
Worlds merger: pokemon/earth

this book is discontinued due to critical mistakes. I gave to much to the MC such as a perfectly balanced team, everything he need, money, and none of the conveniences. that in and of itself is already a mistake. this is not mentioning that I kept forgetting the Pokemon I gave to the MC and needed a list to keep track of that. then again I had no 'opponents' planned, not a complete plotline. therefore I am currently rewriting this at Leisure and also with a lot more detail.

vailein · アニメ·コミックス
82 Chs

Chapter PoV Pidgeot

When I just hatched from an egg, my parents hid me from the flock. I did not know why but they told me that going out of the nest would be dangerous, when I leave the nest however I should leave the nest as soon as I can. So I lived the first 4 years inside the nest, then my parents got killed somewhere. Unless I leave the nest I wont be able to get food. So I listened to my parents and left the nest in the middle of the night trying not to be seen, to bad I failed. The Pidgeot sees me and sends a small flock of Pidgey to go and kill me. Just when the bigger Pidgey caught up to me they started pecking me. I don't stand a chance and get knocked out of the sky. Just when I give up on surviving this I Houndour suddenly saves me. I get scooped up by a weird creature, guess they are the dangerous humans my parents told me about.

When I wake up I notice that the human is giving me small pieces of meat, almost a drinkable paste. I helps me recover some of my strength. The human keeps me close and feeds me periodically small bits. I feel my strength slowly recovering. This creature is very nice to me and even brings me to a round pink Pokemon. With a few pulses of it's energy it helps me recover a lot. The human takes good care of me and asks me if I want to join him in his journey, hopefully to the top. Of course I agree, after all only my parents have been this nice to me till now.

The human introduces itself as Vailein, with the food and supplements that Vailein is giving me, I recover and gain strength quickly, in no time at all I catch up to his other Pokemon. After a few month I have enough strength to evolve naturally and thus I do. Another 9 month pass and we enter a bus and go to something with a lot more nature around us. We have a short holiday, not to hard training because Vailein is the focus of this place. I notice I like the ice type Pokemon a lot more then I should. During the tournament that follows we have a lot of fun battling other Pokemon, until I meet a Venomoth that beats me in seconds, I disappointed Vailein. Imagine my surprise when Vailein instead of being disappointed is pretty happy with the final result, he got what he wanted, a new Pokemon called Meditite.

After the camp me and Houndour train so hard that it seems to be torment. At first it is very hard but soon we get used to the pain and can work through it, a week turns into a month and a month into a year. Just when we assume we can get payback in the next training tournament, we find out that there is a large group of Pokemon going to assault the place we live in. Houndour and I decide to protect Vailein even if it costs us our life, Meditite is still to weak to fight for long periods and is thus stay home protecting Vaileins mom. Vailein gets a few weapons to fight with. Vailein joins us on the front line and battles just as hard as we do, his aura training goes up pretty quickly because of the threat to his life. Before he only had the strength of a intermediate trainer, now he quickly goes towards an advanced stage trainer, at least physically. At the end of this battle a Raticate manages to bite into Vaileins leg, lucky the Raticate was already pretty tired, else it could have been a lot worse. Houndour feels ashamed and has an early evolution.

Vailein finds an egg on the leaders of the opponents, and takes it for himself. A few months later a purple Nidoran hatches from that egg. The rewards, for surviving the battle, that we gain go into creating a new home, and a lot of ground, with all kind of training opportunities. The Meditate is also slowly getting battle ready. We go back to training, Vailein gets a little sibling in this year, further nothing special happens. We go and train at the training camp again this time a bit more balanced focus, both Pokemon and human get attention. When we get home Vaileins parents complain that all kinds of berries and meat go missing from the store rooms. Within a week Vailein solves the problem and gains a small work force to open the grounds longer and more, while constantly constructing more parts of it. Vailein himself finds the weapons he gained from the military limiting his abilities and picks up forging to create better ones.

A year later they can forge with a very hard metal. The metal itself is also a great conductor for Aura so that helps a lot. Vailein however hides the weapons from everyone saying that unless needed, or he has enough strength, that it will be harmful to show it to people. Two more Training camps go by swiftly. During the last camp I am lucky enough to find a place that helps me Evolve, though I do lose my shiny status I gain a different mutation, Ice feathers. A few weeks after the camp we enter a place that Vailein calls a school. The school tests Vailein, which he passes and then it introduces him to every possibility to enhance his strength and his Pokemon strength. The first few years we battle, have small accidents, survive, learn new things, make a few new friends (including a very helpful Audino and Comfey) and gain strength a lot faster then before.

For a Pokemon to breakthrough the first big hurdle, king stage, they need a great stimulant, like a life and death battle. Both me and Houndoom gain that chance by battling an opponent that a Whimsicott assigns us during a survival training, designed by the school. After the exhausting battle, Whimsicott heals me and as a result I break the barrier. To my surprise however my mutation acts up and freezes the air around me, in the shape of a huge as egg. I can still hear everything but my mutation immobilizes me. My tail feathers grow longer, all normal feathers fall out and I gain ice feathers instead. I can feel my normal energy change into an icy cold one. After a few weeks of being inside this egg we return to Audino's clan. The leader of the Audino clan boosts all our abilities with his energy, including mine. The result is that I break out of the egg and give a happy cry. Unlike my previous sound resembling Pidgeot, this one is Articuno! I guess I changed into a legendary Pokemon.

sorry i didn't upload, i kinda only slept for 72 hours till now

vaileincreators' thoughts