
X-change love

'She' didn't want to be here, not on another planet either. She missed New Earth even if there was no more relatives to meet up with or to trouble. The air itself was refreshing, the clear blue sky and the early morning drizzle always soothed her. --- He was told he wasn't anything special, lots of realm exchange students were coming and he was no longer needed. Left to be a shadow to survive, he hated them all (including the new student coming over). --- Two path met, one seek escape, the other one seeks destruction and they won't stop until they've achieved their goal or so was the plan. It wasn't a pleasant first meeting, it was choas. Ig@stories_by_serah_pyopey

Aremu_S_Opeyemi · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Two weeks before the realm exchange

There was a slight disturbance in the air that she could feel, not only her, but others. Crouching down in front of an overturned Asph (Asph - a walking display machine), she stopped breathing for a split second when she perceived the burnt smell. In her daze, she could feel people around her pointing at her.

"No, no..." she whispered but not so loud over the accusations. It was a mistake, she didn't mean for it to happen. But she was stuck there, her feet refused to move.

The more people gathered, the more she felt suffocated, she couldn't breathe. She gasped trying to catch that living straw to live but her eyes rolled and she lost consciousness. She fell with a thud and the noise came to an end.