

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · 都市
20 Chs

Journey to the academy

The tragedy of peace event was spread all over the continent within every kingdom. And besides that Zord, Alexander, Slade, Luck and many others became quite popular as they were the heroes which repelled the tragedy. Even though, they were popular but most of the people can't recognise them as their identities were kept hidden. But all got a hero name for themselves, among which Luck was named as Arson warrior ,as he holds the legendary sword, the Arson. Before departure, Slade advised Luck to hide the fact that he have Arson as that would attract the attention of satanists and they would do something to get their revenge for Luke.

After all the discussion on mission, Luck head towards the academy. As academy was out of the kingdom it would take quite a time to reach there. A special carriage was offered to Luck but he refused as he wanted to explore the new places on the way himself. So he went on without any privileges from HQ. On his way he encountered an merchant lying on road unconscious, Luck immediately pick out healing portion from his bag and fed it to him. After a while merchant wakes up and requested help from Luck as his commodities and a lady which was travelling with him was snatched away by bandits. Luck accepted his request so he headed out to find bandits. It was almost the night and Luck hasn't found any clue of them since he was searching for them about 2 hours as he was roaming around the forest he heard the noises, so he went towards the voice. Having followed the noises, it leads him to the bandits camp, so first of all he wanted to find the lady and secure her while searching for her, he heard a loud cry of woman so he sneaked to that place. At the place there were two bandit preparing to harass the beautiful blonde haired girl with specs. Luck suddenly jumped into scene and sneak attacked them, cutting their heads without any noise. The lady was unconscious so Luck tried to wake her up by splashing some water on her face. As Luck encountered many women but somehow this lady's charms got Luck interested in her for the time being. As she woke up, seeing a man right in front of her eyes scared her and she tried to cry again but Luck stopped her and explained all the situation.

After that Luck asked her to follow to escape this place but she denied as necklace which was handed down to her by her dying mother was snatched away by bandit's leader. Luck tried to explain her to just forget about that but she remained stubborn and pout like a kid. Atlast Luck gave up so he told her, ' I will help you with this'.

But he restricted her from entering the battle with bandits as she has magic attribute wind and she was an healing magic specialist with no combat experience. After that he left her at a safe place and headed towards the camp for battle....