
Yandere monster girls are my army

Boss's power allows him to speak with animals, but other than that, his stats are abysmal. In a world that values strength for the survival of humankind, if he wants to succeed in life, Boss has to climb the power ladder. By climbing monster girls’ boobs(?) “I’m not a furry, BUT” This is a story of a man who will become the king of monster girls. And because they are monsters, they tend to be a bit "clingy." --- The art is not mine—all credits to the artist.

Artkairther · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Classroom of the S

"Oh, hello everyone, long time seeing you all!"

After 3 hours of a conference call to gather all students, the S class students finally gathered inside the classroom.

"Are you still here?"

One of the girls asked him with disgust.

"I'm quite surprised but can't help it. I don't want to be here either."

Boss truthfully answered people like him should be in around C class, learning and playing chilling in high school, not getting stuck with these lunatic talented people and having to try so fucking hard not to get judged.

"Then why don't you fail a test and get out? My sister would be here if it had 1 more slot open!"

"Well, go tell your sister to get good then. If she can't beat me, then beat someone else. We have like 50 people here."

"And last time I checked, my average score was 4th place, so don't push your luck, girl. I have been here for 6 years, and you only have 1. If it weren't because the tuition price is so fucking high, I wouldn't try so hard to keep my score."

Boss is maybe weak, but he isn't stupid so insulting his ability isn't acceptable.

Speak without knowing him; he can let it slide, but be with him for a year and still can't shut her mouth? Don't think you can get past him freely.

Outside of magical and physical tests, he always is in 2nd place.

1st place is usually all taken by Aria, counting physical testing too.

She is a beast.


"Stop! You behave as the teachers said about you, Mister Boss."

"Then you should have known I am honest, responsible, and smart."

"And lazy, yes, I know it, now be quiet, and you too, go sit on your seat."


"Take a seat! We have been waiting far too long for this homeroom!"

The teacher quickly asserted her dominance over the student and left out a commanding presence.

She stood up and stood in front of the girl, and her shadow darkened with her 2.1m tall.

The girl stuttered. She quickly ran to her seat and sat down obediently.

"My name is Mila, and I will be your class teacher starting today."

"If you have any questions, do ask. Before I detail what will happen to you in this last year."

"How are you qualified to boss us like that?"

"Why do you look at me? Look at her."

"Because I'm an A-rank adventurer. Is that qualified enough, rookie?"

The class erupted in excitement and confusion. How come an A-rank adventurer became their teacher?

An A-rank adventurer is equal to an army general in terms of power.

"But why?"

The boy questions further.

"Because 98% of you wrote you want to be an adventurer and 2% for a veterinarian. So, the school principal contacted me to guide you guys on how to be an adventurer."

Mila is here to teach them how to fight in a war between worlds.

She felt sad for the person who didn't want to be an adventurer, but the principal had already contacted that person's parents, and they were ok with it, so she had to do her job.

"Hey, don't look at me, I know I'm weak AF, but I can be useful."

After knowing 1 person wants to be a veterinarian, all of them look at Boss in unison, but can you blame them? He literally can speak with animals!

'And besides, I never got a chance to speak with those monsters before. Maybe they can understand me.'

Boss never tested if his power works with monsters in dimension rift because he never gets in one.

His unique ability was useless in combat, and his power level was abysmal; the adventurer associated or AA didn't let him sign in early.

Unlike everyone in this room, they ALL get to sign in early because of their strength.

"If there are no more questions, then I will announce the field trip program we will have today afternoon."

"Isn't afternoon today the club?"

The muscular girl Boss saw sent some dude flying, raising her hand from her wet body.

The big bouncy mountain makes everyone gulp in thirst to taste that sweat, except Boss because he is calm.

"Yes, but club means free time for you all anyway. If you have an objection, talk to the principal, but beware, you know she isn't the kind to tolerate half-measures. You said you want to be an adventurer. You will be."

"Either go or get out. What do you want to do?"

Reject the class, meaning you have to go. This S class is to grind top students to their core so that when they graduate, they can bring fame to the school's name, but if they want to take it easy, leave and go to a lower class.

All of them no longer have any questions. Those who have appointments or dates use their phone to text and call to cancel them.

"The field trip is we will go to the nearest C rank dimension rifts. I already check that some of you have experience with them, so this should be too scary or dangerous. Tell me, and you can leave."

'Man, this girl is hard!'

Boss can catch the meaning behind all these words if anyone out now means they are afraid!

And for these talented students, it means losing face. They will never do it!

Except if they don't care about their face…

"C-rank seems a bit too much for me. I think I pa—take this field trip."

But before he can't dip out from this dangerous field trip, heat can be felt behind his ear.

Aria quickly hides her face under the book and looks at him with puppy eyes.

'She didn't want to go. And she wants me to go with her….'

She is afraid to go alone, and she is also the one who wrote to the veterinarian, but her parents had already told her about the field trip and demanded she go.

"That was weird but ok. Everyone, meet me at the front gate after lunch. Class dismissed."

She isn't a teacher and has no license, so don't expect her to follow the rule much.

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