
Xianxia Transmigration

A simple xianxia fanfiction, starting in Douluo World.

Dao_Creator · 書籍·文学
11 Chs


Arriving at the hotel, Qing Xuan was greeted by the receptionist and then headed to the room he had rented. Arriving there he prepared the runes to build an isolation barrier, having the necessary materials was very simple.

After erecting the isolation formation, Qing Xuan started to organize the spirit gathering formation, the process took longer due to its complexity.

"Finally, although it sounds simple, raising a Tier 2 lineup is still a bit difficult." Qing muttered as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

That said, Qing Xuan sat in the center of the formation and began to condense his third soul ring.

'Although it's only one level, the difference is clear, I've barely started cultivating and the energy absorbed already seems much higher.'

Qing Xuan thought, he knew there was some obvious difference, but the difference was too big, much bigger than he expected.

After that, he focused on condensing the soul ring, the amount and energy density was several times greater, resulting in a white ring forming in just a few breaths.

In a very short time the ring turned yellow, its color deepened and then turned purple.

Time passed naturally, in just 40 minutes, a black ring was already looming over Qing Xuan's head, in just 40 minutes he had already condensed a 10,000 year old ring.

But Qing Xuan still didn't stop, just half an hour later he seemed to have reached his current limit. His ring was 16,434 years old.

Without hesitation, Qing Xuan pulled the ring towards him and began to refine it.

The refinement process was as simple and painless as before, Qing Xuan could feel his body growing stronger in the meantime.

In his mind, there was a lot of information about a new skill, this time a defensive skill, the Evil God Guardian.

Such an ability can create an elemental shield, making use of the five elements that Dark Evil God Tiger masters, wind, thunder, darkness, space and time.

Its defensive strength is extremely formidable and because it is composed of several elements, it has the ability to weaken incoming attacks when its shield is hit.

But that wasn't all, Qing Xuan also received information about something he never thought he would receive so soon.

This is the Heretic God Domain, an innate and extremely powerful domain, which can be compared to Qian Renxue's Holy Domain, whose power can suppress the Death God Domain (Asura Domain).

Its main ability is to create a field that extends for several meters, the opponent will have all their skills weakened by 15% while the wielder will have a 15% boost to all their skills.

Dominion also makes use of all five elements, adding various effects like slowdown, suppression, and even corrosion.

And best of all, mastery is an innate ability, you don't need to have the martial soul invoked or make use of soul rings to use it.

"Not bad." Qing Xuan muttered in a satisfied tone.

But he still didn't stop, preparing to condense his fourth soul ring, he closed his eyes again. Then the same process was repeated.

In a few more hours, a deeply black ring swirled above Qing Xuan's head, this fourth ring reached an incredible 23,703 years old.

At this time, Qing Xuan drew the ring to himself again and began refining it again.

In the next moment, the level of Qing Xuan who had been stuck at level 40 since the beginning finally seemed to break through, as more dragon marks appeared on his body.

With the addition of the third soul ring, his dragon marks had jumped from 9 marks to 23 marks. With the addition of the fourth soul ring, the marks jumped to 61, that was nearly triple the previous amount.

Qing Xuan's level advanced until it stabilized at level 44, whether his body or soul both underwent a huge increase in strength.

It was then that information about the fourth soul skill surfaced. The Evil Gods Blades, this ability consists of creating an even larger pair of wings on Qing Xuan's back, and by swinging those wings, several extremely sharp blades can be created.

These blades have the ability to cut through anything, and their speed is enormous, however a great expenditure of soul power is required to use such skill at its peak, but this would not be a problem for Qing Xuan, after all he has a core.

Just then Qing Xuan opened his eyes, he had felt that this formation had reached the limit, but even if it didn't reach the limit, Qing Xuan would stop, he had already done too much and too fast.

If there's one thing he doesn't want, it's an unstable foundation, it would be too much trouble to fix such a problem if it happened.

With that he decided to meditate the rest of the night, and so he did after taking a shower and organizing the entire place, erasing any remnants of the formation.

The next morning...

Qing Xuan opened his eyes out of his cultivation state as soon as he heard birdsong, today he wanted to take advantage of his day to train in the forest, and also visit the combat arena.

Qing Xuan has already faced several soul beasts, but only a single human opponent, he needs real combat experience.

Despite being weaker, humans are cunning, treacherous and even more cruel than beasts, moreover, his future enemies will not be soul beasts.

After taking a shower again and getting ready, Qing Xuan looked at himself in the mirror, with that he noticed that he had grown slightly taller, his figure had become a little more defined and robust as well.

This is not uncommon for Soul Masters, particularly those with beast-type martial souls.

"Ugh, I hope I don't become anything like that." Qing Xuan grumbled as he thought of himself becoming big and muscular, something he would never want to.

That done, he decided to leave his room, Qing Xuan was already a little familiar with the hotel, after all he would spend two or three days there, he then headed to the cafeteria, where he had breakfast and then left the hotel in heading to the battle arena.

Qing Xuan planned to have a few fights and then head into the forest.