
Chap13. The curse of the house 126

There are things that a child does, a reflection of what happened to his father or mother or vice versa. What changed them?

The teacher realized that the Aslhy girl had difficulty with consecutive numbers, she was recently transferred from the Tumbes Region, -where her parents spent their honeymoon.

And that after she was born. They took her in order to start the family development together; thing that was abruptly cut off because her mother had a premonition.

She practically forced the family out. Leaving a number of commitments that took years to resolve.

When Aslhy began to write, her numbers, with her barely 5 years old; Suddenly one morning: her character changed "she was unconsciously irritable" and she couldn't concentrate knowing her.

Children write from number one to number ten – She said: the teacher of children's levels.

Aslhy, who already had written: number one, number two... and number six. She then she went to the next line.

And she would rewrite number one, number two and number six.

Thus, she finished filling out the entire sheet and with glazed eyes and a firm look (apparently "her face" of hers could not crack a smile) she handed the sheet to the teacher in order to consider the task completed.

All her children looked at her absorbed; So unlike other times. Aslhy: She finished before the others.

The teacher attended, desk by desk. Questions from other students. And she resolved her concerns to complete the task entrusted.

Other children placed, on the first sheet given by Aslhy, her sheets with her notes; After a while the recess bell rang and everyone went out to recreate and then return to the next learning shift in the classroom.

Imagine what happened next, the teacher noticed the change in Aslhy's mood, -she was withdrawn that day, like she was gone and she looked somewhat grumpy: She seemed to hit her body, as if she disliked something, what did she like? had happened?

It was not but, when she checked, already at home; her sheets with her students' assignments, which she saw, Aslhy's sheet. She did not take into account this change in her ability, because she knew each of her students and especially Aslhy. She was a very applied girl.

The next day: she arrived earlier than usual and as she knew Aslhy, she was one of the first girls to arrive in the classroom.

He called her and hers gave her another sheet and asked her to write only 5 lines filling them with the numbers from 1 to 10.

Ashley. Come dear –said the teacher.

You'll see. Help me with yesterday's homework. I want you to complete this exercise. It will only be five lines of numbers from 1 to 10.

Good. I will do it. Ashley affirmed. She liked to do chores and she did it well and fast. That day was the aspect of her different from her to the previous one and equal to the other days. And of course she completed the task in no time.

The teacher, she wrote down the incident in her agenda to consult with the psychology department; even with Aslhy's grandfather; who was a recognized religious.

Bierny: In full communion with her Creator, she saw: a vision while reviewing the Word of Prophecy.

A small ship flashed past him; it had in the background the beach of the sea of ​​the Bay of Chimbote.

Then she realized that on the part of the cockpit there was a head half-length dressed in party clothes, which slowly turned her head: And with a threatening look she said:

-These are my domains, and you won't be able to against us.

That day, everything was normal and satisfactory in the virtual classes: for Canada, the United States and Argentina. And Bierny; she took another hour to finish the day's tasks.

Returning home, she saw Aslhy, arriving at the neighborhood store, with choppy hair. He liked the use of long hair for women as opposed to short hair for men.

That appreciation produced an upset in his wife and that day caused such a problem, which had repercussions for many years, and which in turn, revealed the mystery of: 1, 2 and 6 that Aslhy failed in class.

They entered Bierny's room, breaking down the middle door of the garage.

The strange thing is that the key to the back entrance door that was about 120 meters from the Chimbote sea beach, from where Bierny had the vision. Who delivered the intruder?

They hit. After blows to the face: blood sparkled over his eyes, his eyebrows bled. Another wound in his mouth: his lips swelled, loosening two of his teeth. The aggression lasted several minutes. And no one in the two-story house seemed to hear the noises – the same objection was made by the uniformed men, at the time of filing the police report, some open secret: they were wanting to show or hide.

Suddenly the subject, -fully identified as E3-Garc, "an inveterate drunken husband of three women", hired, as a hit man to do criminal work -. He took an iron (bought on one of the mission trips) and lunged at Bierny's body and ripped open his neck.

head and blood, it ran splattering the beds in the room, Aslhy's being the most affected.

A tragic end seemed to be coming!

Suddenly: Bierny, took into account that the type: "aggressor", had that "evil" look, -which he had seen in so many people "served" in his trips; even before his wife married, being a bride: one day suddenly he had that look: "evil" and that he himself, given his preparation in the gifts, helped to control-: And he said internally:

I'm going to release this guy. And if it is your will, oh Creator, that he end my life: I accept it!

Yet this did not happen?

The subject remained at the same time paralyzed: "Branding the sharp object high." And Bierny chose to turn around, resolved to accept the designs of his Creator. And he left, never to return home.

Bierny in the process of leaving, had to make a stop to see his mother and sister. They with a lot of family love: they palliated a little the physical pain, but they never managed to heal the wounds of the wounded heart in their own, family and paternal love.

Bierny when crossing the banks of the Lacramarca River. He superficially washed his meat to remove some of the coagulated blood, especially when his feet touched the hot water due to its abundant nutrients in nitrogen and phosphorus due to mining, agricultural or urban pollution. He transmigrated into an XH-Prays.

Recently, he realized that he had been living a human state on earth and that human part was very weakened.

In his animal state. He looked strong.

In its plant state. He had the feeling of wanting to stand up, but it was no use doing it in that city. So he had to go on; until receiving an order from the Creator, for the new place to fulfill another mission for humanity.

In the multiverse Prays:

The danger that was coming over the Bay of Paracas was imminent. And the story told above, gave the omen, of the destructive power, of the entity that came, to that place.

Who would stand a chance against belligerent aggressive attacks?

What is the main objective?

Why does it primarily destroy the homes of the Creator's servants?

Doesn't everything that enters through the mouth: contaminate; but what comes out of the mouth of the wicked?

And there are those who prophesy evil and evil will be done. If there is no one to discern him and with the power of the suitable gifts: he rebukes him; chase it away or defeat it.

The numbers 1 and 2 are interpreted: as, the Creator as father and as the Creator as Father and Son.

But number six is ​​the number of the beast. The number that makes evil proliferate and that the X-Monks know how to use to their advantage. Against whom they designate to attack, eliminate or disintegrate.

Such a number six has already appeared, comparable to visualizing an X-Rhemo fish and waiting for an eminent tsunami.

Not everyone can get together to fight; and not everyone can defend themselves against evil.

That happened at the Bierny home. Says the Word of Prophecy: "a divided home will not stand."

It is the strategic ruse of the enemy: dividing to steal, kill and destroy.

Meanwhile, in the vicinity of the Bay of Paracas, the bad guys were preparing: an eminent surprise attack.

And there was no prophet with vision to help them. Bierny was miles away and chose to go north to finish healing his wounds; aimlessly with no specific life goals. Task that lasts more than 10 years or a lifetime or until another woman appears; that proposes: to form, "a new and substitute home"

The Prays oracle had not yet manifested in the Prays Kingdom. So the locals lived the apparent opulence, well-being and made great negotiations.

In the X-Monk multiverse:

Get ready my followers, it's time for a strategic mission of infiltration and sowing of evil –the X-Monk harangued.

Hurrah! Let's attack it...

They shouted, battle-hardened allies; whose eyes already had that glassy state and the "evil" look that will drive them to commit their misdeeds.

Nope! Yet. No, in that spirit. -claimed the X-Monk. Adding:

It has to be with such malice that it serves to confuse the guards and gain access to the center of the city; to Prays Castle itself.

They must go to the entrance door number 3. The one that leads to the kingdom of the sharks, in its jaws everyone who is in the kingdom of the Prays will perish. –The X-Monk, announces his sinister plan:

At gate 3. A stall will be set up selling human chickens, but without feathers! Because it would frighten our winged allies and more than one would realize the deception. – I conclude the idea of ​​strategic warfare.

Call the scientist: X-Dark! –The X-Monk yelled. Arrived this, he asked him:

Do we already have the X-Murcvirus compound in phase 3?

Indeed -Said the scientist X-Dark, who reported his progress-:

We did the tests for several moons. In the different human farms.

We have quoted the value: of the amount that we require for this covert stage of the war.

The logistics to transport the "live" chickens to Cerro Lechuzas are covered. BaThis that you give us, the order and it will be done.

We have several humans controlled with the X-Mucvirus. If it worked with them it will work with XPrays and their updates.

For the "GXP" evolutions of the Prays; I clarify once: we have no record. We don't know yet, what are they like? No one has seen them yet!

The Prays, "captured" from the Chilean base, allowed us to carry out the complementary tests and that is our top secret weapon of war.

A mistake of youth, is corrected with maturity. But an adult sin being a father, persecutes the children, the grandchildren. And he will kill yourself and them.

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