

Looking at the ninjutsu scroll that was opened before he threw it out, Shikamaru shrugged slightly: "This is a special ninjutsu that the immortal gave as a gift, so it is very special~~"

Different from the previous attribute ninjutsu, this ninjutsu scroll that was thrown by Shikamaru released brown toad oil, and the incomparably creamy oil almost instantly drenched the unprepared female Kusanagi. Wet, and, just like a snake loses its ability to move in oil, the female Kusanagi who was standing on the spot stumbled and half-kneeled on the ground, the ground under her feet had been soaked with toad oil, even if it was a little bit. A single action may cause the foot to be unable to bear the force and slip to the ground! !

At this moment, a harsh thunder and lightning sounded in the bushes behind the female Kusanagi. Sasuke, who had been waiting for a long time, ran out of the bushes, and the Chidori ball in his left hand seemed to be bloodthirsty. Like a sharp blade, it stabbed the back of this grass ninja woman fiercely under the confirmation of Sharinyan! !

"Accept the call!!"

As if to dispel all his previous fears, the roaring Sasuke waved his left arm as hard as he could, while the incandescent lightning quickly extended into a slender stun gun, and then stabbed the female Kusanagi smoothly and accurately. The back of her heart, the white electric blade even protruded directly from her chest! !

"Ah... how is this... possible..."

Looking at the electric blade stabbed out of her chest in disbelief, the mumbling female Kusanagi also lost the light in her eyes, and then lowered her head weakly.

"Huh... Is it finally... solved?"

Seeing that Sasuke succeeded, Shikamaru couldn't help but fell to the ground, and the pineapple-headed boy muttered to himself: "Really... It's the first time I've seen it, and I can use up all my calculation steps. The enemy...it's really scary."

"It was indeed stabbed... huh... Now, I'll get rid of her!"

Panting and pulling out the Chidori sharp spear in his hand, Sasuke also subconsciously relaxed, no matter what, this terrifying enemy should not stand up again.

However, at this moment, the head of the female Kusanagi, who had clearly been kneeling on the ground, turned directly behind her with a slamming sound, and her bloodshot eyes carried an indescribable grin. Looking at Sasuke sitting there.

"Sure enough...you are excellent~ Sasuke-kun!!"

"It's not worth it for me to play this game with you!!"

(PS1: Hmm~~ This is the death forest encounter that is both the same as the original and completely different from the original~~)

(PS2: 4,000-word chapters~~ I want a wave of recommended tickets to reward the monthly pass blade or something to make up for the author who updated in the early morning~~ Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o)

Extra Tucao: I heard that as long as you add the word 'true' before the name, you can upgrade it to a higher existence than the previous one, and it also has a higher starting point of the previous one~ Is that so? ? The star eye who is eager to prove it~~


Hmm... It seems that for the current Shikamaru and others, it is still a bit too strong to deal with Orochimaru, and... This curse mark of Orochimaru seems to be for the current Sasuke. Still need to be equipped.

In the area about 300 meters away from the battlefield, Hinata quietly observed the area where Shikamaru and others were with white eyes. After seeing the picture of Orochimaru being dizzy by a pile of ninjutsu scrolls, she felt that she probably didn't need to appear again.

There is obviously no benefit to fighting Orochimaru. Although the opponent is not the type of revenge that Jairus must take revenge on, it is not a wise move to fight the enemy with a shadow-level powerhouse.

In addition, from the results of what Orochimaru did, there was no harm. Sasuke can get a spell of the sky with the same plug-in in the early stage. The two-stage transformation that can rival Naruto's one-tail transformation is indeed very suitable for Sasuke, an impatient guy.

Of course the most important thing is...

"Now, there is no certainty that he can be killed. And... from the perspective of the resurrection method of this guy in the later stage, as long as the person with the curse mark still exists, he can be resurrected from any curse mark ninja at any time, that is to say. .. kill for nothing."

Nodding, Hinata confirmed her thoughts. In her eyes, the meaning of fighting Orochimaru is as tasteless as tasteless, and according to her past experience, the best way to deal with this kind of thing is to have a clear result to cut it off. That is: either kill Orochimaru here with one blow with confidence, or simply don't meet the other party and talk about it later.

Since there is no certainty to kill Orochimaru now, there is no need to do useless work.

However, even knowing this, there is still a subtle sense of unhappiness, probably, the unwillingness that his own strength cannot achieve the best choice.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Hinata finally put down the finger of the psychic mercury lamp. For her, she has passed the age of trying things she knows she can't do.

However, because of this unwillingness, he will probably continue to promote his obsession with pursuing power.

Shaking his head, Hinata drove straight towards the area where Shikamaru and the others were. Since it was over, there was no need to delay any further.


"Sasuke-kun, this is a gift from me..."

Looking at Sasuke covering his neck in pain on the ground, the female Kusanagi slightly reached out and tore off the human skin mask on her face, and showed a pair of greedy golden snake eyes in front of Sasuke: "My name is Orochimaru. , if you desire more power, then come to me again, then ~ goodbye."

With the end of the words, Orochimaru's body also sank into the ground again. The purpose has been achieved, so there is no need to stay here.


Sakura and Ino, who were pale on one side, rushed over almost desperately, and then lifted Sasuke in pain from the ground, while Shikamaru and Shinoji, who were gritted their teeth, also rushed over, watching Sasuke in pain. After the gesture, everyone undoubtedly fell into a round of extremely low emotions.

"Put him down first and let me see if he is poisoned!"

Shino, who has always been calm, also showed a rare panic tone, while Ino, who was in tears, quickly put Sasuke on the ground, and put the painful black-haired boy on her knee to ease the pain a little.

"I have a special antidote here, in short, give Sasuke to take it first!"

In a hurry, he took out a delicate glass box from the ninja bag behind him. Dingji didn't care about anything else, but stuffed it into Sasuke's mouth, and then took out the water bottle on the side to help the black-haired boy swallow it.

"Damn...why...I have already tried my best..."

He gritted his teeth and slammed a fist on the tree on the side. Shikamaru didn't care that his finger immediately overflowed with blood. For the pineapple-headed boy, it was his plan to let Sasuke launch the last blow. Lock on Orochimaru's Chakra with the Shaker Eye, and then kill him with the Chidori sharp spear with the most direct lethality.

However, judging from the results, Sasuke was undoubtedly because of his strategy that he rashly approached Orochimaru and was successfully attacked by the opponent.

Well, yes, at least this is also conducive to the better growth of these guys who have never encountered setbacks.

When he fell from the branch, Hinata didn't forget to check the expressions of these little powerhouses. There is no doubt that if these people almost took the test with a giggling mentality before, but now, Sasuke's suffering, Has made them really appreciate the frustration and humiliation.

"What's wrong? How could it be like this?"

Hinata's indifferent words made everyone turn around subconsciously, and after confirming that it was Hinata himself, the atmosphere of the team became extremely depressed.

After being silent for about a second, Shikamaru, who was headed by him, suddenly knelt down on one knee. The pineapple-headed boy, who had always been unconcerned with Hinata-gumi's etiquette, was obviously full of seriousness at this moment.

"I'm really sorry. It was because of my improper command that Sasuke-kun was injured. Please punish me!"

Deeply bowing his head, Shikamaru's words and tone were undoubtedly exactly the same as the formulaic words that the retainer confessed to the leader. It is not difficult to see from it that he wanted to shoulder the responsibility.

"No, chief, it was our common mistake, not all of Shikamaru-kun."

Shino and Dingji also knelt down on one knee. As Shikamaru's friends, they obviously don't want to let Shikamaru take this responsibility alone.

And after wiping away tears, Ino and Sakura also put Sasuke away, and Hinata knelt down on one knee. As the two weakest combatants, they didn't even have the right to speak.

"...Really, it looks like you've run into an enemy."

He was not in a hurry to express his stance towards Shikamaru and the others. Hinata went straight through the crowd to Sasuke's side, and simply slashed the other's neck with a palm, knocking the black-haired boy who was in great pain stunned. And the strange three-hooked jade curse seal symbol on the opponent's neck also caught the eyes of the white-eyed girl.

"This... it's a curse ninjutsu, it doesn't look the same as the one used by the Hinata clan... I really can't blame you for this failure, because according to what I've learned, it can be applied to others without relying on equipment. The ninja with the curse mark is at least at the shadow level. In other words, the enemy who fought with you just now is a strong man who has reached the shadow level."

Looking back, Hinata just started to come to her own conclusions, and her words undoubtedly made the original heavy-faced members of the organization show a look of incomparable astonishment. For them, Shangnin is already an unattainable existence. But now Hinata told them that the one who fought with them just now was actually a shadow-level powerhouse?

"...Shadow-level...but...my misdirection is undeniable..."

Shikamaru tried his best to digest what Hinata said, but Shikamaru didn't intend to excuse himself. Obviously, even though he was usually lazy and inaction, this kind of obedience and persistence in his own responsibilities was the unique charm of this pineapple-headed boy.

"Since you have to say that, it's true. If you admit it like this, then think carefully about how to deal with such an enemy next time. Now, let's talk about your punishment after adjournment. What I'm asking now is..."