
Worldwide Class Change: With No Class, I Become Stronger Whenever I Enter The Abyss

When the game became reality, abysses and fierce beasts appeared. Each person would get one positive and one negative talent on the day of the rite of passage. Based on their talents, they could choose to change classes. Warrior, Mage, Archer, Assassin, Priest... Lin Lei started with a negative talent: "Classless" He couldn't change his classes, and could only be casual. He thought this was the beginning of his miserable life. However, only he saw the next line on the system panel. Positive talent: "Abyss Blessing" Effect: Each time you enter the abyss, you will randomly gain one or more temporary buffs (may include debuffs). If you pass the abyss, the temporary buffs can be converted into permanent buffs (negative buffs removed)! Enter the A-level abyss "Dark Forest", and you will get "Soldier of a Thousand Chance". You can use all weapons. The weapon's physical/spell attack power is increased ten times, and the durability is reduced ten times. Enter the S-level abyss "Lava Volcano", and you will get "Frozen Miles". The volcano will become an ice field instantly. Enter the SSS-level abyss "elemental secret", and you will get "Instant Spell Casting", no chanting, no haste, transforming into a forbidden spell Gatling. "Let's see how the classless me becomes the king of the world."

Dungeon King · ゲーム
40 Chs

Isn't It Just Killing Monsters Above Your Level?

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

After Lin Lei went through the dungeons alone for a while.

He found a place and built a hidden shelter for himself to rest for a few hours.

After all, this Instance Dungeon took a long time, 18 hours.

Although he could continue fighting, his stamina and combat ability would weaken.

Therefore, in order to maintain his optimal state…

Lin Lei let himself rest for a while.

When he woke up, there were only a few hours left until the end of the instance dungeon.

Lin Lei came out of the shelter and continued to farm monsters.

After resting enough, he was especially energetic.

All the conditions were restored to their best state.

Although without Jiang Chuqiu to lure the monsters, the efficiency of killing monsters decreased a little.

But Lin Lei didn't have to be restrained in his attacks.

He used all the techniques that he didn't want to show Jiang Chuqiu.

Soon, he killed another batch of monsters.

Lin Lei buried his head in grinding, and his experience bar rose quite quickly.

When Lin Lei rested and recovered his mana, he realized that he was still a little short of reaching level 8.

He checked his attributes.

[Name: Lin Lei]

[Level: Level 7 (99.15%)]

[Class: None]

[Health Points: 195] (Constitution x5) (Bloodlust Bonus)

[Mana: 35] (Spirit x5)

[Attributes: Strength 6, Spirit 7, Constitution 9, Agility 7]

[Defense: 15] (Strength + Constitution)

[Talent: Unspecialized, Catacombs Blessing]

[Headline Buff: Weapon Mastery, Attack Speed, Bloodlust, Skill Enhancement]

[Skills: Fireball (Level 6), Basic Swordsmanship (Level 2), Lightning Strike (Level 2)]

There were too few skills.

However, this could not be rushed. After all, the drop rate of Instance Dungeon skills was really low.

Lin Lei's current skills were already much better than those of ordinary students of the same level.

There was most likely only one other person. At most, there would be no more than two.

But Lin Lei already had three!

He needed to change his strategy now.

The benefits of leveling alone were too little.

Multiplayer Instance Dungeons had more resources than solo dungeons.

The level of the equipment dropped was also very high. Although the level might not be good, if he farmed more, he would definitely be able to obtain good equipment.

Lin Lei planned to grind for a while longer until the end of the dungeon.

In addition, he had enough points now.

Compared to quantity, quality was more important.

Lin Lei decided not to linger around the periphery. Instead, he directly entered the high-level area of the pocket dimension.

The monsters here were all above Level 10.

His actions were imprinted in the eyes of the examinees outside the arena.

The examinees who were paying attention to him widened their eyes when they saw that Lin Lei had actually arrived at the high-level area.

"Does Lin Lei want to die? Killing monsters one level higher is already very strong. Does he still want to kill monsters two levels higher?"

"Attributes that are two levels higher, that's a 50% suppression. I think Lin Lei is out of his mind. He's planning to just die like that?"

"His points are enough to enter the eight academies, but he still has to work so hard. He really doesn't care about his life. After being killed by a high-level monster, the punishment will be even more serious."

At this moment, because Zhang Zihai had been killed by Lin Lei once, he was behind schedule. Coupled with his explosive state of mind, his second dungeon opportunity was also lost.

He watched the scene on Lin Lei's side with the others.

Seeing how reckless Lin Lei was, Zhang Zihai's lips curled into a cold smile.

This arrogant brat was indeed courting death!

Zhang Zihai wished that Lin Lei would die immediately. Faced with Lin Lei's suicidal actions, he almost jumped up and applauded.

"Well done. Go to the high-level area and be tortured by a Level 10 monster. Only then will you know what arrogance is!"

"This kind of trash is just lucky to have picked up a good weapon for free. Otherwise, how could he have the chance to be so arrogant!"

Zhang Zihai was mocking them, so his team members were naturally unhappy.

If not for Lin Lei, how could they have been eliminated so early?

They also mocked him like Zhang Zihai.

"Captain is right! What trash! He's just lucky!"

"He needs to pay!"

"Let a Level 10 monster teach you a lesson!"

Lin Lei shuttled through the dilapidated buildings.

He did not stop at all.

At first glance, the background of the instance dungeon did not seem to be orderly.

However, during the time Lin Lei had been here, he had already roughly understood the layout of the building.

He knew where he had to step so that he could exert strength.

He quickly skipped this section of the road and arrived at a wide area.

The swamp was right in front of them. It was also the high-level area of this instance dungeon.

Lin Lei arrived in front of the swamp, but he wasn't in a hurry to make a move.

The monsters wandering in the distance did not notice him.

After Lin Lei observed his surroundings, he began to run again.

This time, he did not hesitate. Instead, he swept past the monster as if he was running aimlessly.

In the eyes of the people in the examination hall, his action had become an escape.

"Haha, you really know how to back off, don't you? How can you even fight those monsters?"

"Is he shopping? Running around to see what the monster looks like before coming out to show off?"

"Is the high-level area a place you can run about as you please?"

Just as everyone was laughing out loud, they quickly stopped laughing.

Then, Lin Lei's actions caused their jaws to drop.

"F*ck! Am I dreaming?"

"Is he level 8 or not? He's actually going to lure monsters?"

"Killing a few monsters that are all two levels higher at the same time? Am I f*cking blind?!"

Everyone looked at the scene in disbelief.

In the image, Lin Lei shuttled between the monsters, quickly attracting the hatred of the monsters.

The people outside the arena didn't know that the debuff on Lin Lei's body made him look like a firefly in the night as long as he passed by the monster.

It would attract endless aggro.

They only saw a string of monsters following behind Lin Lei.

And Lin Lei had no intention of stopping!

He was still running!

"F*ck! He's not backing off at all. He's luring the monsters!"

"Is this the legendary train king? I've learned something new. This is the first time I've seen such a scene. I have to record it quickly."

"My God, oh my god!"

The examinees outside the arena were immersed in shock.

Seeing Lin Lei running non-stop on the screen, the monster behind him already made everyone's scalps tingle.

There were so many monsters. Even if they weren't here for them, the examinees felt their legs go weak.

"They're all Level 10, but there are more than ten of them! Is he crazy?"

"How long is he going to lure them? Isn't that enough for him to kill?"

"Don't! Stop it already, I'm freaking out!"

"I beg you to kill them quickly! I'm going to have nightmares at night!"

Everyone's shock grew deeper and deeper by Lin Lei's actions.

All the examinees in the examination hall raised their heads.

They looked at Lin Lei's calm expression on the screen.

In their eyes, Lin Lei, who was constantly running forward, suddenly changed directions.

He turned around and rushed into the group of monsters he had attracted!