
Worst Soul Reaper

A casual fan of bleach gets reincarnated into soul society. Unlike most others, he has very little knowledge about what goes on in Bleach besides the major stuff. See how he goes through life and tries to survive in this chaotic world

BoredAsura · アニメ·コミックス
98 Chs


'Dryae. How does it feel?' Ren asked his zanpakuto spirit. Even though he was sure that the Beast God's Spirit did not mean any harm, he would still be careful about anyone interacting with her ever since he found out Khorne had suppressed her for over 100 years.

'Hmm. Not only do I feel fine, I feel even better than ever. Like a part of me, I never knew was missing had finally come back.'

Ren felt assured after he heard that. He also sensed the change in Dryae's power and knew just how much more powerful she had gotten even though the bokken in his hands had not gone through any noticeable change.

'What is the new ability that spirit gave you?'

Dryae took a minute to think about how to explain the new ability.

'It is not really a new ability directly but instead several different breathing techniques. There are 14 in total.

Each breathing technique focuses on a different combat style that resembles the aspect of nature they are named after with some even giving special abilities. They are really impressive if I say so myself.'

If the spirit knew that Dryae had gotten all 14 breathing styles, he would have been shocked. The spirit had only intended to grant her 4 styles: Beast, Insect, Serpent, and Flower. He knew his spirit was too weak to hold all the techniques and was barely able to transfer 4. How Dryae got all 14 would forever be a mystery.

Ren kept speaking with Dryae about all the 14 styles to get a better idea of them but the more he learned, the more interested he became. Any one of those styles would increase his combat power by a large margin but by having all 14, he turned into a demon.

'Wait. Who said these are only for me? Dryae? Can I give these to others?'

'Yes and no. You can teach them to others but you can't just pass them on. Also, it comes with a risk. These techniques are meant for your body and yours alone. If they try to learn the wrong technique or use it without mastering them, they could end up crippling themselves.'

'Got it! Even if they can each only learn one, one of these will make their swordsmanship rise up to a level that most other shinigami can't touch.'

Ren spent the next 3 days training with the various styles and getting used to them. Even though they were in his zanpakuto and his mind, they were not one with his body. No matter how much he knew, it was meaningless without application.

'A person can be the best hacker in the world but without a computer that can keep up with them, they would be too limited.'

During those 3 days, Shin and Baiken were taught the basics of a style that suited each of them.

Shin was taught the Thunder Breathing Style. This style focused on swift strikes and movements as well as using electricity to attack. This suited Shin's nature perfectly.

Baiken was more difficult to pick a style for due to her disability. Ren eventually settled on the Mist Style since it dealt with putting the opponent at an advantage by obscuring their senses and the surroundings.

The pair were not even able to learn the first technique of their breathing styles during the 3 days but even without them, Ren was able to see how much of an improvement that the duo had gone through in terms of swordsmanship.

When the 3 days were over, Ren decided to leave. He was not sure when the Quincy would attack so he decided that it was best to return earlier in case anything happened.

Ren dropped a crystal on the ground that he had gotten from Kisuke. This was a special device that created a temporary gate between two locations that could be opened up by using another crystal.

Ren had requested this from Kisuke so that he could visit the Beast Realm without the knowledge of the Central 46. This place had dense spiritual energy and was empty for the most part which made it suitable for training his members.

After the crystal was in the ground, Ren summoned several large tree branches to form a large and thick dome around it. With the dome, he was not afraid of any savage creatures destroying the crystal while he was away.

Ren tore the talisman that Yamamoto had given before a portal appeared in front of him. The trio jumped through it and landed in the officer of Yamamoto. Except when they arrived, the old man was talking with the current lieutenant of the 12th division.

"Old man. Hikifune. Don't mind us. We are just coming back from our picnic."

Hikifune nodded back and smiled at Ren in greeting. The slim and busty woman who could take the title of most-endowed shinigami. She had long purple hair and swirling marks on her cheeks.

Ren got along well with the woman since she had a similar personality to Kisuke but also very different. Both were people who were obsessed with their research but the woman had a cheerful and bubbly personality while Kisuke was lazy and a loner.

Ren did not mind either since he knew that both were just being honest about themselves and did not feel the need to act differently in front of others.

Yamamoto nodded his head and waved the trio off as they left his office and returned toward the 8th division.


Author's note: Well the votes were very clear so I'm releasing the next chapter before the time limit.