
Wrath of Artaxia: Road of the Divine

The Abyss, where everything that is lost eventually ends up. With a price, power, knowledge, items, anything you desired could be traded with the abyss. The Great enemy of the world who was to powerful to be killed and was subsequently sealed by both Heaven and Hell. And with the goal of sacrificing the world for the power of the abyss, the great enemy of the world of Artaxia held the crown and led the Abyssal troops to attack the world, for reasons only known to the enemy. "You know what Abyssal Lord?" A man in dark blazing attire wielding a sword in hand prepared their blade against the hordes of the Abyss controlled by the enemy charging at the beautiful world behind him. "We can't allow this" Followed up by a woman with bright and wavy clothes that flowed behind her while holding a long spear with both hands. "So Abyssal Lord!" Awakening their Heavenly and Hellish forms of greater strength, their voices turning into something more ethereal. The Man and Woman held their weapons at the surging tide of all consuming black and white, Magical Swords and Spears appearing behind their backs as other shadowy figures ran from within the distance. "Face the Wrath Of Artaxia! And Let us Journey! Onto the the Road of the Divine!"

TreeBriarWood · ファンタジー
23 Chs


Hearing the cold, dark tone of the voice that he had no doubt was being addressed to him, Carlos silently sat in the shadows, copious amounts of cold sweat running down the back of his neck and drenching his back.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!'

As could be seen by his mental state, it was anything but calm.

Cursing at himself to hell and back within his mind, regret filled Carlos's mind as he stared at the two unseeming monsters in front of him.

But alas, Regret was a bitter pill to swallow and once taken, it could never be taken out.

He cursed.

If he knew this wouldn't have been an easy job he wouldn't have taken it, if anything, he was being severely underpaid now that he thought about it.

This was talking about killing royalty here! It was everything but easy.

But nevertheless, since he was noticed he forcibly calmed his shivering body and stopped circulating the hidden art.

Staring at him as he stepped out of the shadows, the man named Carlos kept his hand behind his back to suppress his shivering.

he calmly spoke with a cadence contradictory to his actual feelings. "I can't believe you actually sensed me, your better than I thought."

He sent thin tendrils of mana coursing through his legs as he prepared to run away.

"Why the rush to leave?"

Scoria suddenly blasted forwards with flames trailing behind him while bringing the sword downwards.

"Can't you deal with us now?" Scoria looked straight at Carlos with a mocking grin. "Or is it because you're to weak?"

'That's exactly why I'm leaving you monster!'

But nevertheless, due to the stupid pride that he had built up, he turned around to block the sword.

"Nothing less prince, if anything I think you guys are to weak to be a proper hunt."

Arrogantly smirking underneath his mask, he silently prayed for his safety and wondered where things went wrong.

As the flaming blade slammed into the dagger, the assassin trembled underneath the shock, but not because of the shock traveling through his body, but actually the shock which travelled through his mind.

'What the? These guys aren't as strong as I thought?' In the first clash, Carlos felt a distinct lack of strength behind the blows, in the second he knew that the strength behind the blows was weak.

Feeling even less strength in the third one, Carlos felt a vein pop in his head.

'Are they looking down on me? ME!?'

Feeling rage bubble within the pits of his stomach, he decided to stop being on the defensive and started to strategize.

'I'll make sure you regret underestimating me.'

Charging up mana in a non obvious way, Carlos was oblivious to the positivity which filled the face of his opponent and sent it straight through his body.

Feeling his body rip apart due to the rampaging mana, Carlos made it all blast straight through the edge of the blade.

And although it wasn't really efficient, the blade exploded in a burst of light which was already visually appealing.

Smilingly seeing the attack, without any hesitation, Scoria jumped straight into the dark colored magic blast and started to force all the unfiltered dark colored mana into his body.


Feeling a sense of powerlessness fill his limbs, a tinge of his core mana travelled along the giant explosion and sunk into his body.

Staring at the little prince devouring his dark attributed mana as if it was a snack, he couldn't react in time before a furred fist from the side blasted him straight into unconsciousness.


The reason Scoria felt was excited was for a few reasons.

One, if he overcame the assassin coming at him, although he would be underneath another layer of scrutiny, this would warn many others weaker than said assassin that he wasn't a weak target.

Two, since he was a prince, the consequences of the academy allowing an attack on the important figure within would be disastrous and would cast a dark stain on their reputation.

And since they wouldn't want more damage on their reputation, the school would make a show of supporting him with various resources and would strengthen the academy from the outside.

This could range from preferential treatment from the teachers when doing their job, all the way to receiving better resources that could accelerate his growth.

If he even pushed his authority around a bit, he might be able to carry a personal weapon on his body in the name of 'Personal protection.'

And three, the final and most important reason to him was the fact that the Assassin had an affinity which was similar to his demonic one, that being the Darkness affinity.

Of course he didn't exactly have access to it in his human body as it was a bit much to bear on the underdeveloped body and the risks of gaining it outweighed the gains..

Having three affinities already put a strain on him after all.

But that didn't mean he didn't have a means of gaining the affinity of darkness.

That method albeit was not really morally correct, but against an assassin that traded peoples lives with money.

Although questions would be raised, since it was no one important investigations wouldn't pursued.

Feeling the mana swirling within his body like a wild horse it ran amok within him.

Forcibly punching his chest to clear the clot of blood which was kicked up by the black mana swirling in his chest he spat it all out.

"Oh Great Caroline!"


Hearing the unknown yet familiar feminine voice, Scoria turned his head only to see two things.

One, a were wolf standing atop the fallen body of the Assassin from whom he had stolen mana from.

Two a headmistress who was grimacing as her eyes glowed subtly underneath the moonlight.

'I feel sick.'

Feeling blood drip down his mouth, the headmistresses frown deepened as she stared at Scoria who was apparently the most affected by the assassin.

It made since when they had arrived the assassin was unleashing a large powerful gout of mana tinged with his core mana at Scoria when they arrived.

And Ellora the Princess of Stratus was instead occupied by what looked like neutralizing many of the lower tiered assassins with skill.

'It seems that these two are more skilled than I thought.'

Of course she knew that since the two children were the top two candidates and basically stood at the apex of the metaphorical ladder in the school.

But seeing them neutralize the assassins that somehow made their way into the depths of the school made her appreciate the polished talent that they showed.

'It seemed their parents didn't skimp out on training out on them.'

She frowned.


Staring at the dull gazed bloody lipped boy who now had blood dribbling out of their mouth, her gaze hardened.

'Someone could've died today.'

Pulling her wand out of her waist, the small gem embedded on it glowed lightly before Scoria and Ellora were both grabbed by unseen arms and tossed straight towards the infirmary where they would spend the rest of the night.

Seeing that the two children were now taken care for, she glanced at Alfred who was in his fully transformed form and opened her lips.



"I'm going to go now, take care of these assassins."

A dark glare flashed through her eyes and filled her eyes.

"I'm going to get rid of the corruption lingering in our school."

Teleporting away, the headmistress of the academy began looking for the corrupted figures in the academy.

Leaving behind Alfred who was in werewolf form who let out a long tired sigh.


Looking at the bodies, he grabbed the one underneath him with incredible strength and lifted them all up on his shoulder.

[Lightning chains]

Creating bright blue chains of sparkling lightning, the tendrils all moved around as if alive and snaked between the bodies.

Tying them all together, the Vice Headmaster dragged the bodies uncaring of their state of being.

Drawing a small triangle with various runes in it in the air, the wolf man sighed as he went through the various streets of the academy as the moon shined down from the sky down on them.

