

Daichi, a high school student and popular manga writer, was declared dead just 5 minutes after his birth. However, he suddenly came back to life. His grandfather, believing him to be a monster, insisted that his father separate him. To avoid any commotion, his father purchased an apartment in Tokyo and decided to send Daichi there, where no one would know about his abilities. Daichi's parents also moved there with him. When Daichi turned 15, his parents died in a road accident, and Daichi was also present. But thanks to his abilities, he survived. His uncle then took responsibility for his living expenses. Over time, it became clear to Daichi that he isn't normal. Now, it's up to him whether he'll use his abilities as a blessing to help others or as a curse to bring sadness upon them.

10 Chs


Daichi was shocked. NP-58 aimed his own head with the pistol, which was completely unexpected for Daichi.

"Daichi, listen!"


"You asked me before if Toya didn't give me a name."


"That's because I already had one. It was the name of my host body."

A moment of silence occurred. NP-58 spoke again.

"My name was Nolen Polka Aoi. Doc took the 'N' and the 'P' from it."

"That's kind of a mixed-type name. Where did you get that from?"

"My father was Japanese and my mother was Australian, that's why."

"Why are you telling me all of a sudden?"

"Well, I have a favor to ask."

"Why not lower your pistol and acquire your desire by yourself?"

"I would also die shortly without maintenance since this body is artificial. That's why Toya used to call me to his chamber every morning and night."

"Then why suicide?"

"Because a shot from a pistol is much more comfortable than dying without being able to breathe and getting paralyzed bit by bit. Also, the process would take around five hours."

"Fine. Tell me."

"I have a sister who's been living in Shibuya for about a year now."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Please protect her. With your immortality, you can protect her."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I'll have to die with regret."

"From whom would you like me to protect her from?"

"It's the 'Open World Tech'. My sister has mechanical lungs and heart which Toya had invented. They want to get their hands on those valuable inventions of Toya, and the only way to get them is to kill her in the process."

"Fine. I'll do it."

"Kaori. Her name is Kaori Aoi."

Daichi recalled she was one of his only friends and a classmate of his. Suddenly, "Thanks," said Polka. Daichi heard a gunshot. It didn't take long for him to understand that Polka was now also dead.