
Writing A Story Is Hard For A Newbie

Rom Mathew faces the big challenge of his life. He had to make a good story to pass that school year. So, he did everything. He borrowed a story book from the school library. In addition, he also has a lot of experience in reading stories, most of them fantasy-related. However, after he wrote his story, Rom noticed that something seemed to be missing. It lacks the emotion and real feelings from the characters in his story. Rom felt depressed. And he was also stressed because since this afternoon he has been facing his laptop. And the result of what he did was unacceptable. In addition, his stomach was rumbling furiously. Rom thought of going out first to find self-comfort and also to buy groceries at a nearby grocery store. As he walked, it came to his mind that maybe it would be better if he himself was there in the story so that he could personally experience events there. When he reached the Street Lamp with the light evenly lit, Rom suddenly noticed that his surroundings had changed. Rom finds out that he has landed in a strange world. In this world people have different powers. And apart from people, there are also various entities inhabiting that world. This world is too mysterious for Rom. The first thing he thought when he found out was… it would be a good resource for his story. But, the question is, will he still be able to return to his old world if he knows that he is now living in another person’s persona? Let’s take a look at Rom’s adventure in the new world. What will be his future in this world where everything is based on wealth and strength.

StickySlime · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Fairy Oreal

When Rom realized the difference in his attire now and then, he immediately touched his face and hair.

As he rubbed them, he noticed the difference in it from his original face. His original hair was just short because he had just had a haircut. But now it's longer. Earlier he noticed that his bangs seemed to be blocking his vision. But he ignores it because of circumstances that require more of his full attention.

But, now that he had noticed it, he had realized the big difference in his face. He was sure it wasn't his original face. Or much clearer to say that it was not his original body.

'If that's the case…' In his mind were playing memories of the fantasy stories he had read. Especially with those with the Reincarnation and Transmigration genres.

According to those stories, when an MC dies in his original world, his soul will move to another person who is in another world. It's random which body it will move to — whether to a newborn or an older one.

There was also a story in which the main character himself went to another world with his original body.

'If I were to base the two types of going to another world, I could compare myself to the first mentioned. In that case, does that mean I died in my original world?!!'

Rom shouted in mind with his eyes widened in shock.

"Im-posssi-ble!" He mumbled. He could not believe what he said.

What had happened was clear in his mind. And he was sure that nothing had happened to him that could have been the reason for his death. The last thing he remembers before he got here was walking under a dying street lamp. Then, suddenly the surroundings changed and he found himself lying on the grass.

Rom tried to ponder all the details. But, he didn't remember anything that could be the reason for his death. He was confused and worried about his situation.

He couldn't die.

In front of him, the big eyes of the Wisdom Tree narrowed as they stared intently at him.

"I see…" it suddenly said as if it realized something. Suddenly, its countenance also became serious. "So that's why I felt something has changed in your presence. So that's what happened. Now it is clear to me why I did not understand your words earlier. So that's the reason," said Wisdom Tree and it suddenly laughed out loud which caused the small animals living around to flee.


Its voice rang out loudly. Rom noticed the flying animals. The birds he saw were of different colors, but their forms were strange. There was a big difference in their appearance compared to the natural birds in his original world. He caught sight of a bird with two heads. He also saw something with four wings and four eyes.

Aside from birds, he also saw a variety of ground-type animals. Each one of them has a unique appearance.

Each of them screamed as they flew away. And because of the effect of eating the Fruit of Intelligence, he understood what they screamed about.

He heard them say, "Run! Run! The old tree is going crazy again!"

"Old Tree! Crazy!"

"Old Tree! Crazy!"


Others even repeated what the other said.

He would have laughed already if not because of his current situation which is not appropriate for that.

His mind was startled by what the Wisdom Tree said. It seems to have realized that he was not the original owner of the body.

'How did this tree do that?' Rom asked himself. To his knowledge, he did not mention anything that could be a reason to discover this matter. Unless the magical tree has a keen eye.

Rom slightly shook his head. He thought, why would he be surprised? He was in a magical world that even logic, he didn't know if it works here.

"What do you mean?" He asked to reassure his suspicion that the magical tree had indeed realized his persona.

The Wisdom Tree stopped laughing and looked straight at him. After about two seconds, it suddenly shouted a word.


After pronouncing it, Rom heard a gentle voice that seemed to come from the newly awakened.

"Ah! Noisy! What a mess are you making, gramps? I heard the screams of my little friends… "

Rom searched for the source of the small voice. He saw from one of the tree branches a nest. And from that nest, he saw what seemed to be small pairs of slender arms stretched out.

The branch where the nest was located approached the face of the tree. And there Rom saw the full form of the creature in the nest.

It was not a bird, but he saw a pair of wings. Nor could he say that it was a human being even though its whole form was no different from humans.

As he was looking at it, he could tell that it was only the size of his palm.

"F-Fairy?" Rom blurted in astonishment. He was no longer surprised if something like a fairy appeared in front of him in this world. But when he saw it, he couldn't restrain himself in astonishment.

The fairy named Oreal flapped its wings. Then its figure floated beside Wisdom Tree's face.

"My, my, Oreal. Sorry for disturbing your sleep. But I need your help this time. Please use your ability on that kid," suddenly said Wisdom Tree.

Oreal looked at Rom right when she heard him say the word fairy.

Her pair of round beautiful eyes narrowed as she stared at him. She did not expect to see a human kid. When she heard Wisdom Tree's plea, everything seemed even more unbelievable for her. "Eh? That kid? You want me to use my divine power on that human kid?" She asked with obvious shock.

There were a few people who already challenged the Wisdom Tree to get the magical Spiritual Sapling, but none of them succeeded. Even though some of them were famous people and known for their strength, in front of the Wisdom Tree, they looked immature. Oreal believed that no one could match the Wisdom Tree.

So that's how shocked she was when Wisdom Tree suddenly begged her to use her ability on a young man.

"It's too long if I were to explain to you the details, but you will definitely be surprised as well if my suspicion is correct," said Wisdom Tree to Oreal.

Oreal just sighed. She also thought of just finishing what the Wisdom Tree wanted her to do so that she could rest again.

Rom saw the fairy, Oreal, raise two palms next to her eyes. He saw that she was slowly closing her eyes and his palms were also slowly glowing.

He was sure she was using her power. And her target in his suspicion was none other than him! However, Rom felt no strange. He decided to just wait and see whatever happens.

In this world where almost all inhabitants have mysterious powers, he didn't know if someone like him had the ability to protect himself. So it's better that he didn't do things that might make them angry with him.

After about five seconds, "What! T-two origins!?" Oreal suddenly shouted once her eyes opened.