
XXX Primal: A Warhammer Fantasy Story

The Desires of a Goddess of Chaos are Unfathomable and as chaotic as her and her brother’s personalities, on a whim she wants to see if a version of the one planet where the great game is played by her and her brothers and makes it in her image. After giving and order to one of her favored Daemon Princes, a journey is set for him as he loses everything he was to start from scratch and start a new in a world in Slaaneshes image. Fighting, Killing, Gratuitous Sex, and World Domination, all for her to watch and enjoy.

OneMoreScore · ゲーム
17 Chs

The Citadel of Dusks Breeding Pens

To everyone having issues getting to the mega link file here's a work around.

This is the url https://mega.nz/folder/CgtHmbwK

And this is the decryption key to access the file FPjRbl3AF0hdTzUX1FmlkQ

Let's try and see if that works instead for you guys as someone pointed out the issue, if this doesn't work then tell me and I'll try to figure something else out.


Every faction in this world has something special that makes it unique to its own people, some factions have shared traits such as any Slaanesh faction can forcibly vassalize those that they conquer by force or by influencing them with the ways beguiling ways of Slaanesh through diplomacy.

Some Skaven Clans have specific things they are good at such as biological mutations or creating weapons of mass destruction in others, Cathay and the Chaos dwarves have their Caravans, Vampires can raise up full army's of undead within moments of their are sufficient enough body's lying around to use, wood elves have the world roots, dark elves their dread fleets, Beastmen their Brayherd Monoliths and so on and so forth.

My faction in particular thanks to my goddess Slaanesh can create brand new monstrous creatures through the breeding pens.

Simply put I take two completely different species under my control and let them fall into ecstasy and lust for one another to make new exciting creatures as long as one is a man or at least has male genitalia and another is a woman or at least has female reproductive organs.

Though I do have to take into account compatibility between the races to see if it's possible for a new creature to be made from the union of two separate species, as the leader and blessed by Slaanesh herself I have a complete compatibility with any species and race, whether they be humans, elves, dwarves, greenskins, Skaven, Beastmen, Lizardmen or even the wild monsters of the Dark elves, Beastmen and Lizardmen, I can mate with any.

Same can't be said for the rest of my units, I can't simply make a chaos marauder try and mate with a say a dark elf war hydra, they aren't closely compatible, but change the marauder for a kroxigor and now they are at least semi-compatible.

The higher the compatibility the stronger creatures are formed from this unholy union between the two races, but the downsides are the less compatible the more weaker the creature created will be from the two along with the higher upkeep it would be needed to keep these monstrosities contained and willing to serve us.

An example of an easy high compatibility group would be Slaanesh Chaos Marauders and Slaanesh Daemonettes, together those two can create strong Fosaken of Slaanesh, Strong Abominations of Slaanesh or rarely even strong Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh.

Same could be said for most of my recruitable roster of units into my army's with more options opening up with the more factions we vassalize and create alliances with the more units we can create and certain legendary soldiers can be made between myself and other legendary leaders under my future vassalage.

The Sisters of Twilight, Drycha & Ariel of the Wood Elves, Alarielle of the High Elves, Morathi & Crone Hellebron of the Dark Elves, Gor-Roka, Nalakai the Wanderer & Kroq-Garan of the Lizardmen, Tourix of the Beastmen, Queen Neferatta, Isabella Von Carstein & Aranessa Saltspite of the Vampires, The Fay Enchantress(Lady of the Lake) of Bretonnia, Gruma Ironhide & Wulala da Great Green Prophetess of the GreenSkins, Miao Ying of Cathay, High Queen Khalida of the Living Tomb Kings, Lady VelVel of the Skaven to name the ones on the list given to me by my goddess.

(The front cover is actually supposed to be Nalakai(Nakai) and yes a portion of the leaders have been turned into their female counterparts in return for the world population being 75% women with the rest being men)

There were also the ancient Dragons who have also gone deep into hiding within the mountain ranges of the world who I plan to subjugate and make them bend to my and Slaaneshes will and have myself breed them or have them breed among the furture beasts we obtain.

Though there is a possibility that those that don't have a good compatibility with one another that some of them will end up killing eachother as a result, example being if any centigor and a mortal humanoid mated their is a high probability some will die do to their bodies not being able to withstand the centigors Prestigious horse sized members, same would be between a female wood elf and a giant, it can work but the mother will die from giving birth, not that those within my future thralls would care.

As of now Chaos Marauders we're having their way with the female skinks while the Daemonettes we're having their way with the male ones to help create new and exciting creatures for my faction.

Before I could go to my chambers and call upon my personal several of my soldiers told me of the return of my Herald along with a contingent of what appeared to be Skaven Slaves and Skaven Rat Ogres.

Seeing as they were willingly following her we let them in as she came before me and bowed her head, "My lord Clan Opulence has agreed to making of a Defensive Alliance, with that they have offered us some Skaven Slaves and Skaven Rat Ogres to use as we see fit." She told me as I nodded at the sight of them.

"Send most of them to the breeding pens but send several of them to my personal chambers for me to have my way with." I said to her as I came up to her and seductively whispered in her ear.

"Bring plenty of the body oils and aphrodisiacs to my chambers, you will also enjoy being part of my grand orgy as well." I said causing her body to shiver as I could smell the allure of her own body musk becoming thicker due to her being turn on at the thought of being apart of my personal orgy.

"Yes my lord! I shall prepare everything right away!" She says excitedly before giving orders as most the Skaven Slaves and Ray Ogres to the breeding pens while I got the Banquet of Ecstasy ready in my throne room that was beginning to look more and more similar to my goddess's palace of excess.

Completely fur covered floors, every type of luxurious types of foods and drinks along with a massive master sized bed behind my throne to bed my personal breeders, at least until I get bored of them and let my soldiers have their way with them.

Not only that but their were phallic shaped plants as well as vaginal shaped ones that men and women can use to pleasure themselves in any way they see fit as this is a place for all those under my control to enjoy themselves.

"Now then, let the banquet commence!"


This chapter was more focused on showing the true benefits of his faction and that's the diverse unit roster he can make as a result of the various combinations of races under his control, next chapter or two or even three if you couldn't tell us going to be the next sex chapters before he begins to go further on his war path, and yes many of the names above for the legendary lords he's aiming to take as his own are their female versions specfic to this version of the World of Warhammer.

(Female Skaven slaves and Female Skaven Ogres)