
Worlds Away (JJK AU)

A powerful shaman woman who has unique abilities and background finds herself in the middle of an immense power struggle between the top major clans. Her heart beats for Satoru but their love is challenged time and again by others that also wish to have her but what does she really know without all of her memories? Can she figure out her past while still building a future? Will her heart be torn on who to love?

Sassooda · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

The Three of Them, Together

Satoru feels Elska's tongue twirling around his shaft and her hand stroking towards the base. He tightens his grip in her hair as he moans his delight.

"Such a good fucking love…"

His hips move themselves and him into her throat, him enjoying the absolute bliss of it stretching around his width.

He hears Toji let out a deep sigh so he shifts his view and studies how the giant is gradually pushing himself into her. Elska moans to the breach and sends rumbling vibrations all throughout his groin causing Gojo to lose his ability to maintain a sane pace.

"Look at me, Love."

Satoru waits for her to raise her eyes to him so he can see her face as she takes Toji in. She misunderstands and starts to stand up though so Gojo stops her.

"No, no. Stay just like that."

Her eyes cry out to him as he drinks in the sight of his member hanging from her mouth while she's laggardly split from behind. Satoru watches Toji wrap his hands around Elska's hips before taking a small step forward. She cries sharply to this, her muffled voice being music to Gojo's ears and length as he pleasantly suffers the waves of her sounds.

"Was that too much, Doll?"

Toji is genuinely concerned as he does not want to hurt her. They've certainly slept many times and there were rougher nights but he was always careful. This time would be no different. He stands there partially inside of her but is waiting for her indication before pushing in any deeper.

"I think she's good, Toji."

Toji's becoming agitated with Gojo. He's happy to be in this position but can't help but feel like there are some serious red flags flying.

He's watching Gojo's wicked expression as he's continuously trying to push himself further down Elska's throat. The glint is in the shaman's bright eyes is wild and Toij's half on his toes because of it.

"I didn't ask you, Gojo."

The venom in Toji's voice was clear as he was trying to establish that he's not doing shit without Elska's approval. He gets the strange feeling that Gojo doesn't care about that though, despite his obvious restraint.

Satoru glares at Toji after he feels Elska's movements slow in response to the sudden tension.

"Remember when I asked if you could stay in your lane?"

The malicious scorn on Gojo's face remains as he's gathering Toji really isn't going to just let loose like he'd hoped.

Satoru sighs in annoyance.

He then lifts Elska's head up slowly by the grip in her hair for the purpose of him gradually sliding out of her mouth.

"Love, did Toji hurt you?"

Satoru's voice is nearly contemptuous as his eyes meet hers.

Elska winces to his grasp on her although partially enjoying it.

"Toji…I'm okay, t-thank you."

She watches as Satoru's glare morphs into a devious smile. He looks behind her to Toji.

"Is that good enough for you, cunt?"

Gojo's grin widens, his eyes on Toji while guiding Elska's mouth back over him. He can't help but throw his head back and moan when she takes him in again. Feeling rather lecherous, Satoru pushes her head down one good time which causes her to gag, him whining in response as her body judders and contorts in front of him.

All while eyeing Toji, encouraging him to continue.

Toji accepts that some of Gojo's behavior might be due to her pheromones but he's not entirely convinced and finds himself struggling with what he should do. He looks down to himself inside of Elska and can't help but want to bury in deeper.

'Is this even right, though?'

He's so unsure but then he feels her back into him some, he's presented with witnessing more of his length being submerged into her.


Toji places his left hand on her hip but leans over and reaches around to her clitoris and begins to rub her with pressure, drawing butterflies into her stomach. She tries to cry out but Gojo has himself inserted into her throat well enough that it thwarts her noises.

When she clenches around Toji though, he feels the slight tug of her body begging for him to go in further. Toji begins to rock his hips gently; inching his way further inside each time he's brought back in. Elska's moaning so fiercely already which imposes the idea that he must feel as good to her as she does to him.

Toji catches Satoru hungrily eyeing his work, blue orbs locked to his glistening shaft that shimmers in certain light from her arousal. He's starting to feel uncomfortable by the shaman's linger eyes but Gojo finally redirects his focus to Elska as he's trying to help maneuver her head at a good pace.

Elska's so confused by the dynamics here.

Satoru is usually the sweeter one, even in with his deviant behavior but tonight she gets the vibe like he wants to destroy her. Toji on the other hand has made it very clear that he's here for her and not necessarily just to indulge himself.

That's how it feels anyways as she times her breathes around Satoru's hips jutting into her mouth. She's actually a fan of giving so seeing his pleasured expressions, although there's a hint of something else there too, gives her pride.

She feels Toji creeping into her and can't help but face the facts. There's something different about her and Toji's chemistry this time. There's this undeserved amount of sudden depth between them and his touch now, everything about the giant in general is completely intoxicating.

Elska desperately wants him inside of her, her beloved turned. She says his name the best she can while choking on Satoru and hopes that her pleas met his ears.

"Are you crying out for Toji, my love?"

Gojo's currently exhilarated but felt the slightest twinge of jealousy as he was only used to her saying his name in this way.

He pulls her head up by her hair again, roughly tilting her head back as her lips remain parted. Elska's face is flushed and tinted pink as she's heaving in air, taking advantage of his questioning.

"Is that what I heard?"

Elska glances to him with caution as if she knows that was a mistake but her fear makes him shudder wonderfully as he strokes himself and stalks her eyes.

"Say it again, love."

Satoru collects the bewilderment on her face but can't help but love it.

He slaps the right side of her cheek lightly while she stares at him, surely not being able to understand what's going through his mind. He lowers his tone.

"I said…say it again."

Toji's now picking up his pace as he glides through her. He heard her and it was the exact reinforcement that he needed to dive back into the mood. He slows his thrusts though as he gauges Gojo's demeanor.

'Are we fucking or we going to be fighting?'

Toji wishes he knew exactly which one so he could feel less on edge but he definitely sensed the initial change in Gojo when Elska said his name. He's half reveling in Gojo's jealousy but the other half is worried that the psycho is wanting to take it out on her.

Toji observes closer when Gojo starts asking her to repeat herself and slows his movements even more as he's waiting for some kind of clarity as to what the fuck Gojo's deal is. Feeling Elska's uncertainty, Toji begins to rub her clitoris again, that being his go to for some reason to try and provide her support.


This leaves her lips but the name felt so right to her as she's being preyed upon by Satoru's half-lidded, intense eyes. The passion stemming from Toji as he's instantly back to thrusting into her but with the perfect intensity, allows her body the right amount of limpness to feel his motions jolt through her limbs. Elska arches her back after feeling him hit some wonderful spots inside of her although she swears like he's purposely grazing them intermittently.

Satoru's dragging his tip along her lips as she gasps from the feeling of Toji anchoring down into her.

"So fucking hot..."

Gojo slides his body off the edge of the bed but is still leaning against it in front of her. She studies his hand grab his base as he aligns his member to her mouth.

"Just keep it open for me, love…"

He whispers it as sweetly as he can knowing that he's about teach that mouth a lesson for casually crying another man's name.

Listening to the sounds that are result of Toji's skin and testicles slapping into her as Toji adjusts hold his to counter the shifting has Satoru falling deeper and deeper into some old ways.

He's watching her face scrunch in pleasure as Toji is now a few notches away from pounding her but she seems to be happily taking it all very well.

"How dare you call out to him? Who the fuck do you think I am, love?"

Satoru smiles widely as she's unsure if he's seriously upset or not, him loving the thrill it sends him. He bites his bottom lip and then guides his length over her tongue and back into her mouth, holding her head down as he tries to make her swallow it all down.

He pulls himself out of her throat quickly leaving a string of saliva between them as some spills down her chin.

"Can't say it like that now, can you?"

Gojo wickedly chuckles as he shoves himself past her opened lips and pushes her head down again. He works hips when she's as far as he can go, assaulting her throat for a few moments before moaning loudly into grunts as he rips himself out once more.

"You should tell Toji you're ok before he stops fucking you again."

Satoru's voice is demeaning, more so than he meant but honestly, he's actually really loving this. Toji gives him a reason to dominate her more than usual and he hasn't felt this much like himself in years.

Elska fails to say anything though, not being completely sure of where her boyfriend is mentally at. Her sweet Sati is progressively becoming more degrading and rough, all while noting that Toji's current intensity is lathered in genuine tenderness.

She's trying to pace her breathing as Gojo's sure to be ramming back in at any time as he oddly asserts that she is his territory; with him springing this on her in the first place. Surely, he does and she holds her breath as he expands her jaw with his girth. She can't help the gagging and other sounds as he proceeds to remind her that she is his. While she's reflexively trying to bring her head up, he lets her squirm for a moment before yanking himself out again.

"Fucking tell him Elska…"

She sees Gojo's scowl as he impatiently waits for her to abide but every breath not being used to regain oxygen levels has been assigned delightful moans incited from Toji.

"To-…Toji…I'm...haah..alright." S

She forces it out and Toji's reaction is purely fervent as he moans and leans himself all the way into her with his hips against her own. The giant holds himself there and she can't help but whimper to the way her fills her.

"That's it. Toji, go sit on the couch."

Gojo orders the breathless man which was not taken well. Toji glares at him while he rests inside of Elska.

"We're coming too, big guy, don't worry. Just go sit down."

Satoru explains this as he begins to help Elska straighten her posture, assisting her weight by the throat. He watches Toji pull out of her, them both vocally responding to leaving her empty.


Toji huffs and walks over to the couch before plopping down. With Elska still snuggly in his hold, Gojo positions her in front of him and walks them to Toji. Satoru can't see her face like this but by Toji's expression, she must still be into it because Fushiguro is sinking into the cushions with expectancy.

"Love, get on your knees."

Elska whines to his demand but lowers herself onto the floor with her hands and forearms resting on Toji's thighs. Satoru postures himself right behind her and nudges his tip in, them both moaning as result.

"Suck his dick love, are you waiting for an invitation?"

Elska's lowering her head onto Toji who has his arms placed behind his head. The giant licks his lips and quietly groans as he intently watches her engulf as much as she can.

"Good love…"

Gojo brings his attention back to her exposed body before him and begins thrusting into her with his hands on her hips. His own moan is conjured when Toji groans deeply and gasps once Elska's head starts to cyclically bow over him. Satoru can't help but feel wild in such a position once he realizes he has more control this way than he thought.

He reaches out and roughly pushes Elska's head down completely over Toji causing making her gag and spasm around. Satoru merely wanted to feel the beautiful tremors rippling through her body.

 "Gojo what the fuck?!"

Toji hurriedly sits up and shoves Gojo's hand away from Elska's head and snatches himself out of her mouth so she can recover. When his eyes meet Elska's he can see her mascara is smearing even more than from when Gojo had her.

"Doll, shit! Are you ok?!"

Toji has his hand under her chin so he can assist with meeting her gaze. She says yes in a moan since Gojo has yet to stop ramming into her at all. Toji can actually feel Gojo's thrusts as she's hammered against his legs.

'The fucker's acting like a lunatic.'

Her lips are parted and lashes flutter as her eyes struggle to remain onto him. Elska smiles and silently mouths Toji while reserving herself from saying it out loud; not daring to entice Satoru's new behavior since he is the one actually inside of her.

Toji smiles to this warmly as they fall into of moment of intimacy that's deeper than Satoru's physical length could ever go.

 'What the fuck is he grinning like that for?'

Gojo catches the fondness between them and is disturbed by it.

"Love? What the fuck are you doing?"

Elska looks back to Satoru curiously as he commandingly glares her. He lowers his storming eyes down to Toji and then back to hers.

"Put him in your mouth."

Elska twists her neck back to Toji, panting heavily.


She grabs Toji's meaty extension up and teases him around her lips; turning her head to the side so his tip meets the inside of her cheek.

Gojo watches Elska reach for Toji's hand to place it on her head, inspiring the giant to assist her.

"Mmmmm…much better love..."

While she's servicing Toji though, Satoru decides to advance his situation.

He looks down to her backside and drops some saliva onto her rear, missing where he was aiming due to her now rigorous movements for Toji. Satoru smacks her ass because of it. He then takes his girth and gathers up the saliva he just released and edges himself to her second entrance.

Elska yelps to this but gags with a mouthful of Toji. The very sight alone brings Gojo to new heights while he lowly whispers and squeezes his tip into her.

"Shhh it's ok love, just relax…it's been while hasn't it?"

He should probably be going a little slower but Gojo's simply overjoyed with the way her ass swallows him up. She lifts her head up to whine which makes Toji's eyes dart to him immediately.

"That's right, love."

Satoru snatches her throat and pulls her upper body up towards his chest.

"Why don't you tell Toji where I am right now?"

He reluctantly eases his grip on her so she can speak as he prods deeper and deeper, moaning and biting her shoulder.

Toji's eyes grow wide.

He doesn't need verbal confirmation to comprehend that Gojo's enjoying himself some anal.

After basking in Fushiguro's shock, Satoru leans down and whispers into Elska's ear.

"Tell Toji that you're fine love…we know how he loves to be…mmmm… reassured…"

Gojo's sudden intrusion hurts but that also improves the more he works himself in. She can't deny that he should've warned her better but when she's staring at Toji while taking in Satoru she can't help but feel stimulated.

Gojo's grip around her throat has tightened again leaving her to only exude struggled sounds as he spreads her internally. She views Toji and through her half-lidded eyes, registers the concern on his face.

Satoru said to tell Toji but he's not giving her voice back so she bites her bottom lip to communicate to Toji that it's actually fine.

Gojo is moaning into her ear as he starts a tempo, causing her to shudder from the way his breath dances along her skin. He squeezes her harder, riled up by their debauchery.

"You like this don't you love? So fucking dirty."

Elska can only partially nod for clarity.

"Mmmm…That's what I thought."

Gojo pushes her back down into Toji before plowing her mercilessly. Elska's cries grow louder and mix with some squeals as Satoru starts to maniacally hollow her out.

"Take it love."

His words are mean but enthralling all at the same time but Elska feels confused by some of her reactions from the evening's events. Before she can dwell too much however, her sweet Sati brings himself entirely into her and vigorously administers shallow but rough thrusts that shakes her body with collisions.

"Take it all."

Gojo is back to placing pressure on her head as he makes her throat Toji again, just not as harshly but only so Toji doesn't stop him. She chokes on the giant because of her smothered cries, causing the blood to rush through Satoru as he realizes he's enjoying this a little too much.

 Gojo's not even able to contain his own groans as he nears his orgasm but he's not ready to be done yet.

'This is going waaaay better than I expected…'

He pulls himself out of Elska all while watching her body as she's left empty and needing.

Satoru inhales deeply to the sight of both of her entrances obviously looking used and can't hold himself back any longer.

"Get on top of Toji, love."

He nudges her towards the couch as Toji's arms outstretch to help lift her up. He catches Toji's hand cupping Elska's cheek while they long for each other and its far too romantic for Gojo's liking.

He wonders if this was a mistake after all.

He wasn't originally feeling as threatened by Toji after her display of dedication during that talk a few days ago. 

Did he fuck up by no minding the repercussions of Elska turning him?

'Welp, I'm not stopping now. We're past taking any of this back.'

Satoru's too invested in finishing this little sexual escapade and resolves to sort through the consequences later. He's watching her straddle Toji as he guides her onto him by her thigh, directing his base with the other hand. He looks so massive compared to her, body and member alike as she's having to spread her legs widely just to fit him between her thighs.

Gojo feels a mixture of emotions, none of which are healthy as he's walking up behind Elska while Toji bounces her in his lap. Their skin sounds so wet as it connects so Gojo can't help but eagerly watch Toji being slung around underneath her.

Toji's admiring her expression as their bodies melt into each other; their new natural bond invisible but acting as an adhesive. Satoru is behind her but a few feet back just observing them again. Toji takes this opportunity to wrap an arm around Elska and use his other to adjust his position to a more upright one. He leans up to kiss her, eagerly swirling tongues as they exchange moans. There's electricity between their lips, the connection so unbearably obvious to him that Toji's certain she feels it too.

She has to.

While moaning wantonly into her mouth, Naoya flashes across Toji's mind.

'What the fuck?'

He's not sure what would've caused that but wants to air it out of his head quickly.

Toji places his head against her breasts, locking arms around her waist by fastening fingers around his wrist. She feels the additional leverage he has like this and whimpers in euphoria once he begins to rock his hips up into her; disabling her ability to move.


The giant revels in her high-pitches that cause that lust to surge through him.

He indeed feels as good to her as she does to him.

The way he's gliding through her walls as they heavily pant in each other's arms dazes him but he licks her neck, craving to taste the scent.

Elska clenches around him as she whimpers loudly right before the second orgasm rivets through her body.

Toji responds to this immediately and intensifies his hips from below while closing his eyes and leaning into her; just wanting to hear more proof of their connection.

His voice is hoarse and rough from all of the dry breathing but he manages.


It almost feels like its only just the two of them in the room until the illusion is destroyed by arms ripping Elska from his hold.

Right when it seemed like her and Toji were falling into the spell of their bond she feels a hand on her back pushing her down and she understands that it must be Satoru's.

"I can't believe you just fucking came for him…"

Jealousy and excitement rival in Gojo's tone.

Elska's thoughts are confirmed when she hears him further elucidate.

"Lean into your Toji."

Like he gave her a choice in the matter.

She feels Toji's large arms wrapping around her again as she buries her face into the crook of his neck. They're both covered in a film of sweat but his natural scent is sense hindering but she finds reassurance as Toji holds her closely.

Remembering his teasing earlier, however, Elska repays him by nipping his neck with her own human teeth; brimming with the magnetism of how seductive her beloved turned groans is in response.

She forgets Satoru's command and begins to thrust her hips down to resume with Toji until she's met with a harsh slap on her ass.

"What the fuck did I just say, love? What? He's porking you so well that you can't even listen?"

To her it sounds like Satoru's losing his patience so she relaxes her body back into Toji's and obediently waits. She hears a grunt from Toji but it's not of pleasure; it sounds more like he's losing his patience as well but with Satoru.

She feels a drop of warmth traveling down her crevices and gathers that Gojo's gearing himself back up. Her apprehension is brought back to the forefront of her mind as she lies there preparing to have both of them. Toji's grip on her tightens slightly and she realizes too late that he was trying to give her a heads up since he could actually see Gojo.

When Satoru presses against her other entrance and snakes himself in the mixed sensation of pain and pleasure causes Elska's entire body to tense up and yell. She's unable to move much with Toji's arms still holding her to his chest but she feels comforted by them and tries to use that to relax to the stretching of her body.

 "You my love...you are so fucking beautiful right now."

Gojo can't help but praise her while he leans back and watches himself creeping inside of her and he repositions between Toji's knees. As Toji begins to slowly thrust, Satoru can feel his girth through the thin internal wall of hers dividing them.


Satoru desperately wants to tell Toji to keep going since it feels so fucking good but he also knows the giant won't take kindly to that.

"You're so fucking full Love… look at you…stuffed."

Elska cries that resonate into Toji's neck stimulate him as he grabs her hips and begins thrusting himself but opposite of Toji's movements. He thinks Toji has picked up on what he was hesitant to mention a few seconds ago because the giant's voice now carries through the room. Toji even gains speed and seemingly disregards the rhythm Satoru set.

Gojo finds himself hunching over from the pleasure failing multiple attempts to remember to his own penetrating as well. His lips can only kiss Elska's back as he lazily pushes his hips into her.

'Feels wayyy better than I thought it could...'

Satoru's getting close and forces himself comes to terms that there's no way to really prolong his euphoria but then...

Satoru suddenly comes up with an amazing idea.

"Doll…holy shit…ahhhh…"

Toji's fighting back his release too since Elska's become a wet mess around him. He can feel Gojo through her but is trying not to focus on that but rather the pleasure he feels from being dunked up into her instead.

Her mouth is so close to his ear that he can hear every tiny noise that escapes her lips and it fuels Toji's need to drive into her repeatedly to add his own input into it. She begins to quiver above him, her body tensing up every so often. He thinks she's in pain so he slows down but Elska is quick to certify the truth.

"No Toji please…please…keep going…please."

This makes the giant's eyes roll into the back of his head upon the words registration. Toji moves a hand to rest on her head as if to cradle her in protection as they continue their actions. His view shifts up to Gojo who finally has shut the fuck up aside from pleasured sounds but Toji discerns that the shaman looks appears to be struggling to maintain composure. Toji's mentally staving off his release now, hoping that if Gojo goes first then they can be alone for his own.

Deeply sloshing through Elska reclaims his attention, focusing on her while he closes his eyes to risk adoring the sensations. A double edged sword at this point in time.

Toji feels her body being tugged away so he unfastens his eyes and watches Gojo pulling her back by her throat, holding her towards his chest as he aggressively pumps her from behind.

Elska's face twists, shelling Toji with the knowledge that she's not enjoying it because of the way the rest of her body contracts to get away.


Toji's ready to go tear Gojo apart.

The giant attempts lifting a leg to kick Satoru away from her but the angle is all wrong, he doesn't want to hurt Elska in the process.

Gojo acknowledges this by glaring down at Toji but hisses as he relentlessly takes Elska with hatred in his eyes.

"This is my fucking woman, Toji. It will do you well to remember that…"

Satoru's huffing through his teeth, whining pleasurably as he continues to ram Elska to prove that he can do whatever pleases.

"If I want to fuck her ass? I do it."

Before Toji is able to get up Gojo finally cries out as he seems to be inching to his end.

"If I want her to take a punishment? I make her."


Toji is trying to gain some control over the situation as he feels her body slipping up his chest from Gojo's administrations.

"Aww but just look at her Toji!"

"Gojo fucking STOP!"

"My little love is taking it so well."

Gojo's voice is throaty when he groans. Temptation surges through and prompts him to squeeze her neck while gasping from the warmth budding and threatening to spill out from him. He unhands Elska though and brings his wrist to her mouth as he's losing time before he becomes spent.

"Feed Love."

Satoru's tone is now much sweeter on this occurrence since he wants her to grant him the crippling sensation of her bite.

Elska's voice carries loudly as she grabs his wrist with both hands, moaning uncontrollably as she's still being run through by her knight.

She looks down at Toji as she feels her eyes may be glowing from the immediately brilliance of his own.

They seem to respond to each other in this way now.

Wishing to bring this all to a close soon, Elska puncture's Satoru's skin and immediately is sent into a frenzy of emotions that temporarily dulls everything around. The taste flowing past her lips is so dark, demented, bitter...delicious. She can't recall if his flavor has ever seemed this sinful before but doesn't want to bank on that without all of her memories.

She feels the men slowing down, probably in response to her body stiffening but they're still thrusting into her sloppily as she nearly wails from the overload of sensitivity from in this feeding state.

Toji adjusts underneath her and licks her chest but her eyes remain closed as Satoru picks up his speed again. He can't help but feel concern for Elska as the shaman is likely bruising her with the viced grip on her hip.

Elska feels her body being jerked around as Satoru's gets closer, plowing her as she drinks from him. She's feeling discomfort from his barrage but soon is overcome with this incredible, somewhat familiar ecstasy.

She feels a flood of power surge through her as the sensations all infuse together to birth a strange, controlled calm that washes over her and allows her focus to be only on the beloved turned beneath her. Denying the arousal created by Toji' furrowing brow while his daggers puncture the flesh of her breast is simply impossible. Her new turned doesn't feed but instead clamps his fangs down in an instinctive flurry of dominance.

Toji never thought biting was his thing but it would seem it is nowadays.

Once removing his fangs, Toji sets his glowing eyes to her as she feeds from Satoru. Gojo proceeds to tear into her from behind but Elska ends up spilling some of the shaman's blood. His doll prefers to savor every drop so this new indication ruffles Toji since its obvious that she's in pain.


The wicked shaman's essence drips down in between her breasts leaving some to land on Toji's abdomen. He's not excited by Gojo's blood at all but out of sheer inquisitiveness, Toji leans up to lick it off of her as Gojo viciously starts to ram into her again.

'Is he trying to hurt her?'

Toji gets a horrible taste from Gojo that he can't ignore. Satoru's blood is just so fucking venomously bitter that Toji thinks to rip his own tongue out. He wonders how Elska can drink that so often and not be sick.

Gojo's flavor has the same pungent qualities as poison.

Wanting to taste Elska instead, Toji brings his mouth over her nipple and suckles on it in between his labored breaths. His fangs slowly form as he finds the spot he wishes to bite before sinking them into the soft tissue of her breast. Elska tenses up immediately but Toji can taste that it's due to complete bliss.

Elska's flavor is tantalizing to him. It's Earthy, raw and medicinal; there's no other way he can describe it. He's swarmed with all of the same sensations as before with the feeding but due to the intense atmosphere, it strangely feels better.

Toji's unable to decipher most of the emotions but he's learning more and more with each meal. He really wants to ask Elska about this; they never seem to have the chance of discussion during the few feedings he's had since being turned.

Gojo is never far when they engage in that.

So all he has to go on is that she told him that they were likely able to taste people's mental composition; maybe even their souls.

He's still not entirely sure how to wrap his mind around that.

Toji doesn't know how long he's been motionless and resting inside of his doll but he's brought back to their current situation when Gojo moans whimpers chaotically behind her. The silver shaman's hips stutter into broken strokes until his movements cease all together. Panting heavily, Satoru shivers from being spent and releases Elska from his grasp so he can pull out out of her.

Toji feels Gojo's sperm leak out of her onto his legs and it takes every fiber in his being to not hurl out of his current revulsion for the demonized man. Once he sees Gojo walking into the bathroom, the giant brings his gaze back to Elska; softening his own for her.

Her expression, however, looks wild.

Elska's eyes are burning deep red as she glares at him from above. Unsure of what occurred to cause her change in demeanor, Toji wide eyes her as if to ask what he did wrong.

"Doll? If I hurt you...I'm so fucking sorry. That was a disaster..."

Elska inhales though with her eyes closed for an extended period of time until she's quickly opening the still glowing orbs back onto him. Freaked out, Toji's about to ask her if everything is alright until she practically growls.

"Fuck me, Toji."

He's taken back by Elska's emotionless, lowly tone having never heard that kind of domineering gesture from her before.

Thinking he's losing it, Toji's eyes squint as he entertains the fact that he's actually not sure if he recognizes her at all right now.

Elska's usually radiant eyes are devoid of emotion, her expression impassive aside from that glare. Swallowing down air and being confused as fuck, Toji starts rocking his hips into her but she unexpectedly wraps her hands around his throat and squeezes.

 "No my beloved..."

Toji heart races to that little name; he understands its origin and meaning as naturally as a burn would hurt a hand.

"Fuck your Master."

Toji launches off the couch with her in his arms and they fly onto the floor. He's holding her wrists with one hand and her waist with the other as they animalistically struggle with each other through their bouts of fevered passion. He heatedly dips his flesh down and strokes into her, recoating himself with her arousal as their intuitive moans reverberate throughout the room.

Elska's lustful glare has become an expression of overwhelming pleasure as she lies there feeling the zeal and dedication from her beloved turned.

Their glowing eyes meet and Toji is able to comprehend all of her desires by simply that. He clamps into her neck but not feed and she cries out, the sound filling him with complete bliss as he traps her underneath him and deeply caresses her within. She's panting YES in that same lowly voice over and over as his instincts drive him into madness above her.

He roars to her; the sound clearly affecting her as her eyes begin to roll but she closes them instead as her new deepened voice echoes in his ears.

"Master loves you… master loves you."

Toji feels himself nearing the edge again so lowers himself over her to give her what remaining thrusts he had left in him. Elska bends her neck upwards and sinks her fangs into him causing him to completely unravel by the bliss of her intrusion.

As he feels himself beginning to burst within her, pain shoots through his shoulders while his muscles rearrange. His wings rip through the air as he's emptying his contents to the draw of her suckling, slowly thrusting as he's milked.

Elska's eyes melt at the sight of his wings. She releases a final satisfied deep moan as she drinks, closing her eyes.

As he breathlessly hovers over her, Toji begins to notice her presence increasing dramatically. She shakily removes her fangs from him, quivering, and in her normal voice she precariously cries his name. Toji immediately knows that something is very wrong.

She's feels him release her wrists, can hear him calling her name. She can also perceive his beautiful massive dark grey feathers surrounding them but she can't respond to any of it.

Elska blacked out for a moment and when she came to, she was already feeding from Toji. His blood did something weird to her just like his attack from a few nights ago. She's not drank from him since he was human because of her relationship with Satoru but now she's wondering as to why.

There was always a piece of her, the Master, that would weep at the absence of Toji's powerful taste but she's wondering why she craved it again when it's done this in effect.

Elska closes her eyes for a moment and rests weightlessly and in complete darkness, drifting away…

Before an incredible amount of power shocks her heart prompting its beating which becomes the only thing she can audibly hear. When her eyes shoot open in response to the rush of adrenaline, a familiar pain creeps up her back as Toji's reaching his arms underneath her.


She discovers she can move again and tucks her knees to her chest to push Toji away. He falls backwards onto his wings as her own erupt out of her and splinter into the floor.

"Ok, what the fuck is going on out here?!"

Gojo runs out of the bathroom freshly showered to stumble upon feathers everywhere, but some of them are different. Toji's gathering himself from the floor but his love doesn't move.


Gojo sprints across the room and then kneels down to Elska asking if she alright but she's clearly shaken and disoriented. Toji rushes over and they try to pull her out of the floor but to no avail.

Her wings were 100% metal in composition but thicker and the tips of them resemble Toji's deep grey colored wings.

Elska's eyes that typical bore hues of red now show small dashes of green in them, like Toji's own natural eyes. When the metal feathers formed out of her back, they fractured deeply into the floor all around her making it impossible to move without releasing them.

It makes sense to her now though, she thinks she understands what just happened.


Her voice is small as she struggles to look at him. Once settled down enough, Elska able to release the wings and uncomfortably sits up amongst the cracked and mutilated floor, shifts her gaze between them.

"This is going to sound crazy but I think I'm supposed to feed from you, Toji."

She glances to Satoru who is eerily back to his sweetened self.

"I don't mean I can't from you too, Sati, I just…"

She pauses to consider how to describe what she now knows to be true.

"Toji's blood just…enhanced me? Does that make sense? I can feel the difference...it's like I was supposed to feed from to complete the ritual?"

The men in front of her look confused but accepting of it. The new appearance of her feathers and eyes say it all, although she wasn't yet aware of the dashes.

Toji is sitting on the floor with his twitching wings feathering the room behind him. He realizes something weird just happened and gathers that Elska definitely had some altering occurrence from within.

'So wha-who the hell was that?'

Toji was completely present for their heated occurrence just then but is understanding that she may not have been. He finds himself exhausted but roaming through his thoughts on what his instincts have to say on the matter while watching her be assisted by Gojo. 

Toji's gaze is brought overhead to his own wings, his expression becoming frustrated. 

"You have to imagine them disappearing and cut off the energy supplying them."

'Is that all?'

Toji grins and gives it a go.

Gojo hoists Elska up and places her in the middle of the bed before walking to the bathroom and return with a towel to caringly clean her up. Once finished, Satoru flings the dirty rag across the room and climbs over Elska. They're smiling to each other before he lays down to the left side of her and nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck.

Toji closes his eyes and tries to follow her advice since the beds looking inviting as Gojo oddly left room for him beside her.

'What is with that fucker?'

After a few more minutes, Toji mentally stumbles across the right means to release his wings and he feels the weight from them dissipate.

"HAH! I did it! Did you guys see tha-..."

Toji excitedly turns around and finds that they're both fast asleep.

Without much true disappointment, Toji walks to the other side of the bed and crawls in next to Elska. He positions his chin above her head as she seems to stir closer towards him. He smiles to himself as he wraps an arm around her chest and chuckles softly as he takes in the three of them, together.

Toji's extremely weary of Gojo now though as he doesn't understand what happened to certifiable fuck tonight. It makes Toji wonder with a heavy heart.

Does he treat Elska like that often?

He didn't like most of Gojo's aggressions but could tell there were times where Elska was somehow genuinely enjoying herself; though that doesn't bring him much comfort.

Thwarted by his own mind, Toji inhales deeply to soak in her aroma of sweat and pleasure. This is not likely to be something he's wanting to repeat with Gojo around but he knows himself and Elska have grown in means of each other and is the last thought had before falling to sleep himself.

Ok...well I hope you liked it.

This isn't the darkest chapter by far but it twas the first true installment that can represent the contrast of this story. It's deep and intricate but there's still a lot of violence...of many types. I use this all for symbolism and to help show the difference's in dynamic, also for character growth.

Here and now though I can finally say, "Welcome to Worlds Away" because things get rather gritty, passionate, dark, and complicated and it doesn't stop from this point on. There will be tons of smut but I hope you enjoy the plot as well!

Thank you again for reading. I will have the next chapter out in or right before a week passes! <3 I hope you return.

Sassoodacreators' thoughts