can only level up by killing monsters in dungeons that were owned by the Starless church, well who knows how they create the system skill, but I warned you not to try leveling outside the dungeons because you will never be going to receive XPs."

"I keep that in mind."

"And also big dungeons have 100 floors where the final bosses of big dungeons stay, but only the S-class adventurers can at least have a greater survival rate to step to the 100th floor, while smaller dungeons only have the 50th floor without no final boss but with at least have a plenty of chests."

"Means starter adventurer prefers to explore the smaller dungeons?"

"Yes, that's right, they may be earning little XPs but it's a bit safer to explore."

Rose explains just the parts of the basic knowledge Woo can easily learn but someday and one day he learn greater than this knowledge he knows right now.

(A: I hope not.)

But before that will be gonna happen she will have to make Woo learn more about basic survival before they bid farewell to each other.

"Before we start our journey to the City, I want you to learn the basics of how to slay the neutral slimes with magic and without magic."

"Ok, ok."

"Then follow me."

Woo followed Rose behind while copying Rose's stealthy steps while entering the forest deeper. For Woo, Rose was his savior, master, and maybe a bit of a friend. He wants to become strong to protect Rose away from danger but how can he do it if he didn't know whether he will pass the first task of becoming a qualified adventurer? He can't give up right when somebody helps him in the time of his near death, it doesn't matter whether Rose had a good or bad intention for him because, for him, he just wanted to feel this moment even in a very small time.

(A:Just enjoy this very small period of happiness because in the future I will make your life more terrible, tehehehe!)

Did you know in this world nine ranks of adventurers are F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS ranks?

AshenTooncreators' thoughts