
X-men: Lone wolf

reincarnated into X-men evolution as coyote starrk

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

6 Years returned

" So, like, where's the new guy? And stark too. I haven't seen him around at all these past 2 days." Kitty asked

" Evan is still sleeping. And stark asked if he could have some time alone." Xavier said

" He's been down in the dumps ever since the thing with rogue." Scott said

" It's best to just give the boy some time. He'll be alright." Logan

" Ah! I love the smell of bacon in the morning." Kurt said as he teleported in

" Well, regarding the thing with evan, I think he knows who trashed those lockers. Did he tell you anything professor?" Scott asked

" No, and I'm not going to pry. He'll tell us when he's ready." Xavier said

" Hmmm, you ask me, he's looking to settle that score personally. Pass the sausages red." Logan said

" Ew, that stuff, like, totally plugs your arteries, you know?" kitty said as jean passed logan the sausages.

" I appreciate your concern." Logan said grabbing a few

" I suspect you may be right about evans intentions, logan." Xavier said

" Yeah. Trust me, chuck. I may not be able to read minds, but I know what a boy's thinking about when he's been wronged. ELF!" Logan yelled as kurt teleported onto the light. " How many times I gotta tell ya? Ask and it'll get passed to you." Logan said scolding the boy

" Sorry logan, I didn't want to interuppt you." Kurt said getting back into his seat

" That's better. Now mind your manners."

" In any case, it might be best if evan had other things to distract his mind. I've already enrolled him at bayville. Scott, could you introduce him to the basketball coach?" Xavier asked

" Sure. After that last game he played in New York, coach will jump at him." Scott said

" Good. Then let's hope that evan's desire for vengeance is short-lived" Xavier said not knowing evan was listening in to their conversation.

Later at school

What the hell is going on. I was supposed to have had everything that happened until I was 6 years old wiped. So why is it i can remember everything that's happened all of a sudden. Their faces, their voices, their deaths all of it. Xavier? No, he's not strong enough to mess with my mind. And it wasn't jean. I only let her in for a second, she's not strong enough to go any further than I let her. So why? Stark wondered as he walked through the halls of the school. Stark wandered the halls until he came to stop in front of the principal's office, noticing the gathered brotherhood, and another presence in the office.

" Anna." Stark called out getting the girls attention. " What's going on? You doing alright?"

" Ah'm fine stark. Ah don't need you holding my hand everywhere Ah go."

" I wasn't. I didn't mean to come off like that. I'm sorry." Stark said looking away

" Aw! did the loser get his feelings hurt?" Lance asked

" Yeah, she's with us pal." Toad laughed while trying to put his arm around the girl. Before he could stark lunged at the man and slammed him against the wall.

" I'm going to make one thing very clear to all of you. I'm in a very fucking bad mood today. You piss me off any more than you already have, or you lay one hand on her head, and I swear to God no mutant alive will be able to fix what I do to you." Stark said.

" You think you scare us?" Blob yelled as he and lance got ready to attack

" That's enough you 2 knock it off. Mystique said to keep a low profile." Rogue said trying to get the boys to calm down. " Stark put him down."

" Anna, why are helping these guys?" Stark asked

" You let your guard down." Blob yelled as he punched stark in the face.

The punch caused stark to drop toad.

" How'd you like that loser." Toad taunted

" Stark!" Rogue yelled

" See, he's not so tough after all." Blob said as he and the other brotherhood members all laughed. Soon however, their laughter turned to panic. As they laughed, they all felt a pressure suddenly close in around them.

" You have the gall!" Stark yelled as he exerted his spiritual pressure over the boys causing toad to pass out, and lance and blob to collapse on the ground in terror. The sheer rage in his eyes frightened the two boys, causing them to break out into a cold sweat. Even rogue who wasn't being hit with the pressure herself, could still feel the raw energy attacking the boys.

" Stark, stop it." Rogue said drawing the boy's attention. The rage in his eyes slowly died down as he looked at the woman beside him. Stark looked around at the panic he had caused.

" I'm sorry." Was all he said as he grabbed his stuff and left leaving the brotherhood and those in the principal's office in shambles, for even they had felt the massive pressure choking the air outside.

" Mystique was that the one you told me about?" Magneto asked

" Yes, yes he is." Mystique said

" He truly is powerful. For someone so young to exert such a powerful killing intent. I will deal with him myself. You focus on Pietro. Understand?" Magneto asked

" Yes, I understand." Mystique said as magneto left her office

Mystique left her office and discovered the state her brotherhood was in.

" What happened?" Mystique asked the group getting nothing but whimpering in return. " Rogue what happened to these fools?" Mystique asked, but to her surprise rogue didn't answer.

" Stark, what happened to you?" Rogue asked. She couldn't help but think about what the boy had said to her just a few days ago.


" My powers are just as much of a curse as yours, If I lose control even If only for a moment, I could end up hurting everyone I love. Even you Anna-Marie."

Flashback end.

" Ah'm sorry stark." rogue whispered.

'Damn, I really messed up this time.' Stark thought as he walked down the hallway. ' I got to get it together before.'

" Ah!"

" Oh, damn sorry about that didn't see ya there." Stark said offering the boy in front of him up.

" It's all cool man." Evan said as he was pulled up

"Oh, I know you. You're the new kid at the institute, right?"

" Yeah, my name is Evan. What's yours?"

" It's Stark."

" Oh, you're the one auntie O was telling me about."

" Oh, so you're Ororo's nephew. I hope she's only said good things." Stark laughed

" Yeah, I've heard nothing but praise about you."

" Well, that's good then. So, what are you heading to the gym for basketball practice or are you heading home for the day?" Stark asked

" I'm going home man. The professor wanted me to run some test drills later."

" Is that right? Well, good luck on that my friend." Stark said, " Now let's go."

" What, do you have a ride?" Evan asked

" Evan I am the ride." Stark said with a smirk. " Now, hold on tight and keep your mouth closed." Stark said as he and Evan disappeared from the school grounds.

" Whoa, man that was freaky." Evan said as he and stark landed outside of the institute.

" All right, all riders please step to left and exit the ride. We thank you again for riding on Air nitro." Stark said giving a bow to the boy, before leaving.

" Evan." Scott and the others all called out

" Hey guys."

" How'd you get here so fast?" Kitty asked

" Oh, stark dropped me... Off?" Evan said as he turned around to see stark had vanished.

" Stark did?" Kitty asked

" Yeah, he was just right here, but I guess he left." Evan said scratching his head

" At least he's talking to us again. It's like he was trying to avoid everyone for the past few days." Kitty said

" I'm' sure he probably just had to take care of something, besides he's there's not much of anything that can hurt him." Scott said trying to ease the girl's worries. " Anyways, evan it's time for you to get changed we got training to do."

" Ughhhh!" Everyone else growled in pain

" Damn, why did I run from them?" Stark asked as he got undressed.

Stark sat down on his bed when he heard three knocks at his door.

" Who is it?" stark asked

" Stark it's me. Can I come in?" Ororo Asked

" Sure, come on in." Stark said rubbing his face as the woman entered " Good evening my chocolate goddess, how can I help you?" Stark asked

" What's wrong?" Ororo asked

" What do you mean?"

" Kitty told me you've been avoiding everyone. She's worried about you. What's wrong?"

" Nothing, my dear."

" Stark, you don't have to be tough around me. If something's wrong, you can tell me. I will always be here for you."

Stark sat there with the woman for a few moments before speaking up. " I'm scared." Stark said

" Scared? Of what?"

" My power. Everyone thinks my abilities are a gift, but no one knows just how much of a curse they are." stark said as tears began to form.

" Why do you think they are a curse?"

" My ability gives me access to a power source called spiritual energy. It let's me use numerous abilities. My cero, my guns, my swords all of them are powered by this energy. But it does more than that. The More of this energy you possess the Larger your spiritual pressure is."

" What is this spiritual pressure?"

" It's the pressure I give off when using my spiritual energy. The larger your pool of spiritual energy is the larger your spiritual pressure will be."

" I don't see what is wrong with that."

" You've seen how strong my ceros are already right?"

" Yes, I have. They are strong enough to beat logan in two hits when you aren't holding back. That is impressive."

" Yes, they are. But When I fought logan I was still holding back, way back. When someone with a weak spiritual pressure goes up against someone with a strong spiritual pressure, the weaker one will lose every time. No matter what they do, their attacks will never land. If the gap in spiritual pressure is large enough however, the weaker one will slowly die." Stark said. The expression on ororos face suddenly becoming one of sadness and sorrows.

" Stark, what happened?"

" I had locked those memories away. I forgot them. But."

" But what?"

" But I've slowly started to remember. I was 6 years old. One night someone broke into our house. It scared me and I couldn't control it. I snapped and my spiritual pressure it killed everyone." Stark said as the tears he had been holding back began to fall.

Seeing the boy breakdown for the first time since they had met. Ororo embraced the young man. the boy began to cry into the woman's chest.

On the other side of the door stood kitty Pryde, now crying herself, after hearing the plight of her friend.

After some time, another knock came at the door.

" Stark, Miss Munroe. Evan's school scheduled a game at the last minute I thought you guys would want to know.

" Stark."

" No, it's ok go have fun, support your nephew. I'm ok, I just need some time to get my mind together." Stark said wiping his tears.

" Ok, but I'll be there if you need to talk." Ororo said hugging the boy before she left.

Before the two left stark made his way to the door.

" Kitty, come here for a sec will ya."

" Yeah, what's up?" Kitty asked

Suddenly stark pulled the woman into a hug. " I'm sorry you heard all that." Stark said shocking the woman

" You knew?"

" I felt your presence at the door while I was talking. I figured you guys would find out eventually. Do you think I'm a monster?"

" No, of course not. You've done nothing but help and protect me since we meet. If that makes you a monster, then I don't want to be human." Kitty said hugging the boy back

" I think it's time you guys left. You don't want to miss Evans's game." Stark said breaking the hug.

" But stark."

" No, it's fine like I told Ororo, I need some time to get my head together again." Stark said as he went back into his room.

Kitty went to pursue him but was stopped by a hand from storm.

" He needs some time to get his thoughts together. Let's give him some space for tonight."

" Ok, miss Munroe." Kitty nodded as they left for Evans's game.

" Damn, I wish whatever it was that god did would have been permanent. 6 Years of misery hitting me all at once. It's a wonder I didn't lose my mind after all of that." Stark said as he laid down on his bed. " I think I'll get a little nap in." Stark said as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The next day

" Look out canon ball!" Kurt yelled as he dropped into the pool from the air knocking kitty off of her floatie and splashing jean and scott.

" HERE COMES ROUND TWO!" Stark yelled as he landed in the pool

" Stark i thought you weren't feeling good." Kitty asked

" I wasn't but after a long night of rest and a lot of thinking. I believe this is just what I needed." stark said giving the young woman a hug causing her to turn beet red. " Oh and I can't forget." Stark said before flashing behind storm. " I can't forget you now, can I?" stark said as he wrapped his arms around the woman. " Thank you."

" You are quite welcome stark. I'm glad to see you back to your old self." Storm said hugging the boy back.

" I gotta say though. Kitty, Jean, Ororo You are all knock out beauties. I mean seriously how did we get so lucky to have 3 beautiful women all under one roof." Stark asked getting all 3 women to blush.

" Hey!" Both scott and Evan yelled

" That's mu auntie you're talking about." Evan said

" Oh, come on Evan lighten up. They didn't seem to mind right ladies." Stark said as he began to laugh.

" Ughhh!" The boys all moaned