
yęår žërø

The human world is broken. For the past 15 years, Monsters have dominated the Earth after human scientists accidentally created a serum that birthed those creatures, and what little humans that survived the apocalypse fight for their lives every single day. However, the dawn of another era approaches. A new race has risen. Hybrids. Neither human nor monster. Perhaps a bit of both. Evangeline, a seemingly human girl draws the attention of a mysterious organisation after a run-in with the Monsters and placed in a facility run by the government, which apparently is a school for Hybrids. As Evangeline uncovers several hidden secrets, it brings her to question the truth about the academy, the apocalypse, and most importantly, herself.

Superbrogle7 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 14: Aftermath


"Liam's a shifter." I raise my brows at the four hulking boys, including the one sprawled on the floor with my blanket, naked as the day he was born. What the fuck kind of explanation is that? Liam nods. I jab a finger in Liam's direction, not daring to look at him. I might just get a nosebleed. "Is he a perv?"

Adam's lips draw up in a cold, calculative smile. "Who knows? And, why do you ask?" I shake my head, still reeling from the relevation that the cat I was beginning to grow so fond of is actually one of the jerks I despise. Was the nice act the other day all pretend, too?

The guys, assuming that we're done with our little chat, proceed to leave the room. Liam too, though he takes my duvet, slung low around his hips, with him. "I'll return it," he smirks. Once they're all gone, I heave a sigh of relief, foolishly thinking for a brief moment that they are going to leave me in peace.

Nope. The universe has other plans, apparently. They all shuffle back in, carrying boxes with their stuff. Liam has, thankfully, put on some boxers. But god, he still looks hot as fuck.

I curl up on my side, facing the wall. I don't want them to see my burning face. Another realisation slams into me like a wrecking ball to the face. Just now, in the shower. And when I removed the bind in front of him on the first day. Shit! Liam definitely saw my breasts. My face heats. He knows I'm not a guy. If so, then why isn't he saying anything?

From the far corner of the room, I hear someone grumbling about how they have to be the one to sleep next to me. Boo-hoo, how unfortunate. At least I don't snore in my sleep! I close my eyes. Screw any shit they try to pull.

And so begins my new school life with extremely attractive assholes as my roomies.


The very next day, I get up super early. The room is dark, but I can still make out the four sleeping forms of my roommates in their beds. I'm secretly hoping it's Adam is my neighbour. Don't get me wrong. He's as terrible as the rest of them, but he mostly stays silent, unlike Raphael's sharp tongue, and probably won't try to start anything, unlike Isaiah's rage-inducing actions.

My stomach rumbles. Wonder what's for breakfast? Once again, I skipped dinner. I seem to be missing meals a lot nowadays. I quickly have breakfast downstairs. Crusty bread with eggs and ham. How do they store this? Maybe it's similar to that of how Mom and I did in the bunker.

The first bell rings. I hurry to class. Endurance. The new classroom is located on the third floor, thank god. Just a little way across from the heavy doors, I catch sight of a flight of stairs, leading up somewhere, though the steps past the fourth are shrouded in darkness. Something about it draws me closer, sparking a curiosity in me.

There goes the second bell. Time for class.

"As you all know, the gym was the venue where lessons were previously conducted, but was changed once again due to certain...circumstances." The teacher's eyes flick to me briefly. No one speaks, but I can feel their silent, judging stares. The Hybrid with freaky abilities and a human appearance. A familiar, irritating snicker breaks the silence. I turn to glare at my roomies on the other side of the room. Professor coughs and continues with the lesson.


The whole morning, students have simply avoided my gaze like I'm Medusa, but the annoying buzz of their gossip follows me wherever I go. Unfortunately, that's not the case for my roomies. While most keep a wide berth, they constantly hover like a swarm of flies, with their loud banter and raucous laughs, while completely ignoring my presence at the same time. God, they're insufferable.