
Yandere monster girls are my army

Boss's power allows him to speak with animals, but other than that, his stats are abysmal. In a world that values strength for the survival of humankind, if he wants to succeed in life, Boss has to climb the power ladder. By climbing monster girls’ boobs(?) “I’m not a furry, BUT” This is a story of a man who will become the king of monster girls. And because they are monsters, they tend to be a bit "clingy." --- The art is not mine—all credits to the artist.

Artkairther · ファンタジー
5 Chs

His name is "Boss"

In the past, an event called "apocalypse" happened, many dimension rifts opened, and waves of monsters came out from them.

At first, the military could handle it with not many casualties.

Still, as time passes, bigger and stronger monsters emerge, rockets and bullets aren't enough, planes get swooped by dragons, leviathans roam the ocean, and behemoths crash the world.

Face impossible foes, the world united and decided to nuke the shit out of them.

After the wave had ended, people started to gain phenomenal power.

We called it "magic."

'I hate Monday.'

Every time he woke up, he realized he had to go to school.

Standing at 181cm, weight 72kg, maybe not handsome nor muscular but above average.

Boss drags his body from the bed to the restroom and starts his day.

He is an 18 years old boy, an orphan, living in his late parent's house with his trusty dog.

"Zeus! You hungry, aren't you?"

A golden retriever charged at him and circled him while a tail wagged.

Zeus' head rises and nods.

"Welp, but I have to inform you that our budget has gone low, so I have to change your meal."

Boss didn't want to do this, but his family didn't leave much of a fortune.

If he plans to continue going to college, which he is, he has to start saving money from now on.

"I'm sorry, Zeus. I hope it is at least edible for you."

It was the last family member he got after his parent died in the "dimension accident."

He wants to take care of it the best he can, but the money says otherwise.

Zeus sniffed the food and started eating it.

At first, it seemed to be disgusted by the quality, but then it continued eating, but the tail stopped waggling.

Boss is hurt, but he has endured. He grabs the instant noodle on the shelf but finds it empty too.

'Oh great.'

He rolled his eye as if these days couldn't get any worse.

"I'm going out. Remember to call me if anything goes wrong."

He wore up his torn-out shores before leaving out.

Zeus nods to his word and puts his front leg up like saluting.

Boss grabs his bike and rides to school.

The house is close to school, but it is in an old district that is almost a slum.

Of course, this bike has been stolen many times, but the culprit always mysteriously gets caught.

Boss winked at the stray cat before riding off to the main road.

[Frozen lake school] is the name of his school.

Students here can range from middle-class to top-end because it is located in the middle of the city and has an excellent reputation.

Boss is in his last years. Next year he will go to university if he can.

He is a scholarship student, albeit a controversial one.

"There he is, the weird guy who always talks to animals."

"I heard his mana level is F. He basically can't use magic."

"Why waste money on him? If they give me the scholarship, I would have my new sho-sword every month."

When he stepped inside the school, many started to gossip about him.

He got a bad reputation among the students because weak people shouldn't get the spotlight in this world.

This world isn't normal, at least compared to 30 years ago.


In the sports yard nearby, one man got sent flying by the muscular girl's tackle.

And on the other side, someone starts dancing with fire, fighting against an opponent using an energy blade.

This world has become a world of magic and science.

All people can use magic, some are more gifted than others, but money can close the gap to a certain extent.

Sadly, Boss has none of it, magic or money.

The only magical thing he can do is speak with animals, he can't even light up a torch, but he doesn't give up.

He wants to revenge for his parent's death. Even if he is the "weakest student."

This novel will contain short episodes to avoid burnout as much as possible.

Artkairthercreators' thoughts