
Wrath of Bab

This is a story during the Viking era (around 793 AD) where a young warrior must face his fears and hardships to become the most capable warrior that have ever lived. With the help of his brother and many others, will he become the warrior he is destined to be?

SaintTV · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Family Time

"Bab what is taking so long? You said this would only take a few minutes", yelled Atil.

"I know, but I can't turn back now. I'm so close I can feel it, I can't just leave now." As Bab says these words he can see Atil face grow tiresome as if he heard these words countless times before.

"You've said this for the past three weeks, and everytime you dragged me out in the cold snow just to fail. Brother, I can just call father and he could help us and we can be through with this already" explained Atil.

"No", Bab said with a stern face.

"A true warrior doesn't need to call on parents to fulfil a task that is bestowed upon him. This is my task and mine alone. I will do it this time." Bab pulls his bow back, his fingers gripping on the bow string as if he's pulling onto life, takes a deep, long, slow breath. He then releases his grip on the string and it fires, the arrow making a zipping sound as it closes on its target, moving through the cold air. The arrow then makes a loud crack sound as if it had hit and broke into an object.

"Yes I hit it. I told you I'll get it this time, and I did it without fathers help", yelled Bab.

"Yea you did it, now can we leave Im freezing to death over here", Atil begged.

"In a minute I must see what the arrow hit", Bab said happily.

As Bab approached the target he hit, he was able to see that he pierced the chest of a pure snow white deer. The smile on his face was like no other, overwhelmed with joy he tied the legs up with extra string and sturdy wood-like sticks.

"Atil come help me with this deer I didn't think it would be this heavy", Bab said with a big smile.

"I can remember somebody saying this is his task and his alone. So, I'm going to let you uphold your task all the way through my good brother" Atil said with an even bigger smile and added a little giggle as if he was being sarcastic.

"Well if you don't help I guess that means no supper for you. And that also means I get your share of food" Bab said while keeping his grin.

That statement coming from Bab made Atil rethink his sarcastic remarks. With his grin that's now diminished, Atil helped his brother carry the snow white deer all the way back to their family longhouse.

"Father, mother we're back, and we caught something", Bab yelled as he and Atil burst through the door greeting their parents. They ran up to show their father the deer they had caught while they were out.

"Oh my, you were able to capture a pure white deer, do you know how rare that is?" He continues with, "If someone is able to see a white deer in person, that person will get an unthinkable amount of good luck. Not only did you see it, but you managed to catch one."

"So that means we all will have good luck then. I gave our family good luck", Bab cheered with a cheery bright face.

"That's right my son. You, your brother, and your mother will all have good luck", their father explained to them as they listened.

"Father won't you have good luck too? You said the whole family would have good luck", Atil spoke with concern.

Seeing the concerned look on both Bab and Atil's face, their father tried to reassure them. "My sons, I have had good luck throughout my entire life, I was lucky enough to wed your beautiful mother Helda. I was also lucky to be able to have two strong sons who are showing great promise as of right now."

As their father said these words he looked down at his hands which appeared to show several scars. His scarred hand, as if it's been through countless battles and have touched the end of many blades. The more their father looks deeper into his hands the more uneasy look he starts to have on his face.

"Kids, can you come and lay the table down while the food is finishing up?", their mother asked. As Bab and Atil go to the kitchen to set the table, their mother Helda comes over to comfort their father. "Askel dear, you're having another one of your flashbacks aren't you? I told you that it's over, you don't have to endure that ever again."

"I know dear, it's just that everytime I look at these hands, these weapons of destruction have taken countless lives. They've taken over hundreds of territories, but for what my love? I've done so much senseless killing I just never want to go back to that time. And I never want our sons to go through that type of life ever Helda." As Askel spoke those words, he clenched his fist with such might and power.

"They won't dear, they will never have to go through that type of pain ever, trust me", Helda stated. Those single words lightened the atmosphere for Askel, and changed the whole mood and setting. With Askel calmed down both him and his Wife helda went to join their kids to the dinner table.