
Wounded: The Ordeals Of Lee Eun ha

Eun Ha? " the manager called, " Please take a menu to that table and get their request." deep down she would have wanted someone else to do it but this was the boss orders, who was she to reject. she took the menu and walked straight to the table, her heart was racing very fast, she couldn't phantom exactly why. good evening Sir, she said bowing her head politely as she offered the menu what would you like to have? they looked at the menu and pointed what they wanted, she went out from the table and brought the cocktail they had ordered, she turned back to leave when the voice of one of them stopped her in her tracks. "wait" her heart stopped for some split seconds and continued beating with difficulty. I know you, you're Mr Lee's daughter he said with and an evil grin that revealed his tobacco colored teeth. she froze as the tray she was holding dropped to the ground. "I was right, it's them" The restaurant on the ground floor was filled with people mostly the elites, some of them were tourist, others were there for a business meeting and others, conferences. the sound of the dropped tray caught the attention of most of them, making them glance at Eun Ha for some split seconds. He continued, The deadline is tomorrow evening don't forget that. Eun Ha had wanted to say something to them, perhaps, beg them but the words never left her throat. Eun Ha stood there for about two minutes, "will you get us our meal or will you just stand there?" the other muttered harshly. she knew they were evil men, above the law. falling into their trap was the most dangerous place a person could be. she resigned to begging for more time. one glance, Mu Chen could tell what was happening "X force" he whispered underneath his breath. they had quite a reputation and were feared by many. They feared no one and could illegally obtain what was theirs if necessary. He looked at the helpless young lady on the floor, he knew there was no way they'd let her go, no matter how much she begged. he didn't know this girl, yet he felt a need to protect her. he went out and waited in his car in the parking area. "Wait," he said with a deep voice. Chae won was surprised he would have sworn a few minutes ago that he was in a hurry to leave. The loan sharks finished their meal as she handed them their bills, "How ironic, we're paying for your service and you owe us," he said humorously as they both burst into laughter. Eun Ha felt a knife pierce her heart, she had never felt so much humiliation in her life. she followed them outside the building trying to plead with them for the last time to see if they'd cave in and give her more time but they just walked straight to the car and drove off. Eun Ha stood outside the hotel, in despair, her father was going to die, this men were ruthless, the cloud had darkened earlier, soon few drops of rain started falling, but she was in no hurry to leave as if it were possible for the rain to wash down all her pain, she stood outside staring blankly into thin air while it rained on her, soon her hair was separating into clustered strands, tear a freely flowed down her cheeks, she felt like screaming, she felt helpless, Just then she couldn't feel the raindrops on her skin she turned as her eyes met with a tall handsome young man holding a big black umbrella. Mu Chen looked at her sorrowful eyes, he could see the pain in her soul through them. "I know who they were, and I can roughly guess what it is" Eun Ha was confused, "what did he know? who was he? why is he being kind to me?" she asked one question after another in her head. "How much?" he asked with a king like voice. "10,000 dollars," she said as her lips trembled, "How did you...?" this time she was starting to get suspicious. I have an offer for you, I'll clear the debt but you'll carry my baby"

Shu_Lee · 都市
162 Chs


she was silent for a while, then she finally spoke up.

"H..e..llo Mr Li," she said with a shaky voice.

"I'm willing to take up your offer."

"okay" he replied simply

"it's a race against time sir can we get in with it as soon as possible? I have a deadline of 6 pm I need the money by 5 pm"

Mu Chen quickly glanced at the golden wall clock hung at the side of his bed, it was almost 4 pm,

"alright meet me at Gum cafe in 30 minutes," he responded firmly.

"okay" he was difficult to read, over the years Eun Ha had learnt to study people, she was very observant, more than what people say she paid more attention to their body language and tone of voice, but with him, there was nothing his time of voice said about him, she would probably have opted out for his body language the last time they met but even while doing a generous deed his face was expressionless.

This made her a bit worried.

Much was about to place a call to Chae Won to cancel all plans involving the surrogacy agency when Chae Won's call came in, he picked it

"Good afternoon Sir, I have something to report to you"

"Hmm" he replied with furrowed brows

he hesitated a little, he knew how difficult his boss could be at times, and most times he was careful not to drop the news that would upset him, one can never tell if he is in a good mood or not.


"The agency has set up a meeting tomorrow by 8:00 am. the meeting coincides with the luncheon we have." I was hoping we could..."

"cancel it," Mu Chen said authoritatively cutting his long well-prepared report.

"Sir..... we could"

"I said cancel it," he said raising his voice slightly

"Okay sir" he responded and cowered

"I need you to get to Bok Su, to prepare documents for a contract pregnancy as soon as possible and bring it over to Gum Cafe in 20 minutes."

"Okay sir"

as he was about to hang up he heard his voice once again from over the phone

"one last thing contact Dr Jiang, he'll be carrying out an artificial insemination tomorrow, tell him to clear his schedule, this is highly confidential, they both need to know."

"noted sir"

"beep beep" the sound of the call ending could be heard over the phone by Chae Won

"he's found someone already?"

"who is she? he was curious to know the girl, he was even more surprised that he had picked the girl himself. This was strange.

Mu Chen walked into his extremely luxurious bathroom, the walls were tiled up to the ceiling. he got into the white bathtub lost in thoughts, he had not been taking his pills of late. And he has been thinking a lot about her. the only woman he ever loved. it was her or no one else, not even the pressure from his parents could make him marry someone else.

this was better than being committed he convinced himself, he quickly got out, took a clean white towel from the bathroom rack and pat his body dry, he had decided to look simple, he brought out jean trousers with a jean jacket, no matter how simple it looked it cost a fortune, he applied moisturizer to his body and hair, he combed his dark hair to the side giving it little waves, he slipped into the black trouser and put on a black vest along with black jean jacket he brought out his face cap and wore it. he was looking like an Asian geek God. he was rich and handsome no wonder he was tagged the nation's husband.

he took a small corolla and drove off to Gum cafe, the aim was not to be recognized by anyone, he got to the cafe and took a seat by the edge. it was already 10 minutes to 5:00 pm

Eun Ha dashed out of the house, as she quickly took a cab to Gum cafe, it was a very popular cafe, facing the Liang express, it was just a 5 minutes drive to the cafe, she got down and checked her time, she didn't want to be late and here she was, almost late, "old habits die hard" she thought to herself, even when her father's life was in danger.

Soon Mu Chen could spot a young lady from afar, she held her phone to place a call through,

"Hello," she said panting slightly, she had been in a hurry.

"walk down the hall and take the last seat by your right, I'm wearing a black cap," he said coldly.

given his description, she had spotted him from the entrance as she walked briskly towards where he was seated.

he sent his location to his lawyer and the description of where he was seated. he knew he was probably around, he was never one to be late.

"Hello! she said as she slowly dragged out a seat and sat down, I'm sorry I'm late"

"you're not" he replied

she didn't know how to act or what to say, just then a voice bailed her out,

"Hello, I hope I didn't keep you both waiting."

"not at all" Mu Chen replied

Bok Su was not just a lawyer he was more like a friend to him already, he had told him to drop formalities anytime they talked but that was something he just couldn't do, his father worked for the Li's as a Butler and they had played a key role in his education, they virtually grew up together but he was the butler's son and Mu Chen was the Chairman's son despite living in the same house, they were worlds apart.

since Mu Chen wasn't so Chatty, they weren't close but were well acquainted.

he brought out the documents, he had already been informed of the urgency and he knew there was no time.

okay, he turned his attention to Eun Ha and handed over the document to her.

here is a Non-disclosure agreement paper, you are not to tell anyone the identity of the person's child you will be carrying.

"Is anyone aware?"

my friend Mi Sun and my mother but they don't know the identity of the person's child I will be carrying.

"sure?" Mu Chen asked with furrowed brows

"yes I'm sure" she replied honestly.

okay, these are the terms of the contract.

read carefully.

she quickly glanced through it without paying close attention to the details, she had an idea of what surrogacy entailed,

"I'm not supposed to have any attachments with the baby, once the baby is born I'm not supposed to have any contact with the baby's father, it's not my baby anymore blah blah blah, I understand can I get the money now?

I don't have time"

she said desperately starting at her wristwatch.

"very fierce this one," Mu Chen said to himself this was something they both had in common, not with him but with her, the love of his life.

she signed in both 4 in total papers as. one NDA she was to keep to herself and one contract paper. Bok Su brought out the money 10,000 dollars in cash and handed it over to her.

she was to meet at the Serion ridge for the exchange, it was a 30 minutes drive from the cafe, alright I have to go now we can discuss the rest over the phone.

not over the phone, on our way to make the exchange.