
Writing Whatever Comes To Mind

Very Interesting

DungeonLife · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Totally forgot last chapter but I think I ranted.

Keep calm and write something. Webnovel thinks they're funny or something. I have grammar trust. Just kidding that sentence was probably grammatically incorrect.

The world takes over. I wish to continue my other novels. I've read so much of other novels that maybe writing has improved.

How do writers even tell though? How to make everything so aesthetic and pleasing. Community Service hours being required of a student. Imagine.

Isn't dialogue such a pain to space having to have like a new paragraph every single time the character that's talking changes. Yo I just typed like that whole thing by sliding across the keyboard of my phone. That function actually works, crazy.

I think my sense of money is screwed up. US dollars are among if not the most valuable currency Iam pretty sure. But anyways 20 to 50 bucks is no small amount under 10 I would say is pretty cheap. I think it's weird that a Chromebook could cost less than a Nintendo Switch.

I had to capitalize that s there. Typing on the phone after coming back from school huh. Practicing with a model rifle freaking hurts. The arms get bruised and my knee started bleeding. I've done this rifle business and this is my second year for exhibition. The whole sequence is taxing specifically my left shoulder because we are doing a weird port like honor guard or something. Do drill competitions have a lot of repute I wonder because I don't think I ever see anything about them in news or media lest you search for it.

Will it ever come to the Olympics?

I feel like this is the most I've ever written in one sitting just laying in the couch. The reason I'm not in my room is because I have to go out again to rake yard waste for garbage today.

I really want opinions like comments on this part. So if I being tired from practice just take the empty can out instead of filling it. As a parent would you feel so freaking mad because its my responsibility or something. Like bruh take a chill pill it's just yard waste.

Now a car alarm has sounded off. Police sirens have been a record high in my city like before it was maybe one like every one or two months but the past week one or even two everyday. Pretty insane to me.

Why do people shoot schools up if like you don't know them and their religion is not offensive to you?

At that point right you are just someone that wants to kill children not that killing adults is much better.

I'm pretty sure us humans are screwed anyways in terms of pollution which might finally be.enough of a crisis in my lifetime.

To end the chapter off in a better note. I was informed by my teacher that apparently my grades currently were the top of my grade which is insane because I'm usually like 50th percentile. I don't know like this year I feel the drive to just complete and turn in homework. Tests are basically free for me if I could do the homework except for one exceedingly dreadful class.

Physics C: Mechanics is like the bane of my existence. Even if I can do the homework, the tests are muchos mal. They historically have always brought my grade a letter down. Except this unit's tests!!!! Let's freaking gooooooooooo!!!!!!! all A's baby wooooooo at least for the time being... I'm scared for next unit's tests.