
Worlds Collide: Hidden Class

"Happy new year" During the start of a new decade, across the globe, teens are transported to another world in order to save that world from an incoming crisis. Through the use of mana, skills, a system and his hidden class, Atlas yearns to become the strongest in order to save this world at a possibility of returning back to his family.

nkz · ファンタジー
23 Chs


Opening my eyes, I scanned my surroundings. "Where am I?" I mumbled, realizing I had gone from a dark void to some bed inside a spacious wooden room with only a closet and the bed I lay in.

Quickly getting up from the bed, I remembered my last moments before passing out.

"'Transportation complete...', is that what it said? Then this must be the new world." I concluded, acknowledging the completion of the transportation process.

Noticing a nearby door, I approached it. "I'm assuming this is one of the houses that the higher being described as being built for us."

Opening the door, I had discovered the living area of the house. It was not too large but it featured a small dining table for four, a kitchen, a bathroom and a small living room with two couches and a coffee table.

"Shouldn't I have a roommate." I muttered, recalling what the higher being had told me. However, as if my thoughts were laid bare, a door to my right opened.

Stepping out was a girl with a head full of blonde hair that reached just under her shoulders.

As our eyes met I realized that her hair perfectly complemented with her ocean-blue eyes.

She was on the shorter side, wearing a grey shirt, black shorts and a pair of shoes that were akin to vans. Taking a look at myself, I realized that I, too, had switched into similar clothes.

"Hello?" Her light but hesitant voice pulled me out of my daze, realizing I had been distracted by my sudden change of clothes.

"Sorry, hello, I'm Atlas, nice to meet you." I said, with a warm on my face while I walked up to her to shake her hand. However she seemed a little hesitant.

"Nice to meet you too, my name is Liana." She responded, as she begrudgingly shook my hand while avoiding eye contact.

The room fell into an awkward silence as neither of us knew what to say to one another. In fairness, we had found ourselves in a peculiar situation, and I had assumed she would still be in shock.

Breaking the silence, Liana spoke up. "I'm gonna head into my room for a bit, I'm sorry." she said in her broken voice still avoiding eye contact with me.

Without allowing me to respond, she turned around and closed the door, leaving me in the silence of the house.

"Did the really think pairing two strangers up in such a setting would allow for better cohesion." I muttered to myself, frowning upon the decisions of these higher beings.

Unsure of what to do, I sat down on one of the couches and thought about my family and the whole transportation process. "I'm a little curious about that stats page." I mumbled to myself. However, to my surprise a blue screen appeared in front of me.

[Personal Information]

 - Name: Atlas Lancewell

 - Nationality: English

 - Height: 182 cm

 - Weight: 77 kg

 - Sex: Male

 - Age: 16

 - Partner: Liana Moreau


[Status Screen]

 - Level: 1 (0/100 XP)

 - Class: Magic Swordsman (Hidden)

 - Health: 110/110

 - Defense: 9/20 (+0)

 - Strength: 12/20 (+0)

 - Agility: 10/20 (+0)

 - Endurance: 8/20 (+0)

 - Mana: 150/150

 - Intelligence: 134

 - Stat Points: 0



 - Inspect (A) - Provides subject with extra details about the target (active)


 - Hydro - Pyro - Gyro - Aero


 - Pioneer - Grants skill 'Inspect (A)'

"Woah, a lot of things changed compared to the first time I saw this screen." I mentioned, acknowledging the stat changes and the increase in intelligence and also the name of my 'partner'. "But this inspect skill, looks kinda useful, how do I activate it though?" Eager to try it out, I looked at the coffee table in front of me and thought about using the inspect skill. Surprisingly, it worked, causing me to startle upon the materialization of another blue screen.

[Coffee Table:]

- Description: An ordinary coffee table crafted using Oak Wood by carpenter J. Francis.

A frown etched on my face as I realized the uselessness of the skill on the chosen target. "I suppose I shouldn't have expected anything crazy from a coffee table." I remarked on my dumb use of the skill.

Nonetheless, I got up. I had to come to terms with my new world. I had said my farewells and I had accepted my reality; now I need to be capable of moving forward for a possibility of returning home.

Proud of my newfound determination, I marched towards the front door and swung it wide open.

Stepping outside and closing the door behind me, I observed my surroundings, mindful to not lose my new 'home'. However, all that met my eyes were rows of similar looking homes.

"I guess they had no creativity when making these homes." I snickered at the incompetence of the higher beings. 

Fortunately, they had the competence to mark the houses down with a label at the very least. Noticing the label GB-0388. 

Turning around I was conflicted with which direction to head. Despite my uncertainty, I decided to head left, following the decreasing numbers of my house's label. I opted for this route because I was hopeful it lead towards the center of the city.

10 minutes had elapsed before I had finally encountered something other than the identical row of houses. It was a human, however, what surprised me was that it was an old lady.

Considering only people born between 2003 and 2005 were transported, I deducted that this woman was a native of Faeon. As I walked past her, our eyes met, and I greeted her with a polite "Good morning."

However, her reaction was as if she had seen a ghost; she dropped her groceries, her eyes bulging as she let out a loud gasp. "YOu- you- you're a hero!" 

"A what?" I frowned, puzzled by her bizarre comment.

"The prophecies told us! They said one day heroes with mana will descend upon this land once again to save us!" She exclaimed, as she rushed towards me, cupping my hand in hers.

Looking up at me, I had noticed that tears had begun forming in the corner of her eyes as she stared at me with a sparkle.

'Technically she is correct, but calling myself a hero feels odd. I was brought here against my will; I didn't want to come here.' 

"Oh, is that so. Well, yes we are here to help." I replied with a soft smile, contradicting my thoughts.

"By the way, ma'am, since I am knew and all, you wouldn't have any advice for me?" I asked, curious if she knew about something that could help my transition to this world.

"I suppose you should head to the guild; guilds have been inactive since the second stage of the cataclysm, but after we heard of the prophecies, we had kept them maintained for you!" 

"And what way would that be." I responded with a smile trying to be courteous.

"Oh, of course! Just keep going straight and take a right when you enter the town square." She said, as she pointed towards the direction with enthusiasm.

"Thank you ma'am." I smiled at her as I slowly retracted my hand from hers, trying to escape her grasp.

Saying goodbye to the old lady I walked towards my destination. 'A guild huh? I suppose I will have to take on quests.' I concluded, using my previous world's knowledge as a basis.