

Dead_5666 · ファンタジー
4 Chs


(Mari: it's been several days since I've seen a city...I'm starving...all they give us are scraps or moldy food...I hope we make it to camp. I miss the feeling of dirt...)

[2 Days later]

Onyx: It's time to get out! We're here!

(Nedeth and Mari both step out of the carriage covering their eyes to adjust them to the bright sun)

Unknown voice: Ahh Onyx these meals look yummy.

Onyx: Haha, Well knowing you you'll play with your food.

(Onyx Pulls the chains and forces Nedeth and Mari into a cage locking them in and leaving continuing his conversation with the Wolf Beastmen)

Nedeth: Mari…Are we going to be okay?

Mari: Don't worry…I told you I got ur back as long as you got mines.

(Looking at the shadows Mari could tell what time of the day it was a skill she Innately learned while being locked up in the carriage for so long)

Mari: It's gonna be 3 o'clock soon I wonder…

Onyx: Hey filth, got any cooking experience?

Mari: …a little.

Onyx: Well make a decision you either figure it now or become the meal.

(Onyx then grabs Mari by her neck While Nedeth tries everything he can so he could release her)

Onyx: ahh cute you two remind me of helpless baby animals.

(Onyx pulled Nedeth by his Dreading going down steps towards what had like infinite darkness)

Mari:Let go! Where are you taking us??

(Mari still struggling got no answer but after a couple more steps going deeper into the dungeon the pungent smell of rotting corpses and feces filled the air)

Onyx: Look dog! (Onyx says as he pushes Nedeth against metal bars) you're new home.

(Nedeth confused to what he was supposed to be looking at gets yanked and thrown into the jail cell with the rest of the bodies)

Onyx: if your able to fight then your able to be a man and work. I'll be back for you later.

(Onyx walks over to the kitchen in the back of the mess hall and throws Mari to the ground in front of everyone)

Onyx: Looky here meat puppets, I got you another helping since you all been lacking behind…why don't you introduce yourself?


(Onyx swiftly kicks Mari in the stomach making her cough up blood)

Onyx: Louder!

Mari: Hello, I'm Mari it's a pleasure for you to have me

Onyx: Good, the pup can speak.

(Onyx walks out of the room and everyone comes to Mari's)

Unknown voice :Are you okay?

(Mari looks up)

Mari:…food can I please get some…

Of course.

(One of the women gives Mari a loaf of bread, the women were all amazed how fast Mari devoured it)

Unknown voice:Okay good to hear your okay, I'm Carissa (she puts her hand out to help pull Mari up) and this is Bianca,

Yasmine, and Selena.

(Mari looks around confused)

Mari: It's only girls here?

Yasmine: Yea, usually Beastmen around here only keep girls as slaves, it's only because we can cook and be play things

Mari: What happened to all the men?

Carrisa: They all died from either overworked or being killed.

Mari: And your okay with that!?

Yasmine: WE HAD NO CHOICE!!! (Bianca and Selena both went and comforted Yasmine)

Carissa:They took our husbands and fiancées and we've haven't seen them in years so we assumed they killed them without trying to letting us know.

(MeanWhile Onyx retuned to Nedeth)

Onyx: So kid!(Onyx opens the cell and enters in towering over Nedeth in size and stature) you wanna fight (Onyx Punches Nedeth Making him hit the back of the room then grabbing him by his shirt and throwing him outside)

(Nedeth coughs trying to grasp his breath)

Onyx: Stand on your feet meat sack!

(Onyx grabs Nedeth by the hair and drags him into a forest with a wooden handle axe in hand)

Nedeth: Ugh! Let me go! Where are you bringing me now !?

Onyx: Shut up!…Your here to work and I don't wanna hear any complaints or else I'll eat your fucking face.

(Onyx throws Nedeth to the ground and threw the axe at a tree knocking it down with sheer force)

Onyx: Now find that Axe and get to work!

(Nedeth Terrified Quickly sprints deeper into the Forest to find the Axe, Meanwhile back in the Kitchen)

Yasmine: Dinner time!

(Selena Rings the bell calling in all the Beastmen in the camp to come eat)

Walter: ahh Spicy deer stew My Favorite!

(Time passes and after severing all the Beastmen Mari looks around wondering where is her brother and then she over hears two Beastmen)

Alligator Beastmen: That scrawny meat sack went into the Forest with Onyx…

Monkey Beastmen: … oow oow I wonder how long will it take before he collapses like the others…

Snake Beastmen: Would you like to placcce ssssome betsss?

Bear Beastmen: I beat all my meals for entire month he dies by the end of the week.

(Hearing this Mari walks up and says)

Mari: I bet he won't die

(All the Beastment at that table Glared at Mari)

Bear Beastmen: You honestly think he will live!?

(The Room grew quiet)

Mari: I have faith he won't die!

(All the Beastmen Laughed at her)

Monkey Beastmen: oow oow This meat sack seems to favor him!

(Back in the Forest Nedeth was trying his best to chop up the wood and he over heated and passed out but when he woke up he saw a bowl of water left next to him)

(Nedeth: Did that Lion Beastmen leave this here for me…)

Unknown voice: It's safe to Drink if your worried about that.

(Nedeth Eyes widen startled to hear a women's voice from behind him)

Nedeth: Who are you?

(Nedeth Turns around to see a Tan Cat beastmen with blue eyes,red hair and scars)

Cat Beastmen: I'm kitten the only Female Beastmen in this pride…(Nedeth slowly tries to crawl away from her)

It's okay I don't wanna hurt you.

Nedeth: How do I know that?

(In that same moment Kitten kissed Nedeth on the forehead for Nedeth it felt like time was at a standstill as he blushed and becomes nervous)

Nedeth: what was that for!?

Kitten: It's my way of saying I come in peace. (She said as she smiled)

Kitten: It's okay You don't have to be scared…I'll always be here if you want to talk…

(Onyx interrupts by running up and kicking Nedeth in his face forcing all his weight to pin Nedeth to the floor)

Onyx: So runt I see you took a liking to this meat sack.

Kitten: I don't know what your talking about and can you please get off of him??

Onyx: You and I both know this sack of meat is worthless and yet you're tending to him like a wounded pet?? It shows why your sad runt.

Kitten: He's still a boy and sometimes it gets lonely seeing your ugly face all the time.

(Onyx stomps on Nedeth's face repeatedly)

Onyx: Weak Trash!, You should die here with all the bugs and dirt because your nothing but an insect.

(Kittens sees Nedeth crying in pain and blood coming from his mouth and nose)

Kitten: Onyx! (Kitten grabbed Onyx's Arm and Kisses him on the cheek) Come On let's go somewhere with a little more privacy.

(Onyx looks at kitten and takes his foot off Nedeth's head)

Onyx: Okay.

(Onyx spits on Nedeth's face then starts to walk away with Kitten around his arm she then looks back at Nedeth and continues to move, As day turned to night, Nedeth beaten unconscious comes too in the dungeon able to smell food)

(Nedeth: I wonder how long was I out? What Evers being made smells delicious)

(Nedeth stomach begins to growl as he notices three rats eating a rotting apple, he scared the rats away and grabs the apple thinking of eating it but he drops it disguised by the mood and maggots, Nedeth still hungry crawls into the corner forcing himself to sleep to conserve his energy, meanwhile back in the kitchen)

Bianca: So Mari how old is your brother?

Mari: We're both going to be Seven, why?

(The room grew cold)

Yasmine: Well I don't know how to tell you this…remember when you were betting on him in the mess hall?

Mari: Uh,Yea I think, why?

Carrisa:He's going to die…

(Hearing that Mari stopped washing the plate she had in her hand as she nervously laughs)

Mari:Why would you say that? How do you know…

Bianca: Our husbands were all killed…

Mari:Yea…so what!? Needy will survive because he's strong too!

(Meanwhile back at the Dungeon Onyx Wakes Nedeth Up by kicking him in the genitals)

Onyx: Wake up you mutt, who told you it was time for you to sleep?

(Onyx grabs Nedeth by his chains and escorted him outside)

(Onyx: The Bruises I gave him were already gone)

Onyx: Hey filth! If you ever get close to kitten like that again I'll make sure those bruises don't heal.

(After walking for sometime They both arrived at a large whole in the round)

Onyx: This is your new home, Now get acquainted!

(As he said that he Pushed Nedeth in)

Nedeth:Ahhhhhhh *thuds*

Onyx: Now get some sleep you work in 2 hours!

[1 hour later]

: oow oow Wake up meat sack

(Nedeth Wakes up to being punch in the face)

: oow oow You know that meat sack had a lot of nerve betting on you I wanna see why.

(The monkey beastmen drops Nedeth back onto the floor)

Monkey Beastmen: Oow oow did you know that we Bonobos are into men and women and I haven't had a new toy in a while…

(The Monkey Beastmen began to undress him when Onyx Suddenly appeared)

Monkey Beastmen: Oow oow O-Onyx…Wha?

Onyx: Do whatever you want I'm just here to keep watch and by the way Hammond try to keep this one intact he has work.

(Hammond smile started to widen as he pulled down Nedeth's pants and underwear with no hesitation Hammond slide his dick inside of Nedeth's Asshole making him feel a very intense and sharp pain, realizing he's waking up Hammond pins down Nedeth and covers his mouth)

Hammond: Shhh shh oow oow it's okayy your doing a good job. (He whispers)

(Nedeth trying to fight him off with all his strength couldn't match the raw power of a Beastmen)

(Nedeth: Mari please…save me…I'm scared…this hurts so much…please.)(Nedeth begins to cry)

(Hammond still rapidly thrusting he grabs Nedeth by the hair)

Hammond: Don't run oow oow it's almost over !

(Hammond yanks Nedeth by the hair and starts to ram his penis into him making Nedeth almost pass out from pain)

Hammond: Oww oww (As Hammond is about to ejaculate he rams his penis as deep as Nedeth can take making his asshole leak blood and semen) See good job you helped me finish.

(Hammond then pulls out making the semen splash out and leaving Nedeth unable to stand and sobbing, Hammond then jumped 20 meters out of the hole started walking back the middle of the camp, While in real time it lasted 30 minutes. For Nedeth it felt like hours of Agony and torture)

Onyx: ha ha ha, I bet your gonna have a good night sleep after suchhaving a good time…see you in an hour.

(Nedeth still feeling the agonizing pain cried himself back to sleep)

[ 1 hour later 6:30 am]

(Onyx Threw a bucket of water at Nedeth making him wake up instantly)

Onyx: Get up! Here's your dinner!

(Nedeth try's to stand up and look At what Onyx is holding but wobbles as he tries to move)

Onyx:Since you did good today I'll feed you

(Onyx drops the Rotted Apple into Nedeths hand)

Onyx: Go on and Eat you look famished.

(Nedeth eyes started to water as his mind started and will started to shatter as he devoured the apple infested with maggots,worms and flies)


(Onyx Smiles and throws down one of the rats from the cell)

Onyx:Let me see how good are you at hunting live animals.

(Nedeth Swoops uptown the Rat bitting it's head off and drinking his blood to quench his thirst)

(Onyx looks on in laughter)

Onyx: is this what you humans call a circus?

(Nedeth Then Starts eating the rest of the rat)

Onyx: today your gonna go hunting.

(After Nedeth pulls up his pants Onyx grabs Nedeth chains yanking him out of the hole and Hands him a pocket knife)

Onyx: I'll only show you how to hunt and skin the meat once.

(Nedeth and Onyx walk to a grassy field and Onyx starts to sniff the air)

Onyx: Easy prey!

(Onyx throws that pocket knife making it pierce cleanly through the rock and killing a bunny who was hiding behind it)

Onyx: Now look! Make an inch-long slit in the skin just above the knee on each back leg. Insert your index and middle fingers into the slits and free the skin from the legs. Work around each leg, pulling the skin toward the rabbit's back and belly to remove it from the entire hindquarter. Tear the skin where necessary to prevent it from bunching or binding and cut through the skin on the rabbit's belly from anus to neck. Be careful not to pierce the stomach or intestines, as their contents can contaminate the meat. Any questions?

Nedeth: I don't kno…

Onyx: No questions! Good!

(Onyx leaves Nedeth to go sit on a stomp to read a news paper)

Nedeth: I don't Remember what you said!

Onyx: Figure it out or you die (Onyx Flicks the magazine open)

(Nedeth tries to repeat the steps he said and it came out fine)

(Nedeth: That was easier then I originally thought.)

(Nedeth hears something in the bushes and runs ahead at full speed chasing it)

(Kitten: Come here cute little boy)

(In that instant Nedeth body was Allured by a scent making him follow it)

Kitten: Hiyaa (Kitten hugs Nedeth smothering him)

Nedeth: ...

Kitten: You look like a nice little play thing… now sit

(Nedeth still Controlled sits with Kitten)

Kitten: So…Tell me about urself.(She says with a innocent smile)

Nedeth: I'm Nedeth, I love birthday cake and croquettes, My birthday is June 12th IV, I Love Playing tag with my sister…

Kitten: Sister?? Tell me about her.

Nedeth: She my big sister and she will always have my back, can do hair, she's mean at times, and she's the only family I have…

Kitten: Good so you better not break on me or else you won't be able to see her.(As she holds Nedeth closer)

(Kitten looks at his hair and purrs while playing with it)

Kitten: go to sleep.

(Nedeth fell asleep in her arms as she rubs his head)

Kitten: Yay now back to onyx and forget this conversation.(She whispers)

(Nedeth got up and walked away)

(Kitten: Release.)

Nedeth: Huh ? I think I lost the prey ugh!!!

(Onyx runs and grabs Nedeth face slamming him into the ground)

Onyx: I Shouldn't have to be hunting better than you mutt! Now come on!

(Onyx pickes Nedeth up but his dreads and throws him in the hole again then leaves to deliver the meat to the kitchen for dinner time)

Onyx: Since you failed to do the simplest tasks you won't be getting dinner tonight!

(Hearing that with no way out Nedeth crawled into corner and waiting for the next day fearing that Hammond would come back)