


it can be undersrood as air in your lungs,

blood in your blood vessels.

but this is only the most external understanding.

Qi is the ultimate Arcanum of the universe.

It may be too samll to be fissionability,

may be as big as the universe.

because it's the Void.

Void symbolizes nothingness,

but Qi does Exist!

So, that mean's we can feel it?

Can or can not.


Qi is the source of life.

You can also call it life energy.

If you can feel alive, congratulation,

you can feel it.

Can not

Qi is hidden behind material world.

If you want to capture it,


Why don't you grab Gollum's ring?

If you understand quantum science a little bit,

you will understand that human psychological activity affects material.

That we will never find it.

Well, I'll admit that I'm talking nonsense about quantum scuence.

But we will never find Qi with our mentality.

It's true!

When the leaves are gone,

when we are in our twilight years.

Captain! My Captain!

May the Qi be with you!