
Would You Still love me?

Akane's heart had been torn apart. She had nothing left. She swore never to love again. That is until she met Takeo. A man that is forbidden to fall in love with. Will she keep her new hidden love a secret or will she accept her feelings and make it come to fruition?

Ryuki_Is_Sad · 若者
10 Chs

Would god curse me like this?

There he was, standing in front of her. His dark brown hair strewn without a care in the world. His eyes, an almost empty light blue, looking out over the class. He gave off an expression that only Akane could recognize. Someone who's heart had been shattered to small tiny, sharp fragments.

"All right next on the list we have... Akane!", Takeo read off the list of students while glancing up.

Takeo looked around the room as he was met with silence. He scratched his head in puzzlement.

"Is Akane not present today?", He asked the class.

Akane broke from her trance, noticing what was going on.

"He-here teacher!", Akane exclaimed while blushing from embarrassment.

The rest of the class all giggled behind her back. Takeo looked over to Akane. Their eyes locked for what seemed like an eternity, even if it was only for a fraction of a second.

"So you were here after all Miss Akane.", Takeo snorted while looking back at his paper completely unphased.

Akane stared in confusion. He was the one right? There's no way he wasn't. Everything about him was the exact same as the sorrowful man that had saved her all that time ago. If he was, did he not remember her? Maybe he didnt recognize her. It was a very dark miserable day and they had only spoken for a few short moments.

"Y-yes teacher. Im sorry.", Akane hid her head in embarrassment.

"Right then. Lets get on with class.", Takeo said as he started the lesson.

Class had went by and it was time for lunch. Akane walked down the hallways that were filled with sounds of students having all manner of conversations. She passed a group of girls from her class who's conversation caught her ear.

"Mr. Komatsu is so scary right!", the first girl said while giggling.

"I know right!? He has such a mysterious vibe about him.", the second girl agreed.

"You dont think he's actually a bad person right? Someone that mysterious must have a troublesome past", the third girl said cautiously.

Akane spun around fast and glared at the girls angrily.

"M-mr. Komatsu is not a bad man!", she yelled angrily before realizing she didn't mean to say anything.

The other girls looked at her in disgust. They snorted at her.

"How would you know. I bet you he is actually a criminal!", the first girl yelled at her.

Akane put her hands down in front of her scared. She was embarrassed and didn't like conflict. Her body became weak.

"What does someone have a crush on him already?", the first girl laughed.

"She must be easy! I've heard a rumour that she just goes with any guy she can get her hand on!", the second girl chimed in.

Akane began to tear up. She didnt know what to do. She was terrified.

"Y-youre wrong... i do-", she softly whispered as she was cut off.

"You probably wish he was your private teacher don't you? Yeah you do. Because you're just a big sl-", the first girl was cut off.

"Hey!", a loud male voice exclaimed from behind them.

They all looked behind them. Standing there was Takeo holding his clipboard by his side. He had the same expression as always. Or was it different? He seemed to have a slight hint of anger riddling his normally expressionless face.

Akane looked up from her dispair and saw him. There he was again.

"The bells about to ring. I swear kids these days...", he sighed putting his hand behind his head and scratching.

The three girls all turned to look at him and bowed.

"W-we're sorry teacher! We'll get going!", they all said as they hurried towards their respective classrooms.

Akane was still frozen in fear. Her legs were shaking as if she was standing in a massive icy blizzard.

Takeo looked at her and sighed before motioning for her to step towards her.

Akane shakily walked towards him.

"You should get to class too... Akane wasn't it?", Takeo asked her warmly.

She looked up at him. His expression had changed. He still had the same cold eyes, but there was something different that she couldn't put her finger on.

"R-right teacher! Im sorry!", Akane apologized while slowly walking past him back to class.

Takeo turned around and looked at her before saying one last thing.

"I know the pain caused by other people can be hard, but it will get better I promise", he said while forcing a half smile.

Akane slightly blushed while still walking away. Had he remembered who she was? No. He was probably just being polite. Thats his job as a teacher after all she thought...