

Dead_5666 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

A New start

(Everyone gathers Around Yasmine as explains how The escape plan will play out)

Yasmine: Nedeth, when you go out hunting what does Onyx usually do?

Nedeth: Mainly read but he does have the habit of going off to hunt on his own.

Yasmine: Good, Kitten im going to need you to Distract Walter while we get the carriage set up.

Bianca: Doesn't onyx have a detailed map of the country?

Kitten:Yea, and the key to the stables.

Yasmine: The Nearest town over is Adria Right? We could go there and hide out in the slums.

Selena: Me, Nedeth, and Mari can go into his room and try to steal the map and key.

Yasmine: Once I'm done loading the carriage im going to set off the oil vats in the kitchen basement and hopefully we all can make it out of this hell.

Carissa: Just give me and Bianca the signal to leave the mess hall.

(Kitten grabs Nedeth and smiles)

Kitten: Don't worry your two best fighters will protect you.

(While everything was taking longer to set up Yasmine's plan was about to take place, as the sun began to shift Dinner time was approaching Nedeth snuck away from Onyx to meet with Mari and Selena)

Selena: Okay since everyone at the mess hall it gives us a little time to search for the key.

Mari: Let's just quickly go in and out so we can go to the next town.

(As Selena steps in a large explosion occurred at the mess hall as Yasmine planned)

Nedeth: I just hope Walter and Onyx doesn't notice

(Mari begins to search Onyx's Belongings and finds a dagger, she tucks it around her waist and continues searching)

Selena: I found the key!

(Selena pleased she began to look around to find the map)

Selena: Did you guys find anything?

(Suddenly Mari gets inpaled in the chest by Someone's claws making blood spill everywhere. Nedeth and Selena looked back at Mari with a devastated looks on their faces, Onyx furious walks into the tent)

Onyx: So my instincts weren't wrong, well you've made a grave error, one from trying to steal from me and two trying to escape.

(Mari coughing up blood grabs the tucked-away dagger and tries to stab Onyx in the Neck but the blade was too dull and broke on impact. Knowing if they got into an altercation it would get worse Selena grabs Nedeth by the hand and tries to run out but Nedeth feeling nothing but rage tries to lash out and Fight)

Nedeth: Selena go and check on the others I'll stay and protect My sister.

(As Selena heard those words she began to ran away in tearing hoping they will make it out)

(Selena: Since the fire is spreading we have to act fast or else.)

(Onyx grabs his claws out of Mari and throws her onto the ground)

Nedeth: You'll pay for this!!

Onyx: You don't seem to get how weak you are.

(Nedeth jumps in the air and pulls out his axe)

Nedeth: Remember the present: you gave me? now have them back!

(Onyx dodges Nedeths attack and bites his fangs into Nedeths Left-arm then He kicks Nedeth in his stomach with enough force to violently rip it off. As Nedeth body flys and hit Onyx's bed he began to lose consciousness and have a loud ringing in his ears)

Onyx: I guess I see why Walter loves to hunt you humans down…your flesh….your blood it's all so tasty and sweet.

(After devouring the rest of Nedeth's arm he begins to eat Mari's corpse the sounds of bones breaking filled the room. As time has been passing by Nedeth regained consciousness from the smell of smoke coming from the nearby burning tents)

(Nedeth: I don't get it…how did this happen…how did he know we were here.)

(Nedeth looked over and seen a plush doll sitting on his dresser)

(Nedeth: is that his familiar? The one kitten told us about…)

(Nedeth barely able to stand starts crying from frustration)

Nedeth: I'm not done….I'm not done…I'm not done…

(Nedeth runs towards Onyx but Onyx stabs him in his throat)

Onyx: I was hoping you would put up more of a fight, Pitiful. What happened to the kitten who use to struggle to live?

(Nedeth Laying on the floor dying reaches over to Mari's disfigured body and holds her hand remembers holding his mother's hand right before she left him at the church)

(Nedeth's mother: I know this might be scary just know mommy still loves and cherishes you….(inaudible noise)

(Dark entity: So I see no one Is here to help you…this time I want your body)

(Nedeth looks around this vestige world and sees a black entity standing behind him)

(Nedeth: What are you? And my body?)

(The black entity looks into Nedeth's Mana and smiles)

(Dark entity: Let's have a little game I'll give you the power you want to bring back your sister back but in exchange for …...)

(Nedeth confused yells in frustration)

(Nedeth: Answer me!)

(The entity extends his arm making Nedeth Mirror him and his arm began to turn completely black)

(Nedeth: What is this w- my arm what did you do to my arm)

(The entity smiles and says)

Dark Entity: I'll show you you're true potential.

(Meanwhile in the Tent Onyx is about to leave so he can catch the other slaves but is stopped as Nedeth stands up radiating Dark mana all around him)

Onyx: You really won't stay down kid.

(Nedeth lunges towards onyx making him draw his sword to protect himself. Nedeth breaks the sword with a slash and continues to attack Onyx)

(Onyx: WHAT THE HELL!? Why does he have a new black arm? and This buster sword was made out of a dragons fang and it broke like a stick

(Nedeth grabs onyx by his snout and flings him outside)

Onyx: so I see this dog still has some tricks.

(Nedeth's arm transforms back into claws as onyx grabs a dagger from his belt, Nedeth rushes Onyx but Onyx stabbed Nedeth in his blackened hand losing the dagger in the process, Onyx then Knees Nedeth in the face but he was completely unfazed)

(Onyx: I gotta think of something fast or else I'm going to be stuck in this burning camp)

Onyx: Raigo!

(Onyx teleported behind Nedeth but Nedeth swiftly slashed Onyx's Eyeball out before spin kicking Onyx's head into his shelf making it collapse and he collapses as he grunts in excruciating pain)

(Onyx: His reflexes are as sharp as Walters, This smoke is making it hard to see and the damn fire is getting worse)

Onyx: Raigo!

(Onyx Teleports Nedeth in the spot where his familiar was placed trying to do a sneak attack but Nedeth Grabs Onyx's foot and breaks it but Onyx didn't flinch Onyx teleports the plush doll into Nedeth's hands while Onyx Attacked from above)

(Onyx: Nows my Chance!)

(Onyx Slashes Down onto Nedeth with all his might but Nedeth was able to evade it, realizing what happened Onyx Body began to feel cold as it began to topple over Because her was split in two making Raigo disappear and just as the fight ended Mari's corpse began to burn and turned to char, the look on her face was of fear and pain.

Nedeth: I'm going to bring you back no matter what it takes…You hear me big sis you…you should be here…but because of these people….They took you away…this isn't fair! (Nedeth said as he punched the ground) I'll kill all of them!…every single last one will know my wraith!…I'll kill all the beastmen!

(As Nedeth stands up and Notices something wrapped up in a dark cloth sitting untouched by the fire)

(Nedeth: What is that…I think it fell when I hit Onyx into the shelf.)

(As Nedeth Unwrapped it, He discovered it was a spell book covered by a dark cloak)

Nedeth: Dirty Mutts don't deserve nice toys…

(Nedeth starts putting on Onyx's Cloak Meanwhile Selena Meets up with Everyone as planned Hoping Kitten was able to Make it Not too long after Kitten came running at full speed alerting the Women that she lost Walter)

Yasmine: What do you mean you lost him??

Kitten: I don't know we were in the forest fighting but when I was going to three-piece him he went wild and started running back to camp)

Bianca: If he's not with you do you think he's coming here??

Kitten: No he would have already been here by now something grabbed his attention more than I did.

Yasmine: let's start moving lady's we don't have the time to think!

Kitten: But wait Where's Nedeth and Mari??

Carrisa: Yea Selena weren't they with you getting the key?

Selena:….They both Died…

Yasmine: Wait what!?

Carissa: Ahh Shit We gotta Move now!… You're telling me that big wolf and big ass Lion are still around??

Selena: I don't know I remember Mari was in paled in the chest dying on the floor and Nedeth Sacrificed his life for me to escape…

(Everyone looked with grief on their face)

(Kitten: No way… He didn't die…he couldn't have, could he?… I can't sense our link anymore…so he's…)

(Kitten begins to shed tears for Nedeth)

Yasmine: Listen those two gave us an opportunity and the key to escape don't squander this moment.

(Bianca and Carrisa finished setting everything up and they all entered the carriage leaving the Beastmen's camp Meanwhile back at Onyx's burnt down tent Walter Comes Across Nedeth Wearing Onyx Cloak)

Walter: So boy, I see you were able to kill Onyx.


(Walter's eyes turned bloodshot as he began to lick his lips)

Walter: He was my prey and for you to kill him means that you had stronger…

(Walter howls loudly)

Walter: This is enough to get my blood bowling…

(Walter swiftly rushed Nedeth)

Walter: how strong are you!?

(Walter begins to strike Nedeth but He narrowly dodges his attacks)

Walter: is blocking all you can do!?

(Walter Speed increases as he continues to strike Nedeth, Nedeth began to get cuts and gashes from Walters Slashes)

(Nedeth: This guy is on another level I can't even see all of his strikes fully…I gotta think of something quick before I become too overwhelmed)

(Nedeth Tries to jump away and escape but Walter was too fast as Walter sledgehammered Nedeth back to the ground fear began to run all across his body)

Walter: Your just a tad bit too slow…and it's a shame I was hoping you would be strong since you killed him but I guess it was just luck.

(Nedeth laying on the floor looks up at Walter Uncertain of what's going to happen suddenly a dark void engulfed Nedeth causing him to be transported to a grassy field next to a forest)

Nedeth: Where am I?