
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · アニメ·コミックス
200 Chs

Camping Trip~

Once my heavy eyelids opened from my deep sleep I was greeted with a new ping coming from the system, informing me there was already a mission. But why did I have to start my day by stressing over some mission choices? I sat up on the bed and decided to have a look, even if I wasn't too happy with it.

'Would you rather take Izana Kurokawa and Kakucho camping or ignore them for the next 2 weeks?' Wasn't Izana's birthday in that time frame, like I would crush his hopes for some stats. So the system was insisting on the first option I see, I knew I was the culprit behind this mission since I suggested it before, but I wanted more time to prepare everything. I just sighed and walked downstairs to ask my mom about if we had any equipment for the trip, if nothing went smoothly I just needed to suck it up and perform another punishment from the wheel, no biggie.

"Good morning, also mom do we have any camping gear?" she looked around, but since Kazutora wasn't in sight she suddenly asked.

"Is it for another mission?" I nodded my head, so she finally answered my question.

"We do in fact have a tent, three sleeping bags, and a burner." So all I ever needed for this trip into the woods, great.

"You won't be going with someone that could bring potential harm, right?" I kept silent, sure Kakucho was there to have my back. I wanted to trust Izana but at times his strange comment still lingered in my mind.

"What's with the pause Michi?" she narrowed her eyes at me as I laughed nervously.

"Kakucho is there to have my back, don't worry about it." Dad came soon after so I changed the topic and asked my parents for the best camping spots, after we concluded to one I asked the system to put the spot on the GPS function.

"Do you want me to drive you there Michi?" Dad asked as I just assured him taking a taxi would be enough since I didn't want to disturb his workflow. After breakfast, I phoned Kakucho to let him know of my plans.

"Yo, tell me you're free with Izana today?" He sounded panicked I guess because he couldn't guess what this was for.

"We are, what's up?" I went straight to the point.

"Camping trip, me, you, and Izana, how does that sound?" I guess it took him some time to progress the news since I called so early.

"I guess." He said with a tired voice.

"Great, once I'm finished packing I will come over, in the meanwhile you two can ponder what food, snacks included, you want me to buy." Kakucho sounded surprised, by my rush.

"This early?" I mean if we went earlier we would get the best spot, and hey more time to spend with each other, why was he complaining?

"Setting up the tent takes time, and if we arrive there too late, we won't be able to see anything if the sun goes down," I explained.

"Okay, I got it." I ended the conversation with.

"See you soon." and I disconnected the call.

Mom helped me with all the packing, she made a list and made sure I had all I needed. Kazutora seemed surprised by my preparations.

"What's all this about?" Kazutora asked.

"I'm going on a camping trip." He seemed somehow conflicted and soon he softly inquired.

"It's not with Mikey is it?" Was he so guarded against him?

"Nah, with my childhood friend Kakucho." It seemed like something else was bothering him.

"Not alone... right?" I shook my head.

"There is another friend that is tagging along. You want to join too?" Kazutora then stated.

"I can't, therapy session remember?" Oh yes, I forgot, everything is so hectic in my life sometimes I forget certain details.

"How about next time we plan a camping trip together as a family?" Kazutora nodded excitedly.

"Great. Love ya." I was pleasantly surprised that he told me.

"Love you too." Causing me to babble.

"I must have saved the world in my previous life since I'm so blessed with such an amazing brother." He just ruffed my hair for the comment, he must have done it out of embarrassment.

Once all the packing was done, I changed my outfit to something acceptable for hiking. Mom called a taxi over to get me to my destination, unlike everyone else from my friend circle these two lived the furthest away from my place.

I knocked on the door, but to my shock, someone else opened it for me. A blonde guy with tattoos on his face, it must have been Shion. It was hard to recognize him since well he didn't get as much screen time in the manga as others before I could strike any kind of conversation he stated.

"Yo, girlie I heard you're taking Izana on a camping trip, I will tag along." So instead of asking for permission, he declared with a cocky voice he would be following us? I was about to deny him the pleasure, but it seemed like the system wanted this Mad Dog on board.

'Would you rather pick a fight with Shion Madarane or allow him to tag along?' Like I would waste my precious time on stupid fights, also if he tagged along I could make him carry some stuff.

"If Izana is okay with it and you have a sleeping bag ready for use, I don't have any intentions of stopping you." Was he trying to reconnect with Izana or something? Did he perhaps get wind that he was doing better?

I put the two heavy backpacks in their hallway and walked inside.

"Guys, let's stock up on food, and then we can come back and sort out everything into backpacks." Kakucho and Izana nodded. Why did I feel like the leader of this group? Shion seemed surprised by our dynamics.

We walked to the nearest grocery store and bought some snacks but also instant noodles.

"Water is essential, you guys want any soft drinks?" I asked while putting 5 bottles of water in our cart. Was this enough I had no clue. Let's make it 7 since it was in the middle of summer and we needed fresh water to cook the noodles, the strong boys could carry it I was sure. We also bought some onigiri. Shion took a whole 8 pack of instant noodles, I guess we were going to eat them for lunch dinner, and breakfast. And they couldn't stop filling the cart with snacks, I assume since I promised to pay they decided to test their waters on how much they could overindulge in.

"Isn't that enough, you guys will carry it yourself if you go overboard."

"We can manage that," they said, so considering how much money I spent I followed with the promise of having them carry it all, they didn't even complain.

Once everything was finely segregated in backpacks and sturdy bags, we took the taxi to the site.

"Now we need to do some hiking boys." All of those had such high stamina, I was the only tired bean after an hour of walking, but it was mostly caused by the heat of the sun.

"You should rest in the shadow we will figure out how to put up the tent." I decided to take a breather, but you could barely relax when Shion was screaming in frustration trying to figure out how to do it.

"Man relax, you really gonna scream over a tent?" He started to lash out at me.

"Don't tell me what to do you-" but before he could finish I heard Izana warn him.

"Try to choose your words carefully Shion!" I just sighed and decided to distract myself by offering to do the noddles.

After the tent was set up, and I made the instant ramen for everyone, we sat down and ate.

"So what are you planning to do out here?" Kakucho asked I was glad he asked.

"I thought we could do some screaming therapy, of course, Shion is already doing good in that department, but I would prefer if he didn't swear all the time. Then at some point in the evening, we can start a fire and fry some sausages and marshmallows." They seemed to agree with whatever I planned, Shion had no room to complain because Izana had my back.

We left Shion behind because he wanted to eat snacks rather than interest himself in our activities, we managed to find some fields and after demonstrating my screams muffled by a pillow I let Izana be next.

"Don't you feel more refreshed after letting all those emotions out?" They both had no idea what to think about my methods. Following, I let them hug trees to connect with nature, I read somewhere this activity could be therapeutic as well. Once we were done we started to head back but then I remembered something.

"Didn't we see a waterfall somewhere close, maybe you two can flop around in it." Kakucho then conveyed.

"But we didn't bring any swimsuits." I just waved my hand.

"You can bathe naked, I brought at least one towel so you can share." I didn't think the boys would take upon the offer, even Shion joined them, since I was now alone I decided to just watch the insects, and then the birds that were flying around. I was so at peace I may have actually nearly fallen asleep.

When they returned back we decided to start collecting wood and stones for the fire. So when we finally started the fire and the guys were baking some sausages, a mission came up.

'Would you rather cuddle up to Kakucho or Izana Kurokawa?' So I had a choice? Great. I chose Kakucho, based solely on the fact that I was supposed to know him better.

"Let me just." I progressively sat closer to him and grabbed his arm. Mission success. What I didn't predict was that Izana stood up and separated us two, sitting right there in the middle. If the system predicted this scenario why even make me choose?

"Noooo- nothing can tear up our love apart." I outstretched my hand to reach Kakucho but he just facepalmed at my reaction, causing Izana to look confused at the whole interaction.

"Are you two dating?" he questioned.

"Don't listen to her, she likes to be a little melodramatic sometimes." Did the system give Kakucho all the information about me, I swear to god he sometimes could read me like an open book.

When we went to sleep somehow I found myself stuck between Kakucho and Izana, I was just staring at Kakucho's face the whole time, probably causing him discomfort, so he mouthed a.

"Come outside." And after putting our shoes on and grabbing a torch we walked away from the camping site.

"So tell me what is bothering you so much Michi." Was I so obvious?

"How come you know so much about me? I always get amazed how you know what I'm thinking." He just laughed.

"Michi, we knew each other for so long, of course, I will be able to tell your moods better than others." So he got a cheat sheet from the system, great to know. But would that also mean he was always watching me trying to figure out what I was thinking?

"If it's all let's go back to sleep." But for some reason, I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep just yet and that's where another mission popped up.

'Would you rather look at the stars yourself or ask Kakucho to do it with you?' Yes, amazing suggestion.

"Let's look at the stars together." Yes so romantic, like some kind of romance movie, maybe we could kiss, wait backtrack that thought. Where did it even come from? We spent like maybe 15 minutes looking around before I decided it was enough, and we waltzed back.