

Terror y Horror
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WebNovel で公開されている、Jesus_Rivas_7684 の作者が書いた HOMBRES OSOS Y BRUJAS DE ALASKA の小説を読んでください。Esta es la historia de Ximena, una chica que vive traumadapor la sangrienta muerte de toda su familia a manos de un Oso de pelajerojinegro y ojos amarillos. ¿Fue un mero hecho trágico del destino o ha...


Esta es la historia de Ximena, una chica que vive traumada por la sangrienta muerte de toda su familia a manos de un Oso de pelaje rojinegro y ojos amarillos. ¿Fue un mero hecho trágico del destino o habían razones detrás por la que el animal aniquiló a toda su familia? Ximena vive con profundas cicatrices emocionales que la atormentan todas las noches. Se niega a perdonar a su padre, pero como es el único familiar que tiene y sigue siendo menor de edad, deberá vivir con él en contra de su voluntad. Intentará continuar el instituto y un día en la clase de sobrevivencia de la Profesora Charoll -una anciana de 68 años de edad-, se enterará de un secreto que le dará sentido a su vida: «Los hombres osos existen». Comenzará a estudiar los documentos olvidados que relatan muertes extrañas por osos y unirá cabos sueltos. La búsqueda de repuestas la llevará a postularse al: Ónice. Una comunidad de brujas de Alaska que guarda los secretos del tramo final de su investigación. Pero antes de ser admitida deberá luchar y pasar una serie de pruebas para ser aceptada. Y esto, no será nada fácil. Desenredar un insondable secreto costará sangre, muchas lágrimas y muertes de amigos. Vicente Da rivas & Kristian Da Rivas. Todos los derechos reservados. Nota: Dejad vuestros comentarios, los capítulos se irán subiendo semanalmente si recibe apoyo y cariño de ustedes queridos lectores. Todos los derechos reservados


How I am Climbing Up

An Eagle is flying over the land. The land is going to be decorated with so many beautiful things. The land is recently bought by blood and prestige. Blood is buried here to fertile the land. Along with blood fibre had mixed with the soil. The soil is now reddish black now. Soil has a own color if its. So the whole traders are trying to return the own color of soil. But some are opponents here. They are pouring more blood and fibre. One side the land is reddish black and another side is deep green. Its also near to black. In the deep green side, lives are more alive. They are growing the plants. Their plants are taking blood from the soil. Bit their flowers are not red in color! Rather pinky, blue, yellow, purple, aslo not black! Leaves are such Green! Here colors are so beautiful. Life has a meaning itself. But who is looking at the Land! How is going on the observation? Is it partial! Biased! Or neutral! Somebody knows! Or the Eagle! In this meantime Eagle is called for the comments of observation - The Eagle wears a black suit. It also wears black sun glass. Its looking very dumb with a sharp red lip. But it is saying that its good to be dumb at this moment. Where sharp lips also indicate something. Here is the Eagle which is from Heaven. It has large wings. Its lips is colored with red. It is prohibited to hurt the naughties! An observer can be a judge. Its duty is to see and report. Today is the date to go to Heaven to report the monthly observation. Its his 39th observation report. It is taking preparation to make a grand report at the 40th report. Here is a chance to take everything come to light. And the God is happy with its report. But the God isn’t concern about its secret plan. He has a very actute political sense. It is very powerful when it sees a powerful political party. Again for a nice combination it is emotional with the poor conditions of the marginal people. Also sometimes makes counter balance and balanced view with the middle class where happiness and sorrows are always in a conflict. The Eagle is bored with reports. Sometimes he needs to create drama for nothing. Also it makes him free. But does freedom means all sense! Whatever happens, good or bad! It needs to report good things. Then why need a reporter! If God cannot give attention to the poor conditions and Bad situations, then why paying the reporters. This Payment can be allotted betweens the marginal class people. Isn’t it! But the God has no headache with it. Everybody is busy with own business where marginal and common class people are the products of their business!. The land is busy neither with domestic social realism nor with dynamic leadership able politics! The land is only saving money for the future life. Some are billionaire and they are transporting money to the other land and in their treasury. Bit the Own land people are getting skinny in physical and mental growth. Their medicines are proper guidelines, proper education, and proper culture practice. Where they are alienated and isolated from the real life. Fancies and social domestic dilemmas are flown over the sky. Here is a lacking of social schooling. Nobody is caring the people who are with loss of childhood, loss of morality, loss of eating nutritious foods. Rather they are still deprived of social developments. Here young generation is in confusion of selecting their life partners legally rather they are engaged in doing illegal sexual relationship which makes life disastrous! They are busy in killing embroys. The hospital toilets are floated with blood every moments. Think, how life is here! A land is under observation for the 24th hours of an Eagle. But something prestigious things happen avoiding its observation. Then the Eagle is in terror to stop them!

Papia_Talukder · 都市
23 Chs


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Me gustó mucho. A penas salió la leí de coincidencia. Espero el próx capítulo



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