
Xīngxīng's Short Stories Collection

Xīngxīng's Short Stories I will continue adding short stories here (・∀・)

Zer0_In_TheStars · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Is it Falling?

The warm, pleasant breeze that softly caressed the leaves of the trees was like the gentle caress of a loving mother. There was peace and tranquility everywhere and each living thing moved in perfect harmony with one another.

It was on this day, when all seemed to be in perfect order that disaster struck. With little warning, a single flower dropped from the otherwise perfect formation of its fellows to the ground below. It seemed a relatively harmless and insignificant event, but it marked the beginning of the end of all life on the planet.

As the flower fell, a strange energy rippled out and quickly spread over the land. A dark, oppressive energy that felt like a weight on everything around it. There was no escape from this force and soon everything it touched became lifeless. Nothing remained and no force could undo the damage that had been done.

The planet had been changed, reduced to an empty wasteland. All that remained were the remains of the flower, a living corpse of sorts, and the echoes of the once perfect harmony. It was said that the flower had broken some kind of cosmic law, though no one could be sure of the details.

Whatever it had been, this single flower had caused the apocalypse.