
Year 20XX

Its the year 20XX, scientists involuntarily unleashed chaos on the surface of our planet. Only the strongest of the bunch are able to survive. Adrino somehow survives and joins a group of teens who're just like him. They call themselves "the outcast". Will Adrino live through this nightmare while dealing with the group?

Angel_Oye · SF
13 Chs


It's the year 20XX and I'm right now looking at something that I never thought I would see in a situation like this. "So what do we do with it?" Joel asked while looking down at it. "I mean we can only bring him back with us right?" I suggested and Joel looked at me like I grew a third head. "Hey, I'm not wrong. We should bring him back, we can't just leave him here helplessly." I argued. Ria glared at Joel and then turned to the poor thing on the ground. "Rino is right, Jo. We should bring him back."

"We can't just bring a baby back and it requires a lot to take care of it man," Joel whined and I rolled my eyes, I limped closer to the smiling infant and looked closely at him. He had black hair and blue eyes just like mine, the baby giggled when it looked at me. His hands reached out to me like he wanted me to hold him. "The baby should be around three to four months old so we need to get him bottles, diapers, pacifiers and formula." I observed and the two stopped bickering to listen to me.

"How do you know so much?" Joel asked and came closer to the baby. "I had a baby sister and my parents used to work a lot so they made me take care of her," I smiled sadly and picked the baby up. He giggled and grabbed onto my hair. "Ouch, baby let go please." I whined and the two started laughing. "Okay let's go find everything we need for this little man," Ria exclaimed and poked the baby's nose making him giggle loudly. I smiled and got up, feeling all the nerves in my legs working now.

"We should get back quick too, don't need Val and the others to worry." Ria smiled cheekily and winked at me but I didn't understand why. "Let's go get the things. Ri, you get the diapers. Rino, formula and I'll look for the pacifiers and bottles. We meet back at the entrance." Joel instructed and we spilt apart looking for what we needed. "So let's get you some food, okay?" The baby giggled and I took it as a yes. "You're absolutely adorable, little guy." I chuckled softly and held him tight.

While looking around I found something really helpful. "Hey little guy, I think I found something good for you." I put him down on top of a shelve, yes I know it's dangerous and I don't have anywhere else to put him down on okay. I picked up the baby carrier that caught my eye earlier and put it on. That is not without any struggling. "Come little guy, let's get you your food now." I started walking again, looking around trying the find the formula.

Finally I came across the thing I needed. I grabbed a few boxes and started speed walking back to entrance. When I got there, both Ria and Joel were there already. Somehow, Joel found a shopping cart from nowhere, I put the boxes in the cart and we started heading back to the theater. "We're lucky that you that baby carrier," Ria hopped around and pointed at the baby carrier.

"Ya, we found it while I was going to get the formula." I admitted and put a hand on the baby's head which he nuzzled into. "He's so cute," Ria cooed and pinched his cheek. "He looks so similar to Rino," Joel commented and I scratched my head nervously. "I know, I don't want anyone to misunderstand anything." I stroked the baby's hair more making him giggle louder. "You mean you don't want Val to misunderstand," Ria teased and I blushed hard. "What? No! He's not. I'm don't swing that way." I blushed hard, my face was as red as a tomato.

"Ya sure," Ria and Joel both smirked. I sped up trying to get away from both of them. It went silent after that except for the little giggles once in awhile. My face stayed red the whole way there and I couldn't do anything about it. When we finally got there, we were met with a lot of surprised faces. "Okay why is there a baby and who's baby is it?" Alex asked while everyone stared stunned at the giggling baby. "I'll explain everything," I said and started explaining everything that happened.

Ria and Joel hid behind me while I continued explaining. Everyone just listened to quietly and looked at the baby attached to me. "So you guys thought bringing him here is a good idea?" Val asked while staring intensely at the baby. "It was Rino's idea," Joel said pointing at me. I face palmed and rolled my eyes before elbowing Joel. "It was my idea, we can't just leave a baby in the store. I'll take care of him okay, we got everything we need to take care of him." I admitted and lifted the baby up in front of Val. "Damn it, he's adorable. He can stay," Val smiled and took the baby in his arms. "So what are we going to name him?"