The next few weeks went by without incident and the day finally arrived. Buses of Mutant kids from all ages pulled into the Front yards of the institute. Welcoming them were the staff of Xaviers. Scott, Rahne, Logan, Storm, Emma, Rogue, Gambit, Kitty, Hank, Kurt, Peter, Bobby, Charles, And the captain all stood outside waiting for the excited kids.
The children all poured out the bus, happy to see their heroes and teachers once again. Though the children were all excited, the teenagers were the ones who caused quite the stir. Among the returning students most of them had been classified as the New X-men. These students included the electrifying Noriko Ashida. The pain in the ass Julian Keller. The loveable Santo. The metallic Cessily. The majestic pixie Megan. The do-good David. The religious Sooraya. The mysterious Blindfold Ruth. They had all been through a lot over the years and now they had finally had their chance to be at peace.
" Welcome back students. It is my pleasure to see all of you have returned safe and sound. I'm sure you all remember your teachers, but I would like to introduce two new members joining our staff. Please welcome your new self-defense teachers Rahne Sinclair and Alexander otherwise known as The Captain."
Charles explained to the students as he introduced the two newest teachers.
" I thought logan was the self-defense teacher? I know Sinclair can fight and all, but this puke doesn't look like he can handle being my teacher."
Julian stated boldly.
" I assure you Mr. Keller The Captain is more than qualified to take over for Logan."
Charles explained.
" Oh yeah? I'd love to see this. How about it teach? Why don't you show us what you can do?"
Julian asked Challenging the new teacher.
" Mr. Keller..."
Charles was going to reprimand the boy before Captain stuck his arm out and nodded.
" Don' hurt him."
Rahne exclaimed.
The captain turned and nodded at the woman as he walked towards the boy.
" Alright! Let's see what you got spooky."
Julian yelled as he charged the man. Julian activated his powers and sent a telepathic blast towards the captain.
Captain seeing the attack coming quickly dodge the attack, by ducking underneath it, he quickly recovered himself and sprinted towards Julian.
' Shit! He's fast!'
Julian thought as The Captain appeared in front of him.
Julian tried to blast the man again, but once again missed as the captain jumped over his head. He grabbed the boy by his collar and threw him around like a rag doll, before placing him on the ground.
" Hm."
Captain Growled lightly as he turned his back to the boy, having proved his point.
Julian who was embarrassed to have been beaten so easily quickly got to his feet to attack the man again. He stuck his arm out and fired at the man. But once again missed. Julian looked around in shock as the captain disappeared from his sight.
" Huh? Where did he go?"
Julian asked.
" Grrrrr!"
The captain growled in Julians ear as he appeared behind the boy in his man-beast form.
Julian's eyes widened in terror as he realized the beast, he was fighting had gotten behind him so easily.
Captain soon undid his form and gently placed his hand atop the frightened boys head and rubbed it, letting him know it was okay.
" Are you convinced now Mr. Keller?"
Charles asked the boy as he shivered in fear.
" Yeah, he just got lucky."
Julian explained non too convincingly.
" As you all can see The Captain is very well skilled in hand-to-hand combat. And his mutation makes him a werewolf, just like Miss Sinclair."
Charles explained.
" Really? Do you look like miss Sinclair when you transform?"
Megan asked as she fluttered up to the man.
He looked down at her and shook his head no.
" Can you show us? Please?"
Megan asked.
Captain nodded and stepped away from the kids.
The kids all watched in awe as the man's body suddenly turned whit and his body grew. He turned into his full wolf form revealing his misty white mane.
" Aroooooo!"
The captain howled lightly as to not hurt the kids ears.
" Doggy!"
The younger children yelled in excitement as they ran up to the man.
The captain looked down at the kids and kneeled, allowing them to climb onto his back. The captain pranced around the yard of the institute carrying the kids on his back, while the rest of the adults laughed as the man carried the kids.
" He certainly seems to be quite popular with the children wouldn't you agree Charles?"
Storm asked the man.
" Yes, he certainly is. You would never expect it given his usual demeanor."
Charles said as he watched the children
" Look at him go. They all look so happy. Hey, Rahne?"
Kitty called out to the girl.
" How can I help ye?"
Rahne asked.
" Are you two dating? Cuz if you aren't would you mind if I took a shot at him?"
Kitty asked.
" Ye cannae do tha'"
Rahne declared.
" I'm just kidding. But seriously are you two together yet or not?"
Kitty asked.
" We spend time together. We just aren' offical yet is all. But I wouldn' mind it."
Rahne as she pointed her fingers together.
" All right all right! I think that's enough for now. We still have to do our entrance ceremony."
Charles stated as he wheeled over to the giant wolf.
" Awww!"
The kids sighed in disappointment.
" it's okey kids. Alexander can give ye another ride later."
Rahne exclaimed to the kids. Captain nodded to the kids still in his wolf form and the kids all cheered in excitement.
The captain walked beside the kids still in his wolf form escorting them all into the school safely.