
X-Men: The Mighty Shiva

HAHA! Look upon me in glory and honor for I am the great fighter to ever be. SHIVA!!!

TrapcardD · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs


The X-Men have had a long history of changing schools, but no matter what they always stuck together, especially when The Scarlet Witch erased more than 90 percent of the mutant population. Mutant kind which had been flourishing suddenly was thrust to the brink of extinction. After the decimation Mutants were no longer being born, meaning that those who were lucky or in some cases unlucky enough to keep their mutant abilities were all that was left. Meaning after they passed no more mutants would be born.

Needless to say, things were looking bleak for the mutants, that is until one day by a miracle a mutant baby was born. Mutants all over the world flocked to the little baby girl in an attempt to either use her or destroy her. It was thanks to the future soldier Cable that the little baby named Hope was rescued and stewarded into the future, where he raised her to be just as good a survivalist as he was. Upon Hope's sixteenth birthday, she returned to finally fulfil her destiny. The Mutants who had relocated to Utopia, off the coast of Los Angeles, had sprang into action to try and find the girl. However, they were not the only ones. Bastion, a murderous sentinel from the future, along with the newly revived Stryker and Bolivar Trask hunted the girl.

During the epic clash between the two forces, Many Mutants lost their lives Including the beloved Nightcrawler who was killed by Bastion, who punched his hand through Kurts' chest during his teleport, and Airel who was killed by Bastion in an attempt to get rid of all mutant teleporters. It was a long and drawn-out battle, but at the end of the day the mutants won, and Hope was saved. After destroying bastion with the flare of the phoenix force, Hope actually managed to create new mutants. These mutants would become known as the lights of the Mutant race. However, this small boon was only a hint of what was to come. As happy as things were finally becoming after two years of nothing but pain and strife another tragedy befell the X-Men. Wolverine who became disgusted by Scott's willingness to send Children onto the battlefield split from Utopia along with a handful of Mutants Including Iceman, Kitty Pryde, rogue and Gambit and a few students and returned to the original Charles Xavier School. But things weren't just finished yet.

One of these newly born mutants was a young man named Thomas Kenway. Thomas was the son of Kali Durga a young woman from India and Sean Kenway from Ireland. From his father he inherited his fair skin tone and his height, from his mother her beautiful, silky-smooth, raven-colored hair, and her beautiful brown eyes. Growing up Thomas had always been a Strong, Proud, and carefree child. However, he was also quite a violent boy as he got into many fights all throughout kindergarten and into high school. His father claimed it was the fighting Irish blood within him, something Thomas was quite proud of. However, he did try to tone back on it due to the fact that his mother hated seeing the boy get hurt. He was not proud to frighten his mother, he hated even more when she was worried or worse than that cried. So, Thomas adapted he never started a fight, but he was quick to finish them. And he did so proudly. Eventually one day after getting into a fight with multiple kids at once, Thomas' X-Gene awakened, and his body changed. His skin tone turned purple, and he grew another set of arms. His body stretched and his muscles expanded. Upon his transformation authorities were called and so were his parents. Thomas ended up being arrested but was quickly released to his parents before any damage could be done.

That night when the family got home Kali and Sean hugged the boy. They weren't upset about his transformation; they weren't even scared of him. He might have changed but they didn't care. To them he was still their son and they told him that. When Thomas tried to return to school, they had turned him away saying that he was no longer allowed at the school. When he began to walk back home, a truck full of the school's bullies tried to run the boy over, but when the truck had hit Thomas, it wrecked. Leaving Thomas unfazed by the impact. When authorities and paramedics arrived, Thomas was once again arrested, and it was not until video footage of the bullies trying to run him over being revealed that he was released.

Despite all that had happened Thomas still smiled brightly and continued to be the cheerful boy they had watched grow up. Kali had felt a deep pain for what her son had been going through and decided to teach him about her old religion and out of the many gods that Thomas had learned about, the ones he related with the most were perhaps three of the biggest, Indra, Rudra, and Shiva. So, much so that one day when looking at a portrait of the Latter god, noticing that he had similarities, Thomas exclaimed that he wanted to be like Shiva and began to carry himself as such. When News finally broke out that there was a new School opening for kids like Thomas aptly named the Jean Grey School for higher learning, Kali saw this as a sign and after talking with Sean and Thomas about it, Thomas showed elation at the thought of being able to go to a school where there were others just like him. After a parent teacher meeting with the headmasters Logan aka Wolverine and Kitty Pryde aka Shadow cat. Kali and Sean agreed to let Thomas spend his last year of high school at that school. This is where the story begins.