
Would You Still love me?

Akane's heart had been torn apart. She had nothing left. She swore never to love again. That is until she met Takeo. A man that is forbidden to fall in love with. Will she keep her new hidden love a secret or will she accept her feelings and make it come to fruition?

Ryuki_Is_Sad · 若者
10 Chs

Would you let me join you?

The school bell rang throughout the halls. Monday Morning. Time for classes again. Takeo, sitting at his desk in the teachers lounge, let out a small groan.

"Being a teacher is not all its chalked up to be is it?", Takeo asked.

His coworker sitting next to him glanced over from her work.

"Were you talking to me?", she asked in a cold tone.

Takeo nodded his head.

"Yes. Miss Rei was it?", he asked.

Rei nodded her head before going back to her work. Takeo looked at her waiting for her to respond to his question.

"You're not much if a talker are you Ms. Rei?"

Rei looked up again, made a half smirk and then went right back to her work.

"I see", Takeo nervously laughed.

The school bell rang again signaling the start of class.

"Ah crap! Im late.", Takeo yelled as he ran out the door.

Takeo slammed open the door to his class in a pant. All the students were out of their seats and being noisy. They looked up at him and quickly got into their seats. Takeo cleared his throat before walking over to his podium.

"Alright class... as you may or may not know, we are going on a field trip.", Takeo explained to the class.

All the students got excited and started snickering to eachother.

"That being said, I need you all to fill this form out and return it by the end of the day!", Takeo said as he started handing out the papers.

The students grabbed the papers and started passing them back down the row.

"You will need to be in at least a group of 3 for this. So write down your selection of group mates and turn it in by the end of the day.", Takeo said walking back up to his podium.

Takeo looked around and noticed everyone still talking. He sighed.

"Now, do I have any questions?", he asked.

All the students became quiet again. A girl in the back raised her hand.

"Yes, you in the back!", takeo pointed to her.

"Is it true that you were overseas for a whole decade before coming here?", she asked while giggling.

"I meant questions about the field trip!", he angrily responded.

He looked around again and no one had their hands up.

"Alright, if thats it then I will leave you to it."

Takeo walked out of the classroom and back to the teacher's lounge.

Akane was holding the paper and freaking out. Who was she going to be in a group with? It's not like she had anyone here she could ask. She looked around the class and everyone had already paired up. She stood up and walked out of the room with her paper in hand.

Akane walked to the schools courtyard and found a bench to sit on. She plopped down with a sigh. Her phone vibrated and she pulled it out. She was recieving a call from Fumiko.

"Hey Fumiko", Akane answered the phone

"Hey Akane! How goes the 'getting closer' plan!?", Fumiko asked in a burst of energy.

Akane blushed.

"It's only been a day Fumiko! I haven't exactly had a chance to talk to him yet.", she explained angrily.

"Alright Alright! Geeez!", Fumiko laughed.

Akane looked up at the sky.

"Moreover I have a more pressing matter.", Akane said while gritting her teeth.

"Oh? And what would that be?", Fumiko asked curiously.

"Well we have to pick groups for our upcoming field trips...", Akane said while pausing.

"Yeah, go on?", Fumiko urged her on

"Well I have no one to ask", Akane laughed out of embarrassment.

Fumiko grinned a mischievous grin on her end of the phone.

"Why don't you ask your beloved savior to be in your group", Fumiko sang in almost an opera tone.

Akane's cheeks turned the color of ripe strawberries.

"I can't ask a teacher to be in my group! Thats not how any of this works!", She responded angrily.

Fumiko laughed hard on her end.

"Besides, even if that was how it worked, he doesn't even remember me. How am I supposed to get that close to ask him?", Akane said defeated.

Fumiko groaned in defeat with her.

The sound of footsteps on the walkway behind Akane gave her a shock. She turned to look and it was Takeo holding a stack of papers.

"Ah sorry Fumiko I have to go!" Akane hung up the phone.

Takeo looked at her with the same frigid expression.

"You know phones are not allowed during school hours Ms. Akane.", He stated.

Akane stood up and bowed.

"Sorry sir! It won't happen again", she apologized.

Takeo grunted and then coughed off to the side.

"Well as long as you understand thats okay I guess.", Takeo said.

He walked around the bench and sat his papers down.

"You are the last one to turn your form in Miss Akane. Are you ready to turn it in?", He asked holding his hand out.

She blushed out of embarrassment.

"Sorry teacher. I don't really have anyone to join up with. So I can't turn the paper in.", Akane said with her head down.

Takeo put his head down and sighed. He then sat on the bench and motioned for her to take a seat next to him. Akane blushed and paused for a moment before complying with his request.

"This is supposed to be your youth you know. You're supposed to be having fun with friends on trips like these.", Takeo explained to her.

"I'm sorry sir! I just never... I dont know", she apologized and then dropped her head in defeat.

"I'm not asking you to apologize you know. I was just saying. I never got the chance to do this when I was your age.", Takeo said as he put his hand up on his head.

Akane looked at him curiously.

"What do you mean sir?", she asked.

He looked at her for a moment and then got embarrassed.

"Well, I was similar to you. I never had any one to hang out with. Back when I was in my school years I moved a lot for family. I only had one true friend.", he explained to her.

Takeo looked at this sky. His eyes almost looked like they were about to cry.

"But I guess she left me behind.", He whispered under his breath.

Akane leaned in a little to better hear him.

"What did you say sir?", she asked not realizing how close she got to his face.

Takeo turned his head towards here. Their faces were only a few centimeters apart. They both blushed and pulled away fast.

"Never mind that. Just make sure you find a group unless you want to end up like me!", Takeo said trying to hide his embarrassment.

Takeo stood up and picked up his papers. He turned and started walking away.

"If you don't find a group you'll get stuck with us teachers as your group so find one fast!", he exclaimed.

Akane blushed and smiled.

"Yes sir!", she grinned happily.

Takeo looked back and frowned.

"And stop with this damn sir crap! You're making me feel like an old man. I'm only twenty-five!", he snorted as he stomped away.

"Yes si- I mean yes teacher!", Akane corrected herself.

She turned around and grinned to herself before pulling her phone back out to message Fumiko.

"I think I have a plan Fumiko!", She smirked as she typed.

"Hey!", a males voice called out from in front of her.

Akane looked up and saw Shido with a new girl in tow. Akane grit her teeth and gripped her skirt.

"So we need a third for a group. Care to join us?", Shido smirked with an evil smile.
