
Xianxia: I Just Want To Cultivate

Transmigrating into a cultivation world where the protagonists want to conquer the heavens constantly, arrogant young masters couldn't rest until they are face-slapped, and the whole world is filled with the usual cliches, I just want to cultivate. OR 'How my Pretty boy Cultivation experience got screwed over by Gods, Demons, and Protagonists~' -*-*-*-*-*- The novel can also be found on Royal Road, Scribble hub, and other platforms. You can support me in Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/violeteve

Violet_Eve · 東方
42 Chs

Violet and Another one 1.15

I woke up...

I was in my bed, yes.

What happened?

I remembered drinking tea, a lot of tea. Did I collapse due to getting excessively drunk on spiritual energy...

I grinned. That was brilliant.

As I sat cross-legged on my bed, I noticed that my cultivation had advanced to the small circle of the second stage of Qi Cultivation. The tea party from the night before had been fruitful after all, despite the long lecture I had to endure.

I grinned while getting up to take a hot shower.


"La la la...Today is a good day," I sang to myself as I stepped out of the shower. The warm water had soothed my body and soul, leaving me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

As I dried myself and dressed in my outer sect robe, I couldn't help but notice the fairness of my skin, which seemed to glow. It was a strange phenomenon, but one I couldn't help but admire.

I looked into the mirror, combing my long hair neatly, getting ready for the day ahead. It was a routine that reminded me of my past life, something doesn't change even in another world. Maybe it is the circle of life or something.

With my hair now tidy, I set out for the Library.


I opened the formation surrounding the Library with my identification jade and stepped inside. The vast expanse of the library, filled with shelves upon shelves of books, never failed to amaze me.

Making my way to the staff room, I quickly found the books that Elder Han had recommended.

Let's see...Hundred Treasures to win any battles, Exploits of the Legendary Swordsman, Secondary profession for Dummies...

There were a lot of books in the box. I picked up the box and went to sort them out.

The library had different sections for different genres.

Fiction...Geography...Biography...History...Smut, there were a lot.

So, for the rest of the morning, I was busy sorting out those books.

Once the sorting was done, I decided to take a break and picked up the book "Qi Introduction for Beginners." Sinking into a chair at the counter, I began to read, eager to understand what exactly Qi was.

Hmm, Let's see...

Qi is the vital energy that is present in everything in the world. So, It is everpresent and used by cultivators to cultivate or unleash miracles.

The books also then went into detail about different types of qi such as the five elemental qi, sword qi, etc., etc. Basically, there were a lot of them.

I read the book, hoping to understand what exactly was Qi.

After reading the book, I know the thing that differentiates my previous world and this one is Qi.

Qi is the thing that actually changed this world's history.

It is raw power. A power that is omnipresent in this world, harnessed by the strong. Those who can harness it are the cultivators.

It's said that it is what forms nature. Through Qi, reality will bend to one's will in numerous ways normally impossible.

In some way, it's like magic...

Cultivators use various cultivation techniques to contain the Qi, tempering their body, soul, and spirit, to transcend the world.

However, the book only provided vague hints and baseless explanations on increasing control over Qi, which left me feeling a little disappointed. Just as I was about to put down the book, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Excuse me, I'm here to return this book." I looked up to see a pretty senior sister standing in front of me, holding a book titled "100 Painful Ways to Torture." I couldn't help but freeze at the title, silently reminding myself not to anger her.

"Oh yes, you borrowed this book for a month, so that would be two merit points," I said, taking the book from her. As a librarian, it was my job to manage the lending and return of books, for which borrowers had to pay a fee.

This job was a godsend for me, as I was previously unable to borrow books from the library due to my lack of funds. But now, I was able to earn merit points while also reading books for free.

Taking the offered jade, I scanned it into a metallic device, completing the transaction. "Thank you, have a nice day," I said with a smile that I had practiced in the mirror.

It was an easy job just as I said.

"Aww, thank you, sweetie," the senior sister replied with a smile before walking away from the library.

"Haah..." I guess this is my life now.





It's been three weeks since I began my role as a librarian, and I feel it's time to reflect on my progress. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a convenient system panel that displays all my stats, so I've taken to writing my progress down on a piece of white paper. Once I've completed my review, I'll burn the paper, as it's the best I can do.

[Name: Bai Yu]

[Cultivation Level: Small Circle of the 3rd Stage of Qi Condensation]

[Talent: Insight]

[Martial Arts: Shadowless Movement Art (Great Accomplishment), Thirteen Sword Waves (Small Accomplishment), Seven Celestial Movement (Not Started)]

[Magic: Lightweight Technique]

[Items: Bag of Holding, Silversword]

In these past three weeks, I've made significant progress in my cultivation. Thanks to the distribution of three Qi-gathering pills per week, breaking through to the third level of Qi Condensation was a breeze. The Shadowless Movement Art has also progressed greatly and I've reached the level of great accomplishment.

I've also picked up some new skills during this time. The Thirteen Sword Waves, a water system sword art taught by the Sect for free, is my first martial arts technique for attacking. Additionally, I've learned my first magic technique, the Lightweight Technique, which allows me to reduce the weight of an object through the use of Qi.

Moreover, I've taken advantage of my time here to expand my knowledge. I've read a vast range of books, from books about plants and vegetation to maps and everything in between. With my Insight, my memory was inhuman, making the past three weeks a truly fruitful experience.

I can finally say that I have fully adapted to this world.


As I looked around at the many disciples who were reading, chatting, or simply flipping through books, I couldn't help but observe their minute expressions and movements. This was another aspect of Insight that I had discovered over the past few weeks, allowing me to read into people's body language and expressions in order to understand their intentions.

With my increasing proficiency in using Insight, I found it amusing to observe the behavior of others and read into people.

Just as I was about to take a nap, a new person entered the room.


With a lazy lift of my head, I looked to see who had walked in. My gaze met the cold and aloof eyes of a handsome young man, clad in the outer sect robes. But it was not his aloof gaze that caught my attention. Rather, it was the way the light seemed to shine on him as if he was a chosen one in this world.

It was him.

Has he finally awakened?


A/N: Is that the plot I see coming?!

Support the cute author with a power stone~

Don't tell me Yu-er, you bend that way???!!

Violet_Evecreators' thoughts