
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs


" Dear, Laura.

It's been two months since I've last had a chance to write to you, Laura. In that time many things have happened. In my search for my past memories, I first started my search with a man that went by the name of tinkerer. I found him hiding within the country of Latveria. In my time in latveria I learned very few things. The tinkerer couldn't give me much, but with what he was able to give me, I was able to find a starting point. I found a name that came up. One, I remember reading about back in the school. Sinister. Though a start it wasn't much to go on, as most of sinister's bases that were known were already destroyed. I needed to track down one of Sinister's old associates went by the name captain britain. Thankfully, the Tinkerer keeps an up-to-date record on most of the mutants. From Latveria, I traveled to Europe, where I was able to encounter a man known as Brian Braddock. Couldn't believe after what happened on Utopia and with X-Force it was Psylocke's brother, I needed to find. He agreed, although begrudgingly, to help me search for Sinister. After battling a group known as Hydra, I managed to find a name in their data banks. A former name for the roman/byzatine empire's capital, Constantinople. After saying my goodbyes to Brian and his team, I headed south-east through Bulgaria to the coordinates that Hydra had, and when I arrived what did I find?

An ancient strong hold most likely from 1170's due to the structures filling the buildings and the carvings on them. However, deeper inside, what appeared to be the main building, I found a lab. I knew as soon as I stepped inside the room that I had gotten closer to the answers I sought. But as I searched the computers, I came across a certain file titled project siren. When I opened it most of the data was corrupted? However, I did find a picture of my mother inside and another set of coordinates leading me to Syria. What could it mean? What was so important about my mother that sinister or whoever owned this lab needed to keep tabs on her? I believe I will find out when I get there. Or at the very least I hope so.

A question that has been going through my mind, Laura is what will I find when I arrive? A host of Sinister's killers I fear most likely. I must tell you, Laura my love. I grow weary of this life of mine. Not because I am depressed or because I am tired, but because my journey seems to be moving in one direction. Towards chaos. Today I have more questions than answers. But this is why I have come so far. To find clarity on who I am. To find what happened to my mother and my father. So, that I may better understand who I am and what my purpose is in this world. Should anything happen to me, Laura, should my skills fail me, or my ambition lead me astray. Do not seek retribution or revenge in my memory. But continue to fight the good fight, so that our people. So, that mutants like us of all ages may benefit from the sacrifices of those who've come before. My story is one of many thousands. And the world will not suffer if it is to end too soon. I love you, Laura more than anything else in this world. Be safe my love."

Nathan Drake.

Nathan signed the letter he had written, Larua and handed it off to the letterman, inside of Syria's mail post.

Nathan walked out of the building and began his journey towards the coordinates he had found inside of the Constantinople church. His journey was long as he had to walk the distance so not to draw attention to himself.

' It's been two months, but it feels like it's been much longer. Things are getting to be dangerous, more and more every second. I am strong, much stronger than most mutants. But even the strongest of mutants have been bested by smarter foes. And if Sinister is really involved then, even I may be over my head. I remember the lessons we were taught on the man. His cunning mind and deceitful tactics have made him one of the world's deadliest villains. But what is his connection to my mother? And what is project Siren? It's time I found out.'

Nathan thought to himself as he approached the massive castle in front of him.

" Welcome! Welcome! It has been far too long."

A callous and evil voice called out to Nathan as he approached.

Nathan looked up to the top to see Sinister and his army of hand ninja's waiting for him.

The many men and women raised their blades ready to attack on the notice.

" Swords and kinves? Do you know who I am, Sinister?"

Nathan asked the man.

" I know who you are. And I know why you're here. So, I know you wouldn't risk using those powers of yours to excess. Unless you don't care about the answers you so desperately have been searching for."

Sinister taunted the man as he looked down upon him.

Nathan grit his teeth in annoyance as he knew Sinister was right, he couldn't fire off his attacks recklessly. Not only was the structure they were in old and close to falling apart. But if he wasn't careful he could accidentally destroy what he came for. So...

" We do this the old-fashioned way."

Nathan said to the man as he ran towards the front gate. He jumped over the barricade and kicked the first man in his face, knocking him to the ground. Nathan rolled on the ground and grabbed the hand of his oncoming attacked and twisted it as well as the blade into the throat of another enemy. Nathan then grabbed the man still in his hands and snapped his neck. Nathan then turned and vaulted over another one of the ninja's breaking his neck as well and landed right in front of the others with his back to the wall. Seeing he was surrounded; Nathan pulled his sword out and stood ready for the swarm of enemies coming his way. Nathan blocked the first sword swung at him and slashed the man across his chest killing him. He quickly turned and raised his blade to block a downward attack and spun around, driving his sword into the woman's stomach. Nathan grabbed the hilt of his blade and threw it around like a boomerang, using sound to make it curve as it cut through the many ninja's until it returned to Nathan's hand.

Sinister looked down on the young boy actually impressed by the boy's skills in hand-to-hand combat and his willingness to kill his opponents without a second thought.

" The boy's skill is even more advanced than I hoped. This should be fun."

Sinister sneered to himself.

Down in the courtyard, Nathan continued to cut down the foes that came before him. However, even he couldn't defend against them and Sinister.

Sinister used his telekinesis and held, Nathan in place as the Ninja's attacked.

" Ugh! Bastard."

Nathan growled as one of the many blades coming at him tore across his chest. Taking advantage over the slight distraction. One of the Hand were able to place a power dampener on Nathan, effectively sapping him of his mutant abilities. Though rendered powerless, Nathan was not defenseless as he swiftly drove his blade through the hand ninja's throat and partly decapitating him. Nathan raised his blade once again to strike but was stopped by Sinister again.

" I think it's time to end this. I would rather not have to spend more money on soldiers. This has been quite insightful, and I thank you for the research data. Project Siren may still be do able after all. But I will need someone who isn't already so rebellious. But don't worry you won't be going alone. I'll make sure to send that little dog of yours to the afterlife as well. Finish him."

Sinister explained Nathan before turning him over to the hand.

' Did I come all this way to die in a place like this? No!'

Nathan thought to himself.

He grit his teeth and struggled to break free from sinister's hold on him. Thrashing around in place like a mad man, his veins bulging under the pressure.

Just as the Hand ninja prepared to deliver the final blow, Nathan managed to break free from sinister's hold and narrowly missed being bisected. The blade gashed Nathan's arm causing blood to spurt out.

" Ugh! Fuck!"

Nathan cursed as he slashed through the Ninja's in his way. He made a dash for the edge to the cliff they were on and without a second thought jumped into the shadowy mist below.

" Hmm, he got away. This was unexpected. Oh, well. Let's see how his companion fares."

Sinister sneered to himself once again before beginning the moving process.

Down below, Nathan continued his plummet towards the water below and thought to himself how foolish he was in getting distracted. but above all else he was concerned by Sinister's threat to Laura.

" Damn, I gotta get back fast. Laura, be careful."

Nathan said aloud as he continued falling. He took his sword and used it to cut the power dampener off of him.

Feeling the strength return to his body Nathan took off and flew as fast as he could back to America, hopefully to find Laura, before sinister did.