
Worst Soul Reaper

A casual fan of bleach gets reincarnated into soul society. Unlike most others, he has very little knowledge about what goes on in Bleach besides the major stuff. See how he goes through life and tries to survive in this chaotic world

BoredAsura · アニメ·コミックス
98 Chs


The trio woke up within the next 20 minutes and saw the note left for them by Ren. They felt upset, embarrassed, helpless, and some admiration.

Upset and embarrassed because they were the ones who challenged Ren but they were unable to land even a single blow as well as each being taken out by a single blow. Helpless because they realized that Ren was not only a member of the 11th division that focused on close combat but was an officer of said division.

The trio did not know this before because Ren was not a lieutenant when they first met and he did not wear his lieutenant badge for the sparring session. They thought he was an officer before but did not know how powerful he was.

The trio also could not help but feel admiration for Ren. They were each a genius with a large amount of pride but they were beaten so easily and effortlessly. No matter how much they disliked losing, they did not mind losing to someone so strong.

"So are we gonna meet him again? We only came here because of Yoruichi this time. I don't wanna get my ass kicked so hard twice a year," Kisuke asked Tessai. He already knew Yoruichi's answer but wanted to hear the opinion of the third member.

"I'm indifferent. While I don't want to get beaten up as we did before, this man is an excellent sparring partner.

He knows just how much energy and effort to put into each blow to take us down without killing or severely injuring us. This means that we can go all out without having to worry about being killed in return."

Yoruichi hopped in between the pair who wanted to continue discussing.

"No need to talk about it. Just like the note says, we can either show up or not. He will be here. I'm gonna use this as a chance to get some real combat experience against someone who does not care about my status and will not hold back.

I can definitely break through my limits faster if I take this guy on. And since you are my two friends, you must come with me. We go through thick and thin together."

The pair of guys shared a look before grieving about their future being punching bags. Although both were willing to accept the sparring sessions, they were planning to only visit 1 every year instead of both. But with Yoruichi, they were going to be forced to go to every session.

For the next few years, until they had graduated from the academy, the trio would meet with Ren twice a year at first before it was upgraded to once a month to get training/ their asses beat. But with each battle, Ren would give them advice on their fighting style during battle or would answer questions that the three had.

Yoruichi and Kisuke had even awakened their zanpakuto during their time at the academy which had never been heard of. Tessai may have also been able to awaken his zanpakuto under the pressure of constant combat with Ren if he did not get pulled out of the academy and brought into the secret academy of the Kido Corps.

When Tessai left, both Yoruichi and Kisuke were depressed for a while since they could not see their friend for years. The Kido Corps members would be very restrained in their movements and actions unless they became high ranking members.

They were also depressed since they had one less member to back them up while they were fighting Ren. Tessai would usually provide a decent distraction/target to let the pair get an opening on Ren. But with him gone, the pressure on the pair had increased by a large margin.

But they did not care too much. The trio had learned to get along and respect Ren as an authority figure and had even addressed him as a teacher. After 5 years, the pair graduated from the academy and joined the Onmitsukidō which meant they had less time to see Ren.

Ren on the other hand also felt delighted to teach them. By teaching them, he was perfecting his control of his reiatsu and even gained new ideas of how to fight from watching them.

Ren would go between being a teacher for the trio to being the lieutenant of the 11th Division. He much preferred the former since the members of the 11th Division were those who lacked in intelligence for the most part.

They were truly battle addicts who had no thoughts outside of battle or training. Ren could not truly say he was much different though.

With the trio, Ren could talk about various things. He also learned more about how the noble families worked and the political powers.

Ren had also grown much closer to Kojuro and had truly accepted the man as his captain. The duo would often spar since they were almost equal in strength. At least to Kojuro's knowledge.

Ren had seen the limits of Kojuro for years and realized that he had surpassed him. His reiatsu much stronger and with Ren's perfected shikai, he could beat Kojuro's bankai if he was careful. Due to their friendship though, Ren never challenged Kojuro for the position of captain or title of Kenpachi. He did not wish to kill his friend.

But after 30 years of his repetitive life, a change finally occurred. Kojuro was challenged for the position of Kenpachi by the lieutenant of the 5th division.