
Chapter 2

Early in the morning, I watch the gate through the window seeing no one that's the only thing I focused on waiting for a certain someone, the smile he showed me mesmerized me all over, my heart racing faster than ever, if I could only hold his hand again. I breathe unto the glass of the window and draw a heart from the breath which creates water like substance leftover on the window.

A knock on the door was heard.

"Excuse me young Master?" Says our butler.

His Name is Caitlas Menesveil he's been working as my butler since before I was young and auntie is actually his daughter who wanted to serve me when I was born, she was still younger back then, Caitlas was a poor man who had no idea how to raise his daughter in a young age. At the age of twenty-six his daughter was born but his wife left him due to the reason was her being not able to survive when she was having her daughter. He came to my family wanting to serve my grandfather, fortunately my grandfather agreed hence taking care of my father at the age of thirteen when my dad turned twenty-eight I was born to this world making Auntie Mayla fifteen that time. So six years were added to their time now Auntie Mayla is twenty-one. So in those years it makes sense that they have money earned up. In time maybe they would retire but they didn't Mayla didn't seem to mind to work here for more years as for Caitlas nah he's too strong for his age being fourty-seven he's alive and kicking, to be precise he's too strong to retire with those ultima bones embedded into him he's like superman but make it old version. Just kidding.

"It's open you can enter" I replied.

"Breakfast is ready"

"That's early"

It's actually amazing that they cook the time I wake up in every morning, they would even cook at 4:00Am if I woke up more early than usual, it's cool that they do that but even I would wonder do they have breaks too?for example a vacation?

"Well master you woke up more early than usual perhaps there is something bothering you?"

A flashback of the kid's smile showed up in my head that it made me loose composure, well he shot the bullet at the right spot there. I got nervous and blush for a second and he instead showed me a smile, he knew it for sure with my reaction or maybe not?

"No let's go eat together I don't have anyone to eat with"

"I'm sorry to reject your kindness sir but we already ate"


"Also can you two make a dish with meat hmm maybe food good for kids? if not meat then bread ...Croissant seems good"

"Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry?"

"All three"

"As you command" Bowing as he leaves locking the door.

I stare through the window observing again then I made a choice to go outside this morning but I changed my mind going to the library instead, this area which is one of our mansion's place has garden,has a river and lake of course my ancestors made the choice to preserve the mountains beauty till this day, a library filled with books for kids area,for middle schoolers, for adults section there's even a manga section which is updated every year but this was mother's collection having different genres although I haven't checked and I have a feeling that I shouldn't let myself take a sneak peek to those books that's her privacy. Every mansion has a library by the way and they're protected by trusted maids and butlers are mostly from the town just below this area of the mountain then moved to the village just above of this mansion, the houses there are made by the ones that moved so there's like three mansions below the mountains then the village being in the middle going to work in the mansions. There's also houses on the-

Why am I talking about mansions. Anyways the Library is always clean and neat by the maids that work here.

"Hello Young Master!what book are you going for?"

"I'm going for mature stuff"

"What do you mean?"

This maid here is Crisvilya a maid who has been obsessed with mother's books with the other maids which are twins that both have different eye colors green eye to the left then blue to the right her name is Hazel whilst the other having the opposite which is Hansel. Crisvilya has blue eyes, her hair is tied having a pony tail look, her gozangas are E size to be precise but I have no interest in them also I don't know why men flock to her with smirks and suspicious smiles on their faces it's disgusting.

"I'm searching for books that would make my mind mature perhaps a story that would give me lessons about life".

She flinched right away and trembling was in her voice "O-oh those kind of mature stuff"

I squinted my eyes seemingly saying she's suspicious oddly enough through my eyes.

"Hmmm what's on your mind?"I asked.

"N-nothing much"

"Adults are strange"


That hit a point in her I think.

"Master why would you say that!"

"Master don't pay attention to this disrespectful and lewd woman"

Footsteps could be heard, a girl with the eyes

on the left is blue and green to her right this is Hansel, her hair being white naturally made me think to the point where she's albino but her eyes aren't red so the option of being albino is out, her hair is straight going almost to her shoulders.

"Please excuse us" grabbing Crisvilya to work.

"Awe wait I need to talk to Master more! I haven't seen him for days!"she whined as she is being dragged away. Boom there they go to the darkness. With her around it'd be difficult to read quitely.

And like the darkness who's quite, the looming presence that could never be detected although it can be countered by Caitlas, her movements being able to not sound a noise for alarm, there she appears out of the darkness unnoticed.


She hugs me gently as she lets her chin rest to my head.

"Master how have you been? you've been growing unnoticed and rather quite, your sunshine self has vanished"

"Don't worry it's still me" I nonchalantly said.

"Oh" Patting my head "It seems that you are ,then please continue with your reading on the quest to learn maturity Master, I should be heading my way to clean" bowing as she does a leap into the darkness.

She is Hazel the other twin of Hansel, her hair is longer than her sister if compared to the light and dark counterparts Hazel is the darkness while Hansel is the light which are opposites but they do cooperate well with each other. She loves the darkness and night it's like she's the incarnation of it, she has this aura that is actually terrifying, her silence is her biggest advantage as well. With her footsteps being unheard,her presence that is compared to a ghost, her swift movements of looming into the darkness I even thought that she is an assassin with daggers hidden inside her legs put to her under garments. Out of the two sisters she's the one I'm scared of.

"Phew the sisters are at it"

And lastly their big sister is Crisvilya herself she maybe look dumb but her instincts tell her what a person can think about her or even talk about her of course it's even unfair that it works to those she doesn't know or talk to great right? Those three sisters are like dolls ready to fight at any moment with a calm face or even close to a sinister villain. That's how I see them in one point who don't know them at first glance if I were a stranger.

"Well well well is someone talking about me?"Crisvilya made a smirk as Hansel stopped dragging her.

"Who?"asks Hansel.

"It might be Master"

"Oh don't worry about it he's in his third person era" she said nonchalantly.

"Pwhahahaaha seriously sis you say such funny things"

"Okay let's do dance "

Crisvilya gasped"OMG what dance shall we do?"


She gasped again" For sure"

"Wait up"

As the song started they formed a line forming of three in a row doing a twerk buy suddenly the song changed unto a different song.

~Brroom brroom brroom brroom when we pull up you know it's a shut down~

"Shut down!" All of them three says as they dance it's choreography.

Sigh "I guess these maids needs some vacation, the cleanliness of this place has no tiny bits of dust. I wonder do they even go to the chandelier? The lights was turned on the bulbs designed in a lamp shape began to turn on one by one, the chandelier lighting this dark place for only the light of the Sun can pass through those little windows and not light all of this place. The silence of this place that creeps out most if one can say but it's beauty when basked in the light of this bulbs makes it unique that's why it's a library, a quite place of learning.

"It's beautiful and it never fails to amaze me" said a deep voice that came behind me I was startled at his sudden appearance I turned around.

"C-Caitlas?"I said stuttering.

"Well Master I recommend this book"

"What kind of book is that?"

"A novel, a short one as well"

I came closer to Caitlas and he carried me as I take the book and open it, he brings me on the veranda of the second floor with cups of tea and cookies. He gently puts me on the chair as I read continuously stare on this book.

"Sit Down Caitlas, this is an order" I ordered him to relax with me, I also worry about his back at least he could feel at ease.

"As you wish"

The story started with a village of people with the religious belief that loving the same sex is forbidden, one day a boy was born in a family that is the son of the chief, the child was born white, his eye lashes were white,his eyes were red, his skin pale as snow this feature is the kind of feature that albino people has I think. His body grew femininely, his slim waist,his fingers almost like a woman's, his eye lashes being long,his hair grew straight up to his waist, his lips being the peaches itself. The people treated him not as a curse for he was given no task at all he changed the eyes of many in his tribe, he was as if the symbolism of feminity of the women as well the men. He was adorned with gold and gems and as travellers would pass by they would bow to his beauty, give him money and gems that even the people couldn't afford to get to the point that he was given a crown. The eyes of the people changed their views of this blessed child they forgot their god as they worship him as the god of no imbalance,no unfairness but a god of no gender. His father never had a fit before although he didn't also flew into rage because of his son but the sudden forgetfulness of their gods brought shame to his heart to how easily his people could forget. As to his son,he felt awful about this change yet he didn't neglect their past god, he prayed to the god every single day. The chief and his wife realized that they hated their son, they didn't also realize that he prays to the past god so they banished him suddenly.

Why would they banish him because of their god?why wouldn't they accept the changes that would happen from now to the future? Everything changes might as well forget the past than recreate it but the past is part of the present that's how some cultures or people survive of their own beliefs. They felt threatened of this change but there's no way a parent should throw their own child away, they gave it life and so they should take responsibility even if there was a change in fact it should happen now rather than later.

And so this child who was alone was gifted with some food on his way to the forest, they had no guts to disobey the chief, if thought correctly he might've gone some manipulation plan on the minds of the people keeping them intact with the past god. He goes into a journey as he saw a man on the lake cleaning himself and he began to be flushed in red.

"Caitlas what does flushed in red means?"

"Oh it's nervousness but in a way of an after shock of seeing something or doing something like perhaps you get to see someone who has no clothes for a young man they would be flustered aren't they? although it's different in one point of view of many"

But this one is a man why is the main character flustered? That's strange, ah since he is the symbolism of a feminine god or genderless he might've seen himself as a woman. Did the villagers not showed him nudity? it's quite for mother's or father's shower with their children in their young age for their innocence is at their peak, that way the child could make sense what's a male's and female's genital is.

The man saw him and said his greetings and as time goes on they grew attached. The man helped him, he did his clothes, he taught him to cook, he taught him how to catch fish, he taught him to express his feelings, he taught him numbers and lastly he taught him love.

I widened my eyes, my heart began to race as I continued the story, a story between men.

The blessed one had catched feelings for the man, the time passes day by day his feelings grew, his heart racing for the man, longing for the man when he's gone to hunt for their everyday food. Then one day he stopped the man from walking away he felt crying, the man had a worried look on his face, the blessed one was reluctant and he blurted out of his mouth.

"I love you"

The man was shocked by the blessed one's words as if they were a shock to his mind that stunned him for seconds before he could reply the blessed one ran away from the man hurriedly, he thought he would be rejected and so followed where his feet could go runnning from the thought of being rejected, his heart sank from sadness and guilt, he should've not told his feelings he says. While the man was shocked he realized that the way the blessed one ran away to was a danger zone filled with beasts, he was worried, he was filled with fright that he jump into leaps fast as he could so that he could catch the blessed one in time, in the man's mind was a constant worry, he realized he too has feelings for the other. His swift movements,his fast foot running to every nook and cranny of the vast forest, a voice was heard, it the blessed one's. Thankfully he has a weapon brought with him this blessed one was cornered by a white tiger, the blessed one's face was painted in fear. As the man thought the blessed will be injured by the claws of the tiger he dashed to his beloved's side hugging him but to their shock the tiger gave them a deer from bushes that It caught leaving the caught deer to them.

As I wanted to read more a shout from Hazel was heard and by that it means someone is outside waiting for so I came running out of the library.

A disappointed was on Caitlas's face and he sighed.

"Awe damn it he didn't get to read the hot scene"

Hello! This is the second chapter and it has 2700+ words, I hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter, I'm not really good at English and this is my second story, although you may think second thoughts since I have my other work postponed but really I don't have the plot ready for the first story but as for this one I actually revised this from those four chapters that's only 4000+ words in total, so in my final decision I had to revise and change the title have this 2nd Chapt in 2.7k words.

Levielbubcreators' thoughts