

from ch12


Name: Xander

Title: Puppet Master

Level: 120 (48%)

Health: 5000

Mana: 3000

Body: 500

Mind: 123

Spirit: 300


[Unsung Hero]

You are the hero that no one acknowledged.

- Gain 10% increase to each stat for every heroic action you are not recognised for


You are the leader of your pack by right of conquest

- Grant 20% additional stats to all people you are leading

- gain 50% higher stats when fighting to protect your subordinates

[Undead Hunter]

You have hunted and killed hundreds of undead creatures.

- Gain 10% damage increase for every level you are higher than an undead enemy

- Gain 10% defence increase for every level you are lower than an undead enemy


You have been called a dumbass by a powerful being so…

- Mind stats are halved


[Granted Skills]

[Gamer Mind]

Immune to all mind related attacks and debuffs

Reduce emotional strain on your mind

[Gamer Body]

Immune to all sicknesses and diseases

Will function perfectly as long as the damage taken is not fatal

[Blessing of Janus] [Blessing]

Past to future, your path will be fraught with danger, but you will never fail to keep going, you will always find a path towards your goal

- Grants [Magical Distortion]

- Grants [Unrelenting will]

- Grants [Eureka]

- Grants 20% on all exp gain

- Grants a high distortion in the luck stat

[Magical Distortion] [Toggle]

Magic doesn't work on or for you; all magic of the level of God and below will be distorted for better or worse.

May cause explosions.

[Unrelenting Will] [Passive]

Always able to get back up, till the end of the fight you will not fall.

Does not apply when dead.

[Eureka] [Passive]

Always able to think of a way to surpass your adversary.

Only applies when there is a way.

[Primal Instinct] [Passive]

Have the basic instincts of Hyenas

- Able to track and hunt

- Able to detect, separate and identify deferent smells

- Able to detect danger

[Soldier Spirit] [Passive]

Have instinctive affinity towards fire arms and survival skills

- Grants 20% bonus exp gain to all modern weaponry related skills

- Grants 10% bonus exp gain to all survival skills

- Grants 10% bonus exp to all physical skills

[Servant of Dracula] [Blessing]

As a servant of the most powerful vampire you are granted power over other vampires and an affinity towards blood related skills

- Grants increased defence against vampires by 30%

- Grants 20% bonus exp to all blood related skills

[Arcane Blessing] [Passive]

Blessed by a sage level sorceress, you are have high affinity towards the arcane arts

- Grants 50% bonus exp on all arcane related skills

- Grants increased defence against mystical attacks by 50%

- Lower all Mana requirements by 50%

[Ryozanpaku Disciple]

Title given to the students of the masters of Ryozanpaku

Gain bonus 30% bonus gain to all physical based gains

[Gained Skills]

[Basic weapon throwing_7(8%)] [Passive]

Able to throw knives

- 7% additional damage on thrown weaponry

- 100% chance of hitting targets within 3.5 meters from you

[High Physical Resistance_3(45%)] (Passive)

Increase Physical defence by 0.5% per level of this skill, against enemies of the same level.

- Reduce all physical Damage taken by 11.5%

- The reduction is doubled against enemies at half your level

- The reduction is halved against enemies at twice your level

[Basic Drawing _3(10%)]

Can draw a stickman… Maybe

[High Mana Manipulation_18(73%)]

Able to shape and mould Mana freely.

- Gain 24% bonus to all pure Mana skills

- Gain 24% bonus to Mana recovery

- Gain 12% reduction to all Mana spent

[High Mana Pellets_13(56%)] (Active)

Create small orbs of Mana that you are able to shoot at enemies, exploding on impact

-able to create up to 5 pellets at the same time

- Size and Damage varies based on the amount of Mana injected into each pellet. Causes 46 Magic damage per 1 Mana

- Explodes on impact, increasing the radius by 0.46 meters per 1 Mana

[Master Meditate_4(23%)] (Active)

You can fall into a state of complete calm regaining Health and Mana at an increased rate

- Regain 16% of maximum Health and Mana per minute

- Can be used instead of sleep

- Cannot be used during combat

[Basic Arcane Bomb_1(5%)] (Active)

A Mana bomb.

- Does magic damage equal to 100% of Mana spent

- Explosion radius equal to 1% of Mana Spent

- has a chance of knocking enemies down, based on their level and the Bomb strength

[Basic Life Drain_1(0%)] (active]

You are able to drain the life force of the opponent and add it to yourself through touch.

- Drain 1% of the opponent's current health per minute

- Heal for 50% of the damage dealt by this ability

- Gain 1% of Damage dealt by this ability as bonus to Body stat. Bonus is lost gradually at the rate of 1% per second

[Basic Ki Control_9(8%)] (Passive)

Grants you the ability to use Mana as Ki and the ability to move Ki in a certain direction.

- Gain 4.5% bonus to all Ki skills

- Able to barely move Ki

[Basic Mana Rasengan_3(10%)]

A skill based on condensing and rotating Mana.

- Deals Physical Damage equal to 53% of invested Mana

- Deals Magical Damage equal to 103% of invested Mana

[Special Skills]

[Grand Master Physique] (Passive)

You have the physique of a grand master.

- Gain flexibility based on Body stat

- Gain improved senses based on Body stat

- Gain double the attack/defence properties of body stat based skills

- Gain double the exp for all martial arts based skills

[Stone Body]

Due to reaching 250 points in the Body stat [Wood Body] has evolved into [Stone Body]

- increase all Physical abilities by 20%

- increase health regeneration by 20%

[Parallel thinking (1)]

This ability was granted due to reaching 100 points in the Mind stat.

- Gain an additional mind to assist you with your tasks

- Learning ability increased by 10% for all skills

- Increase exp gain by 1%

[That's The Spirit]

This ability was granted due to reaching 100 points in the Spirit stat

- All Mystical abilities are 10% more powerful

- Gain a 10% increase in luck