
yare yare

作者: DaoistPDnSHF
Magical Realism
連載中 · 145 ビュー
  • 1 章
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What is yare yare

WebNovel で公開されている、DaoistPDnSHF の作者が書いた yare yare の小説を読んでください。...



Rusted Rose Vines

A mere eight years ago, it should have been a day of celebration, yet mankind was greeted by the continuation of a nightmare. Now the year is 1955 and the world has yet to recover from the catastrophe of World War II. Originally a straightforward task that has been complicated by what could only be described as an infestation of fantasy, a cascade of supernatural phenomena. The heart of the issue lies in a devastated Europe, originating from the former nation of Germany. In this world devoid of wisdom, one that has been defiled by foreign magic, peace has become a distant dream as the wishes of the dead continue to roam the planet’s surface, clinging to the present. The world has lost its right to a future, one that it never deserved. Now that common sense has lost its meaning, rejoice in the reign of a new dawn. From the perspective of many souls that were drawn from across the world, one single story will unfold. It all begins here in a rebuilt London of an aberrant world, as they catch a glimpse of a greater truth. Finally, the boundary between delusion and reality ceases to be, for that is God’s curse and blessing. Under the shining sky, it is but a single night like any other, filled with pretentious laughter and common derision. Here, under the stars, a declaration of reform will be given. Even then, humanity will always fear God's words of truth after all, for his song is that of beautifully distant days, far away in the past and future.

Valery_Parshin · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Five Corners of Neopatra

In the magnificent land of Neopatra, a star-shaped island ruled by an emperor, a tale of unity and bravery unfolds. The island's vastness necessitates the appointment of kings to govern its five corners, forming the diverse kingdoms of Neopatra. For centuries, these kingdoms thrived in peaceful isolation, interacting only when necessary or during joyous festivals. But the tranquility is shattered when a formidable threat emerges, compelling the princes of Neopatra to join forces. Together, they must confront the impending darkness and overcome numerous challenges that lie in their path. As the princes embark on a perilous journey, they face not only external adversaries but also their own internal conflicts. Will they find the strength to overcome personal struggles and unite in their quest to protect their beloved land? In a world of treacherous landscapes and profound revelations, the bonds of brotherhood, the power of unity, and the resilience of the human spirit take center stage. Join the valiant princes of Neopatra as they navigate a journey filled with ancient secrets, unexpected alliances, and relentless determination to safeguard their cherished island. Embark on an epic adventure alongside these heroes, as they strive to vanquish the encroaching darkness and secure the destiny of Neopatra. Will their courage be enough to overcome the challenges ahead? Discover the fate of Neopatra in this gripping saga of courage and sacrifice.

sngyunr_03 · ファンタジー


Esta es la historia de Ximena, una chica que vive traumada por la sangrienta muerte de toda su familia a manos de un Oso de pelaje rojinegro y ojos amarillos. ¿Fue un mero hecho trágico del destino o habían razones detrás por la que el animal aniquiló a toda su familia? Ximena vive con profundas cicatrices emocionales que la atormentan todas las noches. Se niega a perdonar a su padre, pero como es el único familiar que tiene y sigue siendo menor de edad, deberá vivir con él en contra de su voluntad. Intentará continuar el instituto y un día en la clase de sobrevivencia de la Profesora Charoll -una anciana de 68 años de edad-, se enterará de un secreto que le dará sentido a su vida: «Los hombres osos existen». Comenzará a estudiar los documentos olvidados que relatan muertes extrañas por osos y unirá cabos sueltos. La búsqueda de repuestas la llevará a postularse al: Ónice. Una comunidad de brujas de Alaska que guarda los secretos del tramo final de su investigación. Pero antes de ser admitida deberá luchar y pasar una serie de pruebas para ser aceptada. Y esto, no será nada fácil. Desenredar un insondable secreto costará sangre, muchas lágrimas y muertes de amigos. Vicente Da rivas & Kristian Da Rivas. Todos los derechos reservados. Nota: Dejad vuestros comentarios, los capítulos se irán subiendo semanalmente si recibe apoyo y cariño de ustedes queridos lectores. Todos los derechos reservados

Jesus_Rivas_7684 · ホラー
2 Chs


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  • 世界観設定


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