It won't always be that easy, you think as you sit on a park bench with Yarrk, sluggishly moving your stolen blood around your body. New vampires can always have fun for the first few nights, but then other Kindred learn about your tricks, or hunters notice statistical anomalies, or the herd itself instinctively reacts to the invisible predator in their midst. But tonight you feel good.
A Lotus Esprit Turbo in powder blue rolls up to the curb, blaring synthwave loud enough to scare the crows. The driver flings a parcel your way. When you pick it up, he peels out.
The parcel contains a card for a pawnshop. Written on the back: Cars. There's also an extended-stay ticket for a parking garage, with a four-digit key code written on the back. So it looks like you have a place to park.