
Would You Still love me?

Akane's heart had been torn apart. She had nothing left. She swore never to love again. That is until she met Takeo. A man that is forbidden to fall in love with. Will she keep her new hidden love a secret or will she accept her feelings and make it come to fruition?

Ryuki_Is_Sad · 若者
10 Chs

Would you let this be Awkward?

The busses had been loaded and were on their way back to the school. The trip was over. For some of the students it was just another run of the mill school getaway. For Akane it was much more. She felt as if she had finally gotten one step closer to Takeo, even if only a small step. But why. Why did she have to go and kiss him on the forehead like that. Akane was writhing in embarrassment.

Akane looked towards the front of the bus past all the students being rowdy. Takeo was sitting in the front row half asleep. He looked exhausted. Akane never got a chance to talk to him after that night as she was moved to a students tent the next day. Even when she tried to talk to him, he almost seemed to blush and then immediately claim he was busy.

"I hope things don't stay awkward between us...", Akane sighed.

The bus arrived at the school and all the students unloaded. Everyone started making their way home except Akane who was still on the bus. She slapped her hands against her face.

"Right!", she confidently exclaimed.

She walked towards the front of the bus and stopped at the front row. Takeo was fast asleep. She noticed the area around his eyes seemed puffy. Had he been crying again?

"Um.. excuse me.... teacher?", she gently tried to wake him up.

Takeo slowly opened his eyes, revealing their icy cold appearance. He blinked a few times before rubbing his eyes. His eyes slowly looked up at Akane. He bolted up extremely fast.

"A-ah Miss Akane! Are we here already?", he stuttered while asking.

Akane giggled into her hand before responding.

"Yes teacher. We are.", she laughed at him.

Takeo sighed heavily before moving past her and out of the bus followed by Akane.

"R-right! Grab your things and head home then.", Takeo said.

Akane smiled and grabbed her bags from under the bus. She turned to face him.

"What about you Takeo?", she inquired.

"I'll be fine. I still have some work to do.", Takeo said not realizing she had just called him by his name.

"I can wait.", Akane smiled while blushing a little.

"Right... wait did you just call me Takeo?", he asked frozen.

"You must be hearing things Teacher.", she replied with a grin.

Takeo stared for a moment before continuing to the school building. Akane was quickly right behind him.

"Um.. Miss Akane?", Takeo called to her.

"Yes teacher?", she replied.

"You know you can go home right?", he told her.

"That's fine, I can wait.", Akane smiled.

"R-right...", he replied nervously.

Takeo and Akane walked all the way to the teachers lounge where he told her to wait outside the room. She reluctantly agreed. As Takeo walked in he noticed Rei at her desk grabbing a few of her personal belongings.

"Ah Miss Rei! You're still here?", He asked her.

"I'm just grabbing a few things Takeo.", she responded giving him a half smile.

"R-right... I was wondering if you were doing anything after this?", Takeo asked her nervously.

Akane was peaking through the door with a visually angry expression.

"What? What is he doing?", Akane said while biting her nails.

Miss Rei looked at Takeo and smiled.

"Nothing, why whats up?", she asked.

"Well did you want to go home together? I can give you a ride on my bike.", Takeo asked her.

"S-sure. I'd like that!", Rei smiled.

Takeo smiled before grabbing his things. Akane was getting jealous. When did they get so close. There wasn't any time for them to get close during the trip was there? No way. They were with the students most of the time. Akane felt as if her heart was being torn apart again.

"Fine... you wanna play dirty Miss Rei? I can play dirty too.", Akane whispered to herself before walking away.

Takeo and Rei started walking out of the teachers lounge.

"Before we go, one of the students needed my help with something I think.", Takeo said opening the door.

"So what did you need Miss Ak.... huh? Where did she go?", Takeo looked around.

"Something the matter Takeo?", Rei asked.

"N-no it's nothing I guess.", Takeo replied confused.

Takeo and Rei walked out of the school and towards his motorcycle. He handed her a helmet and motioned for her to jump on back with him. He started the engine and they took off.

On her way home, Akane was walking with her head down. Tears had started forming in her eyes.

"That idiot. How could he do this....", Akane began to sob.

She stopped by at a park before heading home. She sat at a bench and cried for a while. Once the tears had stopped, she lifted her head up with conviction.

"Right! I guess I'll just have to step up my game. I can show you I'm an adult to! Right Takeo?", Akane grinned.