
Wrath Unmasked

Xendrada, a vast land that is filled with magic and the unknown in equal measure, is home to the ten thousand mortal realms. Under the watchful eyes of the Gods and Goddesses, the world marches ever forward. Kingdoms rising and falling in the endless cycle. In the fifth cycle, the world faces an old enemy capable of catastrophic destruction. Demons, traitors, and mortals alike scrabble to use this divine power for their own gains. Now it is up to the Thousand Mask to save their world from perishing in the hands of another once again. ___ Disclaimer You will also be able to find this story on multiple sites such as Wattpad under the name Kimarirose. We will also be posting on Royalroads as well, under the hand of my co-author. We will be posting two chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/263726/fictions ---

KimariRose · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Fated Bonds

The unknown was never something that bothered Wrath, not in his whole twenty-five moons cycles of living. Yet never before had he stood in front of a woman that he didn't know to bind himself to her for the rest of his life. His usually still heart was beating erratically in his chest as he thought about how in a few seconds he would have a wife. All he wanted to do is turn around and leave, but he knew if he were to do so, he would be forsaking his people. Instead, as his orbs of onyx gazed into hers of ivory, he found a sense of peace. As hard as she tried to mask her feelings the young lord caught the same emotion in her eyes that he was feeling in his heart. They were in this together.

Even though this would be a union void of love he couldn't help but be in awe at how radiant she looked in the light of the twin moons Leovis and Vorix. His heartbeat began to settle the more he gazed at her. He couldn't have picked one more beautiful than the woman standing before him right now in the glade of binding. This was a sacred place, where all Lords and Ladies of Wrath had been bound together since the clan's founding.

At a time like this, one would think they would be surrounded by members of the clan but only a chosen few are ever allowed to enter. Only three of the Thousand Masks were prescient. Bonding was a private matter, it was unheard of for a large number of people to witness such an intimate event. Lady Lust, the respected teacher of the groom. Lord Xavier trusted blade of the groom and Lord Granular, Father of the bride, were the three that they chose to stand by them. Unfortunately because of the swift necessity of the wedding, the bride's adoptive mother could not be present having to remain in her keep to protect her younger children.

The air around them shifted as Lady Lust took the hands closest to her of the two young masks, taking the place that would have been designated to the previous Lady Wrath had she not passed as well as Syrin's absent mother. Power flowed through her and into the two causing the magic veins in their arms to reveal themselves. As she nodded, stepping back Lord Xavier took the place of the groom's father and Lord Granular took her place raising their hands as one, and within their grasp, a great chain of dragon steel.

The world around them shook as the elder dragon whose fire had helped shape the chain strode forward into the mortal realm, through the very fabric of the world. Even with his dark scales cloaking him in the night, the sight of his gleaming fangs was enough to announce his presence, a single fang of his mighty maw easily ten times the size of an average Xendradian man. Had he been a normal man he would have been shaken to his core but being able to stare in the face of such a powerful beast only made him feel a sense of power.

With a nod to the pair, the two lords wrapped the large chain around both of their arms up to the elbow where the magic veins stopped being visible. The rumble that emerged from deep inside the ancient dragon's chest told them that it was time for them to step back so he could go forth with the union. Pale blue light, as beautiful as it was sweltering, shone through the dragon lord's plates. The bride and groom called upon powerful protective magics as the living mountain spewed forth a thin stream of pale blue flame directly onto the chain linking them together. The fire quickly turned even the heat-resistant chain red hot and the two lovers clenched their fists as the marks of binding were seared into their flesh. Soon the flames ceased and the link turned back to its original tone before it seemed to fade away as one would expect of ash in a heavy wind.

All that was left was a light blue brand, glowing softly in the light of the twin moons. After a moment the binding link faded from sight and Syrin raised her arm looking at it in astonishment and activating it, causing hers to glow brightly and the section around her husband's wrist to do so as well. Stifling a chuckle the Lord of Wrath activated his as well for but a momentary flash of light, showing that the link had indeed been successful.

Lady Lust giggled at the exchange, looking away and whistling when the other five occupants of the glade turned their heads to look at her.

The mighty dragon bowed his head out of respect for the two newlyweds. "May your marriage flourish with love, loyalty and a bounty of children like your fathers' unity before you." He blessed them before stepping back through the fabric of the world and disappearing from this section of reality.

The two decided that it was time to join the rest of the clan in the feast hall to celebrate their special day. Despite Wrath not wanting to wed, his chest couldn't help but swell with happiness as he watched his new wife beaming.

Due to the link that he now had with her, he could, at last, begin to relax. For now, he knew that she would not betray him. Little did she know that the binding that they used only works for those without malice toward their partner. If she had harboured any murderous intent towards him now or in the future the magical chain would have shone the colour of fury and burned her arm clean off. He had chosen this variation of the ritual precisely for this purpose.

Out of the three types of binding rituals that could be used, he thought this best to ensure the future of himself and his family.

The blood pact, where the lovers cut their hands from their thumbs to their pinkies, and rest their hands within each other. Using their power to mix their blood and mana. An older binding that the elders of centuries past had utilized to make contracts, infusing their life forces together, if one dies so does the other. Although it was rare and seldom seen these days.

The most common is the binding of the minds. This helps the lovers to communicate within great distances. They can feel each other's emotions which can be switched on and off whenever they feel like it. This is the most used binding.

And last is the dragon chain binding which was administered today. It is rare for people to use it for many have lost a limb while performing the ritual. Only very few noblemen and other highly esteemed know of the reason. Most believe that it's due to the dragon fire and the spell that they put up wasn't strong enough to defend them from it. Others have their speculations. The binding connects the souls. It glows crimson and heats when the other is in trouble or blue when they are thinking about the other.

The five companions made their way into the ballroom. A feast was laid out in perpetration for their arrival. All the Lords and Ladies of a Thousand were laughing and enjoying themselves, the maidens from the choosing ritual were all there and so were Galliard, Gabriella and her lover all dressed up for the wondrous occasion.

All those already at the feast turned towards them as soon as they entered the room. The couple strode forward, hands intertwined and with their heads held high. When they got to the middle of the room they lifted their wrist showing the glowing chain markings that wrapped around them. Everyone gasped. Surprised that they had chosen to do such a dangerous binding ritual when it could have cost them an arm, or worse their lives.

"My lords, my ladies, we have taken the oaths of binding this day as many of you have done!" Lord Wrath's words boomed out through the halls, thundering through the air so all would hear his words.

"Fear not my liegemen for our bond is pure, seen to by an elder dragon from beyond the fabrics of our reality!" He could hear his wife masking a giggle as a cough at the murmurs that followed.

He took a moment to squeeze her left hand, causing her to lean into him slightly in acknowledgement of his touch. He smiled, something that would go unknown to all in the hall but it was something that made him content regardless.

His eyes glowed as he allowed his magic veins to spring to life, channelling it into the grounds that his ancestors built a mighty clan upon. Touching each and every living being in the room from the strongest of lords to the smallest of insects within a twenty-mile area. Making absolutely sure that all who lived felt what he was going to say next within every fibre of their beings.

"The Thousand Masks remain strong!" His voice spread out explosively, looking over the leaders of the most feared species on the planet with pride.

"Though new blood takes the throne we shall not become complacent, we shall find those who have betrayed the clans and put an end to them!" Syrin spoke out just as booming as her bond mate.

Lord Wrath could not help the feeling of pride that sprouted in his chest. Lady Lust could barely contain her excitement, almost bouncing out of her chair had his sister and Herra not held her by the shoulders.

"Snakes in the grass have taken your lord, my father from you," Lord Wrath continued solemnly, he could see the Lord of Fury clench his fist at the mention of the Fang his clan had suffered the most under them, "We will have our revenge won't we!" The ground trembled as the Lords, Ladies and Scions spoke their approval as one.

"We will find their burrows, drag them out by their tails, cut off their heads and slaughter their young so they may never have a resurgence!" The new Lady of Wrath spoke with ice in her voice.

That had been the final straw as every mask in the room stood as one and drew their black blades crying their approval at her words.

"We shall wipe their vile bloodline off of the face of the world, no man, no woman, no child shall survive our vengeance!" He took a long shuddering breath feeling the rage and joy of the men and women before him as if it was his own. "Let us suffer not their existence for any moment longer than is necessary to slit their throats!" His words rang true as the brand on his arm.

The two lovers turned their hands to look at each other, feeling contempt as the other mask cheered and bellowed from the top of their lungs around them. Looking back out to the crowd they raised their hands linked to the others and let out a cry of battle strong enough to shake nations.

And shake nations they would.