

Daily life of Arek. The only human on earth which DOESN'T have an ability. What a goofy ahh boiii! ...and will go through worst pains...

Vitz_The_Snake_Bun · 都市
9 Chs

Chapter 5

(you're in an... you know where you are, so let me explain this one last time, an old room, filled with all sorts of funny things, book shelves filled with books and VHS tapes, an old hexagon tv making those goofy ahh snow noise, old carpet just like in your grandparents house, and a table on top of which sits one book and one tape, and Narrator sitting on his armchair right in the middle of it)

Narrator: *waves to you all happy and cute* Hey hiii! *opens his arms to YOU yes YOU* What's up my ppl. *and puts them on his lap and rolls his head as he says* Hope you're aaall doing great.

*tilts it the other way and looks elsewhere pointing his finger away* Except the pedophiles.

*nods to himself several times* Ye. We hate em. *points at the camera or not depending on who YOU are* Go f yourself if you're a pedo and you hear me.

*closes his eyes and sits straight* Anyway.

*makes a pose as if trying yo put sth down to sth* Arek's a christian.


*opens his arms and sits stratght* But here's the thing. Christians for some reason hate m-him... *he stammered*

*he takes the VHS tape excitedly and energetically* And today! I shall show you just how much they do! *he stops his hand as he's about to insert the tape*


(less excited) But before that.

The scene you're about to whitness is a very huge bit more vile than every other that you've seen up untill now.

*looks at YOU* So make sure that you're emotionally ready for this. *he puts it in the tv, the room fills with slowly fading but blinding light*




(a grassland, ??? is looking down upon a burned kingdom, in background you hear "in my way")

???: *it holds out it's hand, clinging a man's decapitated head within, and lets him see what it sees, it says with maniacal laughter* HOW DOES IT FEEL?!




... *the bacground changes to "dialtone", It's breath speeds up, it thinks, and tears go down it's cheeks, AND SCREAMS WITH ANGER AND MADNESS THROWING THE HEAD INTO THE GROUND!*

*it's voice cracks as he cries and screeches* T̵͍̅H̶̝̀i̷̢̓S̸̱̀ ̷̇ͅȋ̵̦S̸̠̅ ̴̦̕a̶͓̓L̷̪̈́L̵̻̕ ̶̟͒Ỳ̸͜ò̵͓ȕ̶͚Ŕ̷̡ ̶͔̓F̶̞̂A̷̲͂Ű̴͈L̸͖̉t̸̳̐!̶̗̀!̷̟̇!̶̘͛

*it drops on it's knees and cries it's life out covering it's face*

*it cries*

*and cries*

*but... it's not worth it... it stops compleately, it stands up as if nothing happened, and... emotionless, stares, into the void*




*it goes to the decapitated head with emotionless movement, kneels to it putting it's right leg to his ear and holing him by hair and cheekbones, and uses its power...*


*the head opens his eyes widely, with fear in it's eyes he looks upon ???, he tries to scream, but he has no lungs, he's looking around aimlessly, trying to run, using all the muscles he doesn't have, ??? keeps holding the head by cheekbones, it summons a knife glowing with purest hatred into it's right hand, and moves it closer to head's eye, he tries to look away and keeps on trying to scream, but every time he does so he's reminded of it's lack and looks again at knife as there's nothing else to focus, ??? inserts the knife perpendicularly in the right eye slowly, he tries to scream again and look away, but thet only makes the knife cut his eye open, the nife slowly goes in deeper, head still trying to scream and look around, ??? stops*


*and takes out the knife quickly he changes his hand, the head is looking at everything, sometimes looking ??? in it's eyes begging for the end and starts doing the same with other but stops before knife reaches head, it thinks, and changes it's hand again, it inserts the knife back in the wound this time horizontaly, the head tries to wail around gain, and then, ??? spreads vines across the head, he doesn't loose his consciousness, he's screaming, but soundlessly, he's crying, but powerlessly, it's whailing, but aimlessly, ??? stands up slowly and makes few steps back*


*??? uses his power, and let's him use lungs he doesn't have, IT SCREAMS, and screams, and it will, as long as it stays alive... until ??? runs out of power...*




*Arek wakes up, he has a distraught look on his face, frowning in a bit of fear, he clutches down on the bedsheet*


*sighs with relief closing his eyes*

... *and closes them hard*

Don't fall asleep the second time...


*opens them raising himself, and looks around his room emotionlessly*


It start's to affect me... Not good...

Hm. *he gets out of his bed*

... *and thinks*


(full of energy) OKAY! *deep & fast - breathe in and out! he looks into void with vigor in his eyes*

I will! *he grabs his stuff and walks out*


(school trip, everyone's going to a massive church, it's beautifully built from the inside, several giant pillars, paintings, golden place for the Host, organs painted with gold, and ornaments of stone flowers and and leaves, noone is loud, whispering loudly at most)

Arek: *in awe looks up at the flowers, he doesn't smile, just pure admiration* Wooow...

This is...

Hubert: *he's also looking up, he's smiling tho* Beautiful... I know...

May: But don't stay like that for too long. Your necks will hurt afterwards.

Hubert: Right. *he looks forward*

Arek: *shakes his head delicately* Not me. Don't care. I just wanna admire this thing.

It's aall worth it...

May: *tilts her head curiously* Is it really?

Arek: Absolutely.

Hubert: Though they do have very beautiful ornaments.

Arek: Mm-m. It's impessive how they managed to get all of those leaves and flowers before cranes existed. And so beautifully and symetrically too.

It's... bizzare... *he turns his head to May and smiles* And yes, that was a Jojo referrence.

May: *gigles* Figured.

*they keep admiring the place untill*


*a young priest goes by them with two other people, he notices the group and smiles so kindly, his long, golden at the ends hair shines so brightly* (Narrator: Ohhh. I enjoy it sooo fuckingg muuch...)

Young priest: *he turns and says with the kindest voice you've ever heard* Oh. Are you perhaps on a school trip?

Teacher: Yes. That's correct.

Young priest: *makes a little bow* I'm Gabriel. A priest in this church for the time being.

Would you like me to show you around? I have some free time and I'd love to talk about some of this churches history.

Teacher: (happily) Oh, yes of course. *Gabriel starts to show them around the place*

Arek: (jockingly smug like The Click) Ooh. Would you look at that. A free guide. *makes italian ok closing his eyes and nods no himself* Profit.

*looks away and tilts his head raising his eyebrows and semi-closing his eyes* Not that I'm gonna listen. ;p

May: *excited looks at Arek* I'm a bit interested in history tho.

Hubert: Yeah. *smiles putting hand on waist and raises his eyebrow* We're on a trip you know?


Arek: *sighs and lets his arms and back down* I guess I can learn a bit of history. *walks to listen to Gabriel with everyone*

May: Also. Learning new things is good for your brain.

Arek: I already said I'm coming! *gigles*

Gabriel: *he aims with his open hand at a dreadful painting looking at it with admiration himself* And here is a replica of a famous painting by an unknown artist.

It depicts a fallen angel holding head of a lord of an unknown land.

The fallen, destroyed his city and killed his people for the promise the lord had broken.

Arek: *gets concerned and puts on a frown, he turns to AdC and says all serious* Aiden Cynthia. Did I have anything to say about that painting the "first time"?...

Aiden&Cynthia: Yes... *Aiden looks stressed, he hugs Cynthia harder, she hugs him back concerned*

Arek: *he closes his eyes a bit with guilt in heart* Mmm... I'm sorry...

AdC: It's fine.

Gabriel: (meanwhile) Thanks to science we know that it was originally painted betwen 1000 to 500 bce. Which are unfortunately the forgotten ages. The scrolls that said history of that time were not found until this day. But we suspect that they've all been burned down.


*some time passes*

*his expression is always smile*I think I've said everything less and more interesting about this church.

*it's just that sometimes he smiles less and other times more* Now, would you like me to see how powerful your souls are. (Narrator: Every, single, tiiime...) It's my ability.

*raises his open palm up to his shoulders* And don't worry. It's all for free.

Teacher: *turns to everyone* Does anyone want to check their soul power? *a small line forms in front of the priest*

Arek: *smiles so devilishly and says to his team with a malicious intent* I'm about to do this...

May: *focus camera on the priest all smiling and happy, he's kneeling down and holding a hand of a boy, how adorable* Arek.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

Arek: I... want it...

*focus camera on Arek, his eyes and smile are wide open with extacy* Every single reaction...


*Arek excited turns to his team with a bright smile and pointing up* Watch this. *he waltz to the line*

Young Priest: *holding someone's hand* You have such a strong soul.

You must be beloved by our god.

Kid: Thank you. *skipps away happily*

*Arek approaches, he has such a kind smile, so bright, and yet, with such a menacing and terrible aura around him*

Young Priest: Well you're certainly a tall one.

Arek: *abashed tilts his head and scratches it* Yeeaah. It did shoot me up the past year.

*makes a terryfied but smiling face and looks away* I just hope I don't get to one-ninety meters. *raises his eyebrows* That's one of my bigger nightmares. *turns and looks at Gabriel raising his open hand to his shoulder and makes a half-smile* Just imagine bashing your head on every single door frame. *belly laughs*

Young Priest: I'm sure that if you pray to our god he will answer your calls.

Arek: Welp. *puts hands on his waist and smiles happily* I believe you.

Young Priest: Now. *reaches out to Arek with his open palm, Arek puts his hand on Priests* (Nrrator: HERE COMES the! GOOD PART!)

You. Abomination! *he backsoff with a frown, scared and disgusted, he didn't speak in low volume while saying it making everyone everyone around him gasp in shock*

Arek: *smiles so brightly closing his eyes and tilting his head, all happy and proud, in his head "there's no need to be upset" is going on max volume* Heyyy-thanks!

*opens his eyes and looks happily at the priest* I just *rolls his eyes* LOOOVE *and looks at him seductively* when people say that to my face.

*opens his arms hapily and shakes his head delicately* It's just so much fun to hear someone important say something so bizzare.

*does the pointing guns move at Gabe* And yes. *wink* That was a Jojo referrence.

*he gets a bit serious* But seriously.

You shouldn't talk like that to a child.

*looks away whilebalancing on his toes* To anyone actually.

*gets back on his whole feet* Anyway. *turns* C ya. *and waves to him as he waltz away so pridefully*

*the teacher walks up to the Priest and unleashes her rage on him still whispering but now the whole churh can hear her*

Arek: *stops as he reaches his squad, awe and content is drawn across his face* And now. I. Am compleate.

*rolls his head* Ooor *stops and looks at his team* at least for next 15 minutes until I find something new and interesting. *shrug + ;p*

Hubert: *sighs and facepalms* Bro.

*looks up, raises his hands and uses them like a f-ing italian* That was... *looks at Arek* Something... *raises his eyebrows* But you kinda wrecked this trip.

Arek: *looks up left* Yea. *looks up right* I know. *looks at Wolfy with a carefree look* Don't care enough tho.

*says smug and gigling* My a-cheeks are kinda selfish.

(casual) But the more important part is. *winks and tilts his head* Did you enjoy the show?

May: *scratches her neck in disarray* Yeah. But that was... *looks away* a bit depressing...

Hubert: Yeah...

Arek: *puts hand on his chin looks down and thinks* Hmm... I guess you're right...

*raises his head and loks away putting hands on waist and weight on rear leg* I personally crave for all reactions. *looks at his team* But not everyone is like me...


Sorry guys. I shouldn't have done this. That was mega selfish of me. *closes his eyes and nods to them sorry*

May: *reaches out to Arek nervously but happy* I-it's fine. You exposed someone who was supposaidly kind but in reality just an evil person.

Hubert: *nods to her* Yup. *and looks at Arek* Couldn't say it better.

Arek: *he has "boi I f-d up" face* Bruh. If Mr. Beast is a bad person I'd rather not know it.

*looks at his hands guilty* Holy f I just wrecked someone's dreams. *May and Hubert shut not knowing what else to say*


I'm not the good guy in this situation. Huh.

*AdC suddenly appear next to him and pull him by clothes, he looks at them* Hm?


*they smile at him with malicious intent... Arek catches the drift and smiles back devilishly*

Arek: *happily stretches closing his eyes* Okay. MMM! Ahh... *lets go and pits hands on his waist* Fair enough. *looks at the genius and perfect AdC* Let's laugh and point fingers at him without actually making a sound while noone's looking at us just to piss him off.

May: (confused) Wha? *she and Hubert look at Arek wierded out he positions himself perfectly* How did you get that just from them smiling?

Arek: (smug) Some. *tilts his head* Call it experience.

*raises his eyebrows* Me?

*looks at May* I call it sharing the same braincells.*and then, he pretends to laugh at the Priest as mockingly as humanly possible, pointing at him, smiling so gorgeously, and enjoying every second of it, the priest being scolded by teacher and some other people notices Arek and looks at him, he gets an angry look on his face making Arek stop pretending but still laughing with no noise, teacher notices Priest's expression and looks back to see Arek casually talking with his friends, she gets fucking mad, she stops whispering at all, and forces the Priest to walk away from her, the two other people who were with the priest bow in sorry and walk after him, Arek and his team are smiling*


Hubert: Okay. *turns to Arek* That was good.

Arek: *makes a pose showing AdC in the greatest light* And aaall thanks to AdC. *hovers open hand at side of his head and then points at the beautiful two* You two have such beautiful wrinkly brains upstairs you know.

*makes a goofy ahh pose putting a hand on his chin and thinking while frowning and smiling* I just f-ing wonder how much IQ the two of you have. *glances at Aiden&Cynthia* 500?

*stands a bit straighter and points at them* Maybe 700? *gets back to his goofy ahh pose and shakes his head* No no. That's not enough. *points at them again* You're smarter than that. *AdC bathe pridefuly in Arek's compliments, it fills them with glee*

*makes the Pacha perfect pose* Perfect idea. *backs off one step and makes a dennying pose* Wouldn't come up with it myself. *turns his head to May and Hubert* And that's why those two are better that the rest of the world.

Tell me that's a lie and I won't f-ing believe ya. *the Priest is looking at him with rage and spite as he walks away*


(outside of the church, no one's whispering anymore)

Hybert: Hey Arek.

Arek: *looks at him* Sup?

Hubert: (curious) I was wondering. *raises his open hand to shoulder level* Why are you even a christian if so many of them hate you so much?

Arek: *smiles and points at Hubert* Good question. And I've got a simple answer.

*puts his fingers on collarbone* I am a christian for what I believe. *opens his arms a bit* For the god. *and shakes his head* Not the people.

*looks away showing the church with hand, everyone's eyes follow it* And that m-f-er that we just saw *looks at Hubert* is one of those few very loud and angry *looks up left* extremists or *and up right* semi-christians.

*opens his arms again and looks at Hubert* Most of christians aren't evil in the slightest.

*shrug* So yeah.

*closes his eyes and says gigling* Several angry ppl won't make me leave my religion u know.

*gets smug and says* And even if they have guns, I can always lie to them.

Can't I?


Hubert: That was beautiful.

Arek: *wink + 👉👉* Ayy. Thanks.

*raises open palm up to shoulder* But here's the thing. *and makes his hands into claws bending forward* I wouldn't be able to talk this profane about frckn' gramatics!

It's a-NOTHER level of mind braking! *catches himself by forehead and laughs nervously*

May: *sigh* I guess you don't really have to know that if you're going to be a soul-engeneer.

Arek: *swings his hand pointing finger constantly to set the point* Eee-xactly!

I just need to pass english and then I'm over it for forevaaa! *he screams that into the sky while opening his arms, he then quickly hoes back to original pose smiling so gorgeously*


Yeh. *a spear flies from the sky and lands at Arek's side, he dodged it last second* HOLY JESUS!!! *he stares at it in terror posing on one leg trying to protect himself from it* CO TO KURWA JEST?!

May: *she reaches to him* Arek stay back! *and grabs him with her power and puts him in between her Hubert and AdC*


*some people in hite jump down and-everything goes black, all the noises ceace, nothing*





*Arek regains consciousness, he's lying on ground tho the colors are still blury, it's so painful to exist, tears form in his eyes, he starts to hear again, it sounds like a war, gunshots explosions and clashing steel everywhere, colors regain a bit of form, Arek sees the bricks on ground, he feels someone holding him, he starts to move and looks up*

May: *she has her armor on with tears formed in her eyes* Arek! Can you hear me?! *Arek tries to speak but... nothing, he frowns scared, looks down and looks at floor with fear, raises his head and nods nervously to her*

God your speech too?! *she closes her eyes letting tears go down her cheeks, puts her hands on Arek's cheeks and her head against his, a metalic barier forms around them, the only light now is coming from May's armor and the noises become much less irritating*


Say something! *she moves away her head and looks at Arek*

Arek: (pain in his voice) W-why does everything h-hurt me?...

May: They shot you in the head! *hugs him and raises him up, Arek barely stands, his legs are trembling, May shakes her head as she says* I'm just scared that I wasn't able to make your brain the way it was! *Arek hugs her back* So much of it was destroyed! *she tightens it* What if you won't be the way you were?!

Arek: O-okay but. May. I'm al-live. What about everyone els-se?

May: *opens her eyes in shock* M!...


Arek: Ma-ay. We can't do much about my b-brain now. But e-e-everyone else is in danger.



May: Right. *she lets him go, Arek opens his eyes widely and starts to fall, May nervously catches him... she closss her eyes a bit in fear and sorrow*

Arek: T-thank you...

*she takes a deep breath, slowly lets Arek down and stands up*


May: *she closes her eyes a bit all nervous* I'll save them all for you.

I promise...

Arek: *smiles painfuly* Thank you f-for that... And everyth-thing...

May: *turns to a wall determined* HUBERT! LET ME OUT! *a small hole opens up in the amass of metal, she jumps out of it in a speed of light leaving behind a crystal barier that lets some light through*


Arek: *sighs and lays down the rest of his body*



*he raises his hand above him and looks at it, it's a bit blury and looks as it there were 2 instead of one, he raises the other one, it's the same, he spins them and keeps looking* (Narrator: Remember. It's all about the pain. ;D)


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What was?... *he frowns again confused and still scared, he raises himself with ease... he gets a gut feeling, grabs his mp3 all of a sudden all nervous and terryfied*

?̴̶̷̸̷̸̸͙͓̬̝̮̣͖̱͇̬̘̙̈̅̂̒̐͋͘͝?̸̷̸̶̵̶̢̧̤̬̼͈̘̥̪͒̾̔̀̈́͒̈́̕?̷̵̴̸̸̵̧̧̛̱̙̩̳͉̣͙̙̐̾̓̌̀́̕:̷̶̵̸̵̴̨̦̭͍̣͕̪̗̎̂̔́̅̓̿̄͛̐͘ ̷̸̶̵̴̞̲̣͚̺̳͎̐̉̅̾́̒͠B̷̸̸̸̵̵̶̨̛̮̱̖̱̟̭̥͍̎̑͌̉̈̾̀̇͆̀͆̐̒ͅU̸̴̴̶̸̢͈̰̤̪̠̜͂̏̎͋́̑̒Ț̴̷̸̴̷̯̭̗̞̆̓̓̏̎̄ ̷̸̷̸̵̸̸̢̡̢̛̺̤̼̖̼̲̭̤̀̽̉̐̂́͂̃͌̈́̋͘͜Ì̵̵̶̵̴̷̢̨̛̼̥͙͉̹̖͈̙̃͒̽͐̀͛ ̶̶̶̷̸̶̡̗̼̻̙̭͓͕̯̑̽̒͊̋̅̈́͠C̷̶̶̸̸̵̡̤̩̜͍̫͉͈̳̱͓̐͌̊̓̈̐͝A̵̵̷̷̸̵̛̼̟̗̣̥̤͖̮̓̓̎͊̈̓̍͘͠ͅŅ̷̸̸̵̸̼̼͇͇͆̎̿̿̊͋͛̚͜͝ ̶̵̴̶̶̷̛̯͍͓̭̬̜̠̲̅̎̅̔̀̀͂ͅḾ̶̶̴̵̸̶̶̩̙͓̱̬͚͙̮̹͖̺̟̫́͗̌́͂́̋̆͘͠A̴̴̵̶̷̸̸̠̥̜͖̳̭͓̝͙̝̟̔̊̀͗͆̋̄̋̔͋̓K̸̸̸̵̴̸̢̨̠͚̣̲̩͓̩̓̃̆͒͗̂̂̊͜͝E̶̴̴̸̴̶̥̮̝̦͙̩̱̺͖͂̏̏̾͂̑̍͘̕ ̸̶̶̷̶̴̢̨̺̭̯̠̞̣̺́̉́̉́́̓͛̂̕͜Ì̶̸̴̸̴̸̷͙͎̰̠̫͍̞͇̝͎̻̓͛̈̑̿̇̈́͋̌̚ͅT̴̶̷̶̵̴̷̲͎̠̦̫̯̺̰̩͉̻̈́͊̽͒̆̉̀̎̚̚ ̸̴̸̴̶̷̡̪͈̜͔̲͍̪̽̈́̽͋́̅̐͌̿͘͜B̴̶̷̵̶̴̢̡̟̫͈̫̦́͒͌̽̽̌́́͘E̴̷̶̵̷̡͍̠̗̘̱̺̐̓̂̉̾̈́̊ͅT̸̵̷̴̵̴̡̢͉͈̫̖̞̖̜̓̅̌́̈̉͌̈́̚T̷̷̴̸̸̡̛͍̝̦̈́͋͗̑͜͝E̶̶̵̷̶̻̺̮̫̟̙͖͛̋̄̄͑͘͝͠Ŕ̸̴̶̸̸̴̢͖͖̭͖͖̺̘̝͒̅̉́͂̕̕͜ ̸̶̷̷̵̴̡̛̗̖̯͎̞̼̓̄̑̄̒̏̉͆͘͝ͅF̸̷̸̴̴̷̡̳͔̜̖̙̩̗̜̐̈̓́̎͌̎͊O̷̴̸̶̷̶̷̧̫͚͙̝̦̞̤̯̓̀̆͗̈́͌̿̒̇̑̕Ȑ̵̸̴̸̶̶̢̡̡̺͙̥͖̱͍̔̽̓̍̌̓ ̷̴̸̷̶̶̨̛̭̹̺͙̬̼͉͊̓͋̅̂́̉̆̕͝Ẏ̸̷̵̴̴̶̵̧̗̹̩̘͔̯̟̠̺͕̏̎͑̇̅̋͂̂͘Ǒ̶̶̷̴̶̸̷̡̨̖̲̺̘̠͎͇̊͑̔̌̓̽͋͐̚̚͜ͅȔ̵̸̵̴̸͓͓̥͓͕̭͎̼̂̂͋̑͒͜!

*he scrolls through it puts in the earphones and prepares for oblivion*


*the barier bursts into into shreds out of nowhere, Arek turns on his mp3 with a concerned look on his face, a ball of darkness floats above them, it explodes, and with that explosion it turns off everyone's armor, and locks them out of it*

*he doesn't really care about the explosion tho, all he sees is hundred people in white robes, he gets comedically scared like hell, he says in the Stachu Jones way* OOO! KUURWAA!!!

ICH JES WIENCEJ!!! *he runs for his dear fucking life* RUN BITCH!

RUUUN!!! *he becomes speed*


*his face calms down snd he slows down* Or maybe no. *he stops compleately and turns and looks at them smugly and spitefuly* Just need to dodge them.

*makes a cone out of his hand, takes a breath and* HEY YOU! ANNOYING WASTES OF LIFE!


THEN GOOD! FUCKING! LUCK! *he turns and jumps on a balcony climbs up and jumps again and grabs onto the wall* ADC! *he jumps backwards and with a blow of wind he gets on top of the building*

*he stands on top of the roof and turns his head looking down upon them with a smug* C YA! *waves to them smugly the soldier way and runs away, he gets serious and spiteful* Headshoting me and attacking everything because of a "demon" huh? *semi-closes his eyes* And now they chase after me like some dogs.

If they think they can catch me so easily.

They are wrong.

*puts on a dear and daring smug* And III... am sooo happy. *opens his eyes only as he says "sooo"*

To show them just how much they are... *smiles devilishly*

hm, hm, hm...


*within miliseconds a small meteor explodes under XenoX's feet breaking the roof tiles and knocking XenoX away* AHH-ffFUCK! *he manages to get on a higher building and keep on running, his clothes ignite a bit* UUUNGH!... *he looks back to see the masked assasins chasing after him, they surround him from everywhere he turns forward* Not good.

*a bunch of explosions and fighting noises happen behind him suddenly, XenoX gets a confused look on his face his team appear at his sides out of nowhere, XenoX smiles so full hapi* YOO! GUYS IT'S YOU!

May: *also smiles so happily, but unlike XenoX she actually focuses on where she's running* And who else did you expect?!

Hubert: *same* Peace agents can handle the situation before church anyway!

Well! *glances at him for a second* What's the plan boss?!

XenoX: *opens his arms for a second only and looks at Hubert* I'm SO happy you've asked!

Basically! We get them away from humanity! Beat them up! *turns forward* Get our deserved praise! And when we're finished we laugh in their faces because we F-ing CAN! *closes his eyes and laughs*

*opens them* So basically! Find an empty place!

Then we survive!

May and Hubert: Got it! *they look at XenoX and nod, so do AdC*

XenoX: *smiles so brightly* Oh and one more thing!

*tilts his head* Watch out for the meteor guy!

Hubert: *raises his eyebrow* What meteo *explosion, everybody is send elsewhere, XenoX is flying towards a building, he hits the wall but uses his rod as a pickaxe to lessen the impact, but that destroys his arm, he then jumps off of the wall and rolls reaching the ground, he runs into a close back alley*

*he holds himself by his arm as he runs gritting his teeth in pain* Fuck... I can't keep this up forever... *turns to see mf'ers going after him* And they're still after me huh? *turns again*

Hm. *smiles with content* I've outrun hundred of people.

What's one more? *they throw things at him, spears, knifes, everyday convenient items, everything, he's juking it all*

*he smiles harder and gets serious* Not yet.


NOT YET! *he runs faster, his breath, his heartbeat... his feelings*


NOT YET! HAHAHA! *he runs out on a patio with a well in the middle of it he looks around*

Good enough! *he runs to the other side, stops with a slide on ground and turns*

*opens his arms daring with a smile of a devil* SOOO! WHO'S READY FOR AN ASS-BEATING SESSION?! HA HA HA HA HAA!... *his squad appears behind him out of nowhere, the enemy team prepares their massive army*


*they look at him indulged* You have no idea how happy I am to fight alongside you as an eaqual. *Hubert smirks and May smiles determined*

So hear me this once good...

... *takes a deep breath*

*and opens his eyes wide* WEE! *and runs, everyone right behind him*

AREE! *the motherfuckers do so too, XenoX prepares as he rushes straight at a spear*

WAAAAAARRRR-AHA HA HA HAAA!!!! *and dodges to the left swinging rod upwards with a spin breaking the jaw of his enemy and another with other hand, he gets bruised, but unstoppable and smiling constantly he spins sideways breaking the frontal spear-attack, ADC jump in and as they're desoriented time&space cut them down with one double-slice, someone swings their blade at Arek but May grabs onto them with whips from mid air with an angry look on her face*

May: nN-AGH! *and pulls herself to them front-kicking them in face*

Arek: Thanks! *she then runs forth, with barbed vines spreading at her feet, catching as many people with them as possible, she steps and pulls powerfully the vines making everyone fall, a blade is swung at May, but XenoX steps in blocking and throwing away the blade with crossed rods before kicking away the piece of shit*

May: Thanks! *he goes on a rampage, runing everyone down swinging his rods like a maniac, as he dances forward nothing can get even remotely close, he jumps dodging a spear thrust and smashes someone with both rods, a meteor flies at him but with a single X-slash Aiden&Cynthia break it apart, in sync they cut everyone before them in a zigzag pattern, they jump away and disappear into nothingness, confusing the what's left of the enemy, but then, a horde of metal arrows fly at them from the sky, they frown in fear, cover their heads and pray to survive, but the arrows turn into liquid and trap everyone within as they clump together and freze*

XenoX: *opens his arms into the sky and laughs happily while spinning* Isn't this so beautiful!?

*belly laughs delicately in the beauty, takes a deep breath and sighs with relief*

Hubert: It is!

May: Yeah!

AdC: *nod* Hm.

... *XenoX SO EXCITING lets down his arms closing his eyes taking a deep breath SO RIVETING* (Narrator: He's about to say it...)

XenoX: I,-never!*and clenches them*-Want,-this,-to,*opens his eyes to the sky, filled with SO UNYELDING lifeforce*-stop! (((3:52))) *someone jumps down breaking the moment with a giant slam taking all eyes on himself, his mask is sliced in half, XenoX turns to him*

That someone: (determined & delusional) I AM PAPA'S SPECIAL BOY! *his masks breaks open showing his face, frowning and mad, it's Gabriel*

*he summons his bright as hell spear, it seems to be seeping energy from everyone except XenoX* AND I WILL SEND YOU BACK TO HELL DEMON!

XenoX: *compleately takes off his smile, raises his eyebrow distraught and sickened, bending forward with his hands as claws and making the _/|\_ pose* HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN A PRIEST!?

LIKE?! *puts his hand closer to his head*

*tilts his head* I SWEAR TO GOD! *he screamed that into the ground*

*looks at Gabriel* HOW THE FUCK DID ANYONE LECHU?!?!!? *clutches te rod hard and walks slowly and powerfuly to the piece of shit*

Gabriel: (furious&superior) HOW DARE YOU SWEAR UPON GOD!

*the spear shines so brightly in his hand* I WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOUR DEATH IS A PAINFUL ONE! DEMON! *he charges back at XenoX with a war cry, but XenoX is already there*

XenoX: KYYYAAA! *swinging powerfully both rods down-left, Gabriel startled barely blocks the attack with his spear and looses most of his balance*

Gabriel: I'VE TRAINED-*XenoX doesn't stop for a second and with the continous speed he already has he spins attacking with one rod after another, swinging them from all different angles in double attacks*-MY ENTIRE LIFE TO-*after 8 consecutive swings he slowls down by thrusting away his leg the opposite way to Gabriel, gains some accuracy, and then before a jump he puts the leg back in his weight center to get more spin power and striking the spear so powerfully that Gabriel had to drop it*-GH!*but one left rod broke in half in the process, XenoX drops it and handles the unbroken one with two hands gritting his teeth and with animosity, dashing in to every single strike, he prepares raising his weapon and leaving all defense he had*

XenoX: NGH! *and slams down as hard as possible for a kil-Gabriel summons his spear back in his hands last second breaking XenoX's strike and rod, Gabe smiles victoriously and slashes* TO PROTECT THIS CHURCH AND-*it cuts XenoX's stomach but not lethaly, he dashes away with every Gabriel's attack gritting his teeth hard*

*in meantime Hubert screams "ARO!" and throws a spear to XenoX with a spin as Gabriel dashes at him with a thrust*-IT'S COMMUNI-*XenoX catches spear mid-air and swins it in air to parry Gabrie*-TY!!!*and then from the aditional spin he takes the spear by it's end creating a massive cut reaching bots of Gabriel's arms*

I WILL NOT LOOSE TO YOUR-*XenoX leaves the spear mid-air and takes out another 2 rods out of his pants as Gabriel still tries to hold his weapon to no avail so*

XenoX: (mad and furious) SHUTUP!!! *XenoX helps him by knocking spear out of his hands, he spins his rod and takes on the Deathbringers Stance before thrusting the rod into Gabriel's throat piercing through it and taking it out upwards as if using a ripper blade, hitting Gabriel's jaw on the way, he coughs painfuly covering the wound, he tries to defend himself from XenoX's swings with just one hand, so XenoX running goes for his knees hitting it from front and then from back making Gabriel fall* NOW! FOR THE FINISH! *XenoX ducks and spins the rod magnificently before with an outward spin hitting Gabriel on the skull, making him fall immedieatly to his right*

*he spins the rod and stands up straight looking down on half-dead Gabriel, with a bit of spite left in both of them*


*turns to his squad and brightening up his face* Guys... We are NOT! *smiles and points up opening his eyes wide* going on a trip to churches ever again! *he acts all hapi and cuddleable again*

Hubert: *scratches his head* Yeeeaaah... *bellylaughs* But that was a good fight by you bro.

*stressed raiss his eyebrow and looks away* I kinda didn't know what to do in here.

Arek: *curiously raises his eyebrow* I mean.

*and points at Hubert with open hand and bends forward a bit* Did you catch around 12 people without hurting them?

Hubert: E... *sigh*

Arek: *makes an ok sign and closes his eyes hard nodding* Beautifly done bro. *smiles* Best scare in the world.

May: Well. As for the ruined trip. *Hubert and Arek look at her curiously* I can take us to mountains tomorrow.

Hubert: *steps back confusd* Wait you can?!

May: *all happy and smug closes her eyes* yyY-up.

Arek: May... come on. you. *sigh + facepalm*

May: *bends forward* Yes. *raises her eyebrows andtilts her head* You're right.

*straightens up and puts hand on her chest so dignified* III. Wan-to.

So. *and holds her hand behind herself victoriously*

Are you coming?


Arek: *sighs and smiles defeated closing his eyes and letting his arms down* As if I could say no...


*and the corpses around them, lying, Arek looks at them, and turns around*

*takes a breath*


*he looks into the blue sky smiling fulfilled and says to himself hoping for someone to hear his begging* This world is so beautiful, and terrible... isn't it?...


And I...

*he smies brightly* I will keep going! *and points at it with an open palm* Until every single spark of my existance cries for mercy! HmhmHAHAHAHAHAHA! *takes a deep breath*

*and turns* My people!

*stretches his open hand to them* Wouldj you go alongside me!?

Hubert: *smirk* Always bro!

May: *tilts her head* Until I'm sure you're finally safe.

*Aiden&Cynthia's expression says "isn't it obvious"*

Arek: *smiles so gorgeously with content* Thank you...


*a piercing pain goes through his guts making him open his eyes wide and grit his teeth, he turns and raises his hand and rod in seconds so distressed, a bullet hits the rod breaking it in half and getting stuck in Arek's skull* AAH! *blod flows down his face, he drops his weapon and shows his face, he's smiling like a maniac at the window* FOUNDJ YOU! *he runs at him laughing maniacally*

